Profection Year Wheel Chart for age and profection year house themes

Profection Year: What is it, How to calculate yours, and through the houses & the signs

Last Updated: January 23, 2024

What is your profection year? This is a question that many people do not know the answer to. Your profection year is an astrological calculation that can tell you a lot about your life path for the year ahead. In this complete introductory guide to profection years, we will discuss what the profection year is and how to calculate it. We will also provide a chart for you to calculate your own reading.

Table of Contents

What is a Profection Year?

In laymen’s terms, a profection year is an astrological term used to determine the year’s influences based on your zodiac sign. It takes into account the position of the planets and how they affect different signs. In order to calculate your profection year, which isn’t the same as others like a tarot card of the year, you need to take into consideration the positions of all 12 zodiac signs as well as their rulership over different areas of life. This can be done manually or by using one of the many astrology software programs available online today. 

You’ll need your original date of birth, time of birth, and place of birth to create your birth chart for the most accurate reading. uses the Hellenistic method: this involves dividing the zodiac into twelve houses, and then advancing the starting point of the zodiac by one house each year, starting from your rising (aka ascendant) sign. This progression is thought to indicate the areas of a person’s life that will be most prominent in the coming year, and can be used to make predictions about the individual’s future. For example, if a person is entering their second house profection year at the age of 25, this may indicate that their finances and material possessions will be a major focus in the coming year. You can learn more about the themes themselves below.

Annual Profection Wheel

When you chart your profection year, you’ll find it residing within a needle chart, or pie chart. It should be split into 12 segments, starting with your ascendant sign within your first house. So while the themes listed below stay in the houses, the way you experience them will be based on the zodiac sign that transits that house, which you’ll be able to work out from your standard ascendant chart.

Each segment, starting from your first house ascendant, starts from the age of 0 (when you are born), moving into house two when you turn 1, but since most young children won’t have an in-depth knowledge of astrology I’ve started our hellenistic profection charts from the age of 12.


Profection Year Wheel Chart for age and profection year house themes

Knowing the ruling sign in which your profection is taking place will also reveal the planet that will be that sign’s “Time Lord” for the year, which I’ve popped into the theme descriptions below.

Knowing this is crucial since you’ll probably experience any astrological transits and aspects to or from this planet more intensely during the year.

An example of this is 2022 is my tenth year profection, with Saturn as the Time Lord and Capricorn the sign, I struggled to connect with my business and show up publicly in my business unlike other years, with Saturn being in retrograde (and at the time of writing this is currently shadow phase from the retrograde until late January 2023!). By being aware of this, I’ve ensured that I’m keeping grounded in the legacy work I’m building my business on, including policies, free resources, and managing time better for my offerings, so that I don’t burn out or feel too scattered.

The sign that rules your profection won’t return quickly; each profection year that is in each sign is once every twelve years. This means that by being aware of where your profection is and the planet ruling it, you can plan for things in your life a lot more efficiently.

discover your profection year

How to Calculate Your Profection Year For Your Age

Calculating your profection year is a fairly simple process for the Hellenistic method. You’ll need your exact date of birth, time of birth, place of birth to create your birth chart for the most accurate reading. This will tell you where you need to begin for your ascendant sign, also called your rising sign, which rules your first house on your birth chart. From there, you can chart each house to a sign ruler, and the ruler of your first house will be your profection year sign. 

Every year, you move one house counter-clockwise to determine the profection year which is coming up in the following calendar year. An example is… if you’re an Aries rising, then your third house protection year is likely to be in Gemini. If you’re a Capricorn rising, you’re likely to have a Cancer seventh house protection year. When you know the house you’re moving into, you can look to your own birth chart to show what your sign is for that house for additional themes to those listed below for you. 

I recommend using tools like or Astroseek for creating your birth chart. is my favourite, as you probably know by now!

Profection Year Chart Rulers?

The chart ruler is the ruling planet of your Ascendant for your natal chart and then as Time Lord in a specific profection year. Your Natal Chart Ruler never changes, and if you have a Profection Year where the Time Lord is your Natal Chart Ruler, those energies are amplified. Each year, as you move the focus to a different house, and the ruling planet of your new profected Ascendant becomes the key influencer for that year.

Traditional Chart Ruler examples per House:

  • 1st House: If your Ascendant is Aries, and you’re in a profection year where your focus is on the 1st house, Mars (the ruler of Aries) becomes the profection year chart ruler. This could emphasize themes related to your identity, self-expression, and personal goals.
  • 2nd House: If your Ascendant is Taurus, and it’s a 2nd house profection year, Venus (the ruler of Taurus) is the profection year chart ruler. This could bring attention to matters of finances, possessions, and personal values.
  • 3rd House: If your Ascendant is Gemini, and it’s a 3rd house profection year, Mercury (the ruler of Gemini) becomes the profection year chart ruler. Communication, short trips, and interactions with siblings might be highlighted.
  • 4th House: If your Ascendant is Cancer, and it’s a 4th house profection year, the Moon (associated with Cancer) is the profection year chart ruler. Home, family, and emotional security could take center stage.
  • 5th House: If your Ascendant is Leo, and it’s a 5th house profection year, the Sun (associated with Leo) is the profection year chart ruler. Creativity, romance, and personal expression may become more prominent.
  • 6th House: If your Ascendant is Virgo, and it’s a 6th house profection year, Mercury (ruler of Virgo) is the profection year chart ruler. Health, work, and daily routines could be emphasized.
  • 7th House: If your Ascendant is Libra, and it’s a 7th house profection year, Venus (ruler of Libra) becomes the profection year chart ruler. Relationships, partnerships, and collaborations might be highlighted.
  • 8th House: If your Ascendant is Scorpio, and it’s an 8th house profection year, Mars (co-ruler of Scorpio) is the profection year chart ruler. Matters related to shared resources, transformation, and intimacy could be significant. In modern astrology, Pluto is the new planetary ruler.
  • 9th House: If your Ascendant is Sagittarius, and it’s a 9th house profection year, Jupiter (associated with Sagittarius) is the profection year chart ruler. Travel, higher education, and philosophical pursuits might take precedence.
  • 10th House: If your Ascendant is Capricorn, and it’s a 10th house profection year, Saturn (ruler of Capricorn) becomes the profection year chart ruler. Career, public image, and ambitions could be central.
  • 11th House: If your Ascendant is Aquarius, and it’s an 11th house profection year, Saturn (co-ruler of Aquarius) is the profection year chart ruler. Friendships, group activities, and social connections may be highlighted. In modern astrology, Uranus is the new planetary ruler.
  • 12th House: If your Ascendant is Pisces, and it’s a 12th house profection year, Jupiter (co-ruler of Pisces) becomes the profection year chart ruler. Spiritual matters, solitude, and hidden aspects of life could come to the forefront. In modern astrology, Neptune is the new planetary ruler.

Profection Year Time Lord

Not only do we have the zodiac influences, we now got the planet personalities too, and I’m not talking about Doctor Who here either. Picture it as a celestial guide for the year, a planetary-archetype companion that takes center stage in the cosmic play of your life, orchestrating themes and energies during specific years.

What is a time lord though, really? Well, each year, as you dance through the chapters of your life, a different planet or point steps into the role of the Time Lord. It’s like a changing cast in the grand production of your existence. This cosmic lead, chosen based on your “profected age,” becomes the storyteller of the year, weaving its celestial influence through the tapestry of your experiences.

Consider this Time Lord as a benevolent mentor, whispering secrets of the universe and revealing the nuances of specific themes or areas in your life. It’s as though the cosmos has a personalized curriculum for you, with each year bringing forth a fresh lesson plan designed by the guiding hand of the Time Lord. It’s not always negative, and it’s not always positive, but life is such a variety it’s a pleasure to experience it all when we look back at it all retrospectively. It’s like having a wise yet caring friend giving us the heads up in terms of themes upcoming, offering insights and nudging you gently towards different aspects of your journey.

Think of it this way: if your life were a magnificent garden, the Time Lord is the gardener, tending to different areas each year, ensuring that every corner blossoms in its own time. Sometimes the focus is the blooms of love and relationships, other times the structuring of sturdy branches of career and ambitions, and perhaps even digging up the hidden, intricate roots of personal transformation.

This concept of Time Lords then invites you to see each passing year as an opportunity for growth and exploration, guided by the wisdom of the cosmos and surrounding archetypal themes. The Time Lord gently nudges you toward experiences that align with the overarching narrative of your life, providing a sort of celestial compass for your journey. They typically align with Chart Rulers energies if you wanted more clarification, and for each profected House below I have given the Time Lords to make it easier for you.

Time Lord Planets as examples (modern & traditional):

  • Mars: A year where sex and actions, movement, will be a prominent theme for you and your development.
  • Venus: A year where you’re exploring love, beauty and relationships in a multitude of forms is available to you.
  • Jupiter: This is the planet of growth, wealth, expansion and personal philosophy. During a Jupiter year learning will be heightened for you and there may be many opportunities that come your way to help foster this.
  • Saturn: The schoolmaster comes during this time period – structure, lessons, setting boundaries, limits and hard work are a focus.
  • Uranus: This is the planet of surprises, rebellion, revolutionary acts and breakthroughs. Be prepared for sudden changes in plans or unique opportunities to show up with this Time Lord present.
  • Neptune: You will experience more fluid times during this year – creativity increases leaps and bounds, daydreaming can be great for productivity or dissolving boundaries, but it’s also a time to be more skeptical as we can deceive ourselves easier than usual.
  • Pluto: A year of transformation, confrontation of fears and subconscious patterns, and releasing the old to make way for the new.

Each Time Lord then (as you can see) brings its own unique energy and themes to your profection year. By understanding this Time Lord concept and knowing your protection year house themes, together it gives you a strong indication of the types of influences you’ll encounter, including transits too.

Annual Profection Years A Complete Introductory Guide To Time Lords, Profection Year Themes,  Chart Ruler And The Houses at
Annual Profection Years A Complete Introductory Guide To Time Lords, Profection Year Themes, Chart Ruler And The Houses at

What is a First House Profection Year?

The first house rules: identity, first impressions, physical body and self-expression.

When calculating your profection year, you should look at the sign that rules your first house to determine what theme will be dominant for this particular year, which you’ll find as your Ascendant or Rising house in a Hellenistic method.

This may mean taking time to reflect on who you are and what you want out of life, and finding ways to express yourself and your unique personality. This could involve trying new activities or hobbies that allow you to express yourself creatively, or exploring new social or professional opportunities that allow you to assert your individuality. It may also mean taking time to focus on your physical health and wellbeing, and making sure that you are taking care of yourself in all areas of your life. Overall, the key is to be aware of your own needs and wants, and to take steps to prioritize your own happiness and fulfillment. 

Ages impacted: 12, 24, 36, 48, 60, 72, 84

House Time Lord: Mars, a planet of action and courage

What it means for each zodiacal signs

Each sign rules different themes. For each sign in relation to this specific house, you may find that these aspects are largely more of focus this year than in previous years (and always worth an additional health check up) and as well as this you find yourself to be expressing yourself in a way that is authentic and true to who you are:

  • Aries; Your physical health for your head and face, articulating confidence, working with anger and assertiveness.
  • Taurus; Your physical health for your neck and shoulders, your morals within your own identity, and your self-worth (outside of what you own or how much money you have).
  • Gemini; Your physical health for your throat, lungs and breathing, how you feel about yourself versus what others opinions on you are, and discovering who you are without others opinions.
  • Cancer; Your physical health for your midsection, how to nurture yourself and your self-esteem, and who you are when you don’t put others first.
  • Leo; Your physical health for your heart and upper back, how to prioritise your creativity, and who you are regarding sexuality and the arts.
  • Virgo; Your physical health for your abdomen and digestive system, your attitude towards study & self-development, and articulating new boundaries regarding providing services to others.
  • Libra; Your physical health for kidneys and lower back, and you may also work on building strong, harmonious relationships with others and being true to yourself in those relationships.
  • Scorpio; Your physical health for sexual organs and reproductivity, focus on finding your own values and what truly brings you joy and fulfillment, and being comfortable in your own skin – not trying to be someone you’re not.
  • Sagittarius; Your physical health for your thighs and legs, and looking into finding your own sense of purpose and meaning.
  • Capricorn; Your physical health for your bones and joints, as well as developing your own sense of success and ambition.
  • Aquarius; Your physical health for your shins and calves, you might focus on finding your own sense of community and connection to others, and how community and social causes shape you as an individual.
  • Pisces; Your physical health for your hands and feet, as well as your mental health and wellbeing, and you might focus on finding your own sense of spirituality and purpose.

What it means for different planet’s Time Lords/Rulers as an example

Each planetary aspect has a different topic or “flavour” that it likes to add to the profection year, and this is what it may look like for you.

  • Moon; ruling Cancer and Pisces, the Moon as your chart ruler this year would suggest cycles especially in feelings towards your identity could be prominent for you.
  • Sun; ruling Leo, you will find with the Sun as this year’s ruler for you that your energy radiates strongly from you, and you may go full force into energetic movement like contemporary dance for expression or artistic exercises like pole or aerial arts.
  • Mercury; ruling Gemini and Virgo, you may find yourself communicating what is true to you more than others as this year’s ruler for you.
  • Venus; ruling Taurus and Libra, as the profection ruler for your new personal year, Venus wants to bring beauty into your life in some way so make sure it’s beauty that delights you not just what society says is beautiful.
  • Mars; ruling Aries and influencing Scorpio, it’s your time to take action and focus on something you have passion for. Embodying healthy obsessions.
  • Jupiter; ruling Sagittarius and influencing Pisces, specifically is significant of growth, learning and expanding upon beliefs. It can also show what we tend to be overindulgent with or if there’s more wisdom required than our current understanding. As this year’s ruler for you, it may be time to dive deeper into your own beliefs and values.
  • Saturn; ruling Capricorn and influencing Aquarius, it’s time to be disciplined and practical, and not deviate from what you know is best for your own life. It may be time to focus on building a solid foundation for yourself.
  • Uranus; ruling Aquarius, Uranus as this year’s ruler for you suggests eccentricity or finding individuality in groups you associate with.
  • Neptune; ruling Pisces, Neptune as this year’s ruler for you may suggest spirituality or artistic expression is more prominent in your life this year. It can also indicate where confusion lies and chaos may emerge.
  • Pluto; ruling Scorpio, it could read that emotionally there’s still things to let go of that are holding us back from reaching our potential as an individual and within a group environment. You may find that the profection year will bring light to what these issues are and how you can best handle them.

What is a Second House Profection Year?

The second house rules: finances, values, security, income, assets, possessions, and material wellbeing.

When calculating your profection year, you should look at the sign that rules your second house to determine what theme will be dominant for this particular year, which follows on adjacent from your Ascendant house in an anti-clockwise direction.

This may mean taking time to reflect on your finances and material possessions and ensuring that they are in order and working towards long-term financial security or taking steps to create a more stable and secure financial foundation. Additionally, this could involve taking stock of your financial situation and considering any changes or adjustments you may need to make in order to better manage your money and achieve your financial goals. 

It may also mean considering your personal values and priorities, and making sure that your possessions and material wealth align with those values. This could involve making choices about what to spend money on, and what to save for, as well as thinking about how you can use your resources to create a more fulfilling and meaningful life for yourself. 

Overall, the key is to be mindful of how your material possessions and financial situation affect your overall wellbeing and happiness, and to make choices that align with your values and priorities.

Ages impacted: 13, 25, 37, 49, 61, 73, 85

House Time Lord: Venus

What it might mean in each zodiacal sign

Each sign rules different themes. For each sign in relation to this specific second house, you may find that these aspects are largely more of a focus this year than in previous years (and in a second house protection year always a recommended financial audit) for finding security in your life:

  • Aries; you might focus more on what you own and value, you might also think about what makes you happy and fulfilled, and use that to work on building a sense of stability and security in your life.
  • Taurus; you might look at the ways you bring money into your life to provide you
  • Gemini; you might focus more on your relationships with others and on building strong, meaningful connections. You might also work on finding a sense of security and stability in your personal life.
  • Cancer; you might focus more on your home and family life, and on creating a sense of security and stability within your home environment.
  • Leo; you might work on finding a sense of security and stability in your romantic and sexual life, and spend time re-evaluating the values and morals you were brought up on.
  • Virgo; you might focus more on your daily routine, your health, and your work life, and on creating a sense of balance and organization in these areas to build a deeper feeling of security.
  • Libra; on deepening strong, harmonious connections with others, to provide support to your life.
  • Scorpio; you might focus more on partner’s finances and material possessions, other people’s finances who impact yours and on building additional financial stability and security.
  • Sagittarius; you may work more on your higher education and on expanding your knowledge and understanding of the world providing you with a stronger moral foundation.
  • Capricorn; building on your career, your reputation, and your public image, and on building a successful and respected professional life may provide more security this year for you.
  • Aquarius; developing more on your friendships, your social connections, and your sense of community, and on building strong, supportive relationships with others.
  • Pisces; you may find more grounding in your own spirituality, your personal growth, and your connection to the larger world, and finding a sense of purpose and meaning in life brings more stability to you.

What is a Third House Profection Year?

The third house rules: communication, thoughts, mindset, siblings, local neighbourhood, and short-term travel.

When calculating your profection year, you should look at the sign that rules your third house to determine what theme will be dominant for this particular year, which follows on adjacent from your second house in an anti-clockwise direction.

Third house profection year could involve taking time to reflect on your thoughts and ideas, and considering how you can communicate them more effectively to others. It may also mean paying attention to the people and places around you, and finding ways to connect with your local community and make positive contributions to your neighborhood. 

This could involve joining community organizations, volunteering, or simply getting to know your neighbors and building relationships with them. Overall, the key is to be mindful of the ways in which your thoughts and words can impact the world around you, and to use them to create positive change in your local community. 

It may also mean paying attention to your interactions with your siblings, and finding ways to improve and strengthen those relationships. This could involve spending more time together, having open and honest conversations, or simply showing your siblings that you care about them and value their presence in your life. 

Ages impacted: 14, 26, 38, 50, 62, 74, 86

House Time Lord: Mercury

What it might mean for each zodiacal signs

  • Aries; a time to embrace your natural enthusiasm and curiosity. Your communication skills are shining bright, and your assertiveness can help you express your ideas with passion. Take on new challenges that stimulate your mind, and don’t be afraid to share your thoughts.
  • Taurus; a time to ground your communication with patience and practicality. Your ability to create a comfortable environment extends to your conversations. Explore the beauty of your local surroundings, and appreciate the simple pleasures of learning. Nurture connections with neighbors or siblings, and find joy in shared experiences.
  • Gemini; your time to shine, as the third house is your natural domain. Your curiosity knows no bounds, so dive into various subjects that pique your interest. Your communication skills are in high gear, making it a great year for networking, learning, and sharing ideas. Love your social nature, engage in meaningful conversations, and let your adaptable spirit lead you to new connections. Your natural versatility is your greatest asset!
  • Cancer; a time to let your nurturing qualities extend to your immediate surroundings; strengthen family bonds, reconnect with siblings, and create a cozy space for open conversations. Your intuitive nature enhances your understanding of those around you. Explore your local community with an open heart, and let your caring presence be a source of support. Your emotional intelligence enriches your connections and makes this year a time of meaningful interactions.
  • Leo; a time to infuse your natural charisma into your local environment. Your creative expression brightens conversations, making you a natural leader in your community. Shine a light on your talents, and don’t shy away from sharing your passions. Get loud with it. Engage in activities that bring joy, and let your enthusiasm inspire those around you. This may be a year where you see more of a magnetism to your personality.
  • Virgo; a time your attention to detail enhances your communication, making you a valuable resource for those around you. Don’t go hermit mode – dive into practical knowledge, share your expertise, and focus on refining your skills. Organize local events, and create a sense of order in your community. Your meticulous approach transforms everyday interactions into meaningful exchanges.
  • Libra; a time to strengthen partnerships, engage in collaborative projects, and appreciate the beauty in your immediate surroundings. Your ability to find common ground makes this a year for building bridges and promoting understanding. Let your social finesse create a network of support and friendship.
  • Scorpio; a time to explore the depths of communication and understanding. Your intuition runs deep, allowing you to uncover hidden truths in conversations. Dive into meaningful discussions, share your transformative insights, and forge connections based on authenticity. Be passionate without permission. This is a year of powerful connections and personal growth.
  • Sagittarius; a time to let your adventurous spirit guide your local interactions. Embrace a variety of perspectives, engage in open-minded conversations, and share your knowledge with enthusiasm. Your love for exploration can turn this year into a journey of discovery and personal growth.
  • Capricorn; a time to bring your practical and disciplined approach to local connections. Strengthen your ties with neighbors, siblings, and your immediate community. Lay the foundations for lasting connections and contribute to the stability of your local spaces.
  • Aquarius; a time to infuse your innovative and humanitarian spirit into local connections. Try to genuinely foster a sense of community that values diversity and progressive ideas. Engage in conversations that challenge the status quo, connect with like-minded individuals, and explore new ways of thinking. Your ability to see the bigger picture makes this a year for inspiring change and creating a more inclusive and dynamic local environment.
  • Pisces; a time to bring your compassionate and imaginative nature to your local surroundings. Connect with empathy, listen to the stories of those around you, and create a supportive atmosphere. Enjoy artistic pursuits, share your dreams, and let your intuitive understanding enhance your communication. Create a space where creativity and sensitivity are celebrated.

What is a Fourth House Profection Year?

The fourth house rules: ancestry, home, family, emotional security, traditions and a tight-knit community.

When calculating your profection year, you should look at the sign that rules your fourth house to determine what theme will be dominant for this particular year, which will be close to the IC or Imum Coeli on your birth chart.

This may be a time when you focus on creating a sense of security and stability within your home and family, or when you spend more time exploring your family history and cultural traditions. It could also be a time when you make changes to your home or living situation, such as moving to a new house or apartment, or renovating your current home. 

It’s important to be mindful of the impact these changes may have on your family and loved ones, and to consider their needs and feelings as you make decisions. It may also be a good time to focus on strengthening your relationships with your loved ones and building a sense of community within your home. 

Whether through shared activities, hosting gatherings, or simply spending more time together, close knit community could be an area you need to be mindful for this year.

Ages impacted: 15, 27, 39, 51, 63, 75, 87

House Time Lord: The Moon

What it might mean in each zodiacal signs

  • Aries as the fourth house profection year:
    Aries, in this year, nurture the foundations of your life. Connect with family, create a haven of comfort, and tap into your roots. Build a sense of emotional security, allowing your bold spirit to flourish within a supportive home environment.
  • Taurus as the fourth house profection year:
    Taurus, focus on creating a sanctuary of beauty and stability. Cultivate a sense of belonging, cherish family bonds, and infuse your space with the pleasures that bring you joy. This is your year to build a foundation that nurtures your soul.
  • Gemini as the fourth house profection year:
    Gemini, let your home be a reflection of your versatile mind. Embrace communication within your family, foster intellectual connections, and create a space that stimulates your curiosity. This year, your home becomes a dynamic hub for learning and sharing ideas.
  • Cancer as the fourth house profection year:
    Cancer, dive into the depths of your emotional well-being. Strengthen chosen family ties, create a safe haven, and allow your nurturing instincts to shine. This is your time to cultivate a sense of emotional security that radiates from the heart.
  • Leo as the fourth house profection year:
    Leo, turn your home into a stage for self-expression and creativity. Infuse your living space with warmth, invite loved ones to share in your joy, and let your charismatic energy create a haven for celebration. Your home becomes a canvas for your radiant spirit.
  • Virgo as the fourth house profection year:
    Virgo, focus on bringing order and practicality to your home life. Create a harmonious space, pay attention to details, and nurture your well-being. This year, your meticulous touch transforms your living environment into a place of tranquility and functionality.
  • Libra as the fourth house profection year:
    Libra, let harmony and balance reign in your home. Strengthen connections with family, infuse your space with beauty, and create a haven where love and aesthetics coexist. Your refined touch turns your home into a place of elegance and serenity.
  • Scorpio as the fourth house profection year:
    Scorpio, delve into the depths of your emotional foundation. Strengthen intimate connections, embrace transformation within your family, and create a space that reflects the intensity of your emotions. This is your year to build a fortress of trust and understanding.
  • Sagittarius as the fourth house profection year:
    Sagittarius, turn your home into a haven for exploration and growth. Infuse your space with optimism, invite intellectual discussions, and create a base for your adventurous spirit. Your home becomes a place of inspiration and a launching pad for your expansive pursuits.
  • Capricorn as the fourth house profection year:
    Capricorn, focus on building a solid and enduring foundation. Strengthen family ties, create a sense of tradition, and infuse your space with timeless values. This is your year to establish a legacy of stability and responsibility within your home.
  • Aquarius as the fourth house profection year:
    Aquarius, let your home reflect your unique vision and progressive ideals. Create a space for intellectual exchange, foster unconventional family bonds, and turn your living environment into a hub for innovation. This is your year to build a home that resonates with your futuristic spirit.
  • Pisces as the fourth house profection year:
    Pisces, turn your home into a sanctuary for creativity and compassion. Embrace your intuitive nature, strengthen emotional bonds with family, and create a space infused with artistic inspiration. Your home becomes a retreat for soulful connection and imaginative expression.
inner child profection year 5th house

What is a Fifth House Profection Year?

The fifth house rules: passion, romance, sensuality, pleasure, excitement, creativity, art, entertainment, fun, children, and inner child work.

When calculating your profection year, you should look at the sign that rules your fifth house to determine what theme will be dominant for this particular year, which will fall usually past the IC in a counter clockwise direction.

This may be a time when you focus on activities and pursuits that bring you joy and allow you to express yourself creatively, such as hobbies, art, music, or other forms of entertainment. It could also be a time when you pursue new creative projects or take risks in your personal or professional life. It’s important to remember to have fun and let go of your inhibitions, and to not take yourself too seriously.

This can be a time for self-discovery and personal growth, as you explore your passions and interests and find new ways to express yourself. It may be a good time to pay attention to your inner child and any unresolved emotional wounds or traumas that may be holding you back. This can be a time to focus on self-care and self-compassion, and to find healthy and positive ways to express and process your emotions. 

It’s important to allow yourself to have fun and engage in activities that bring you joy, as this can help to heal and nurture your inner child. It may also be helpful to seek the support of a mental health professional, such as a therapist, to work through any deeper emotional issues that may be affecting your well-being. It can be challenging to address these issues, but doing so can be an important step in your personal growth and development.

I’d be at fault here if I didn’t talk about exploring sexuality too – it’s important to pay attention to your sensual and sexual desires, to your relationships with others, whether they are romantic, casual, or somewhere in between. This may be a time when you focus on exploring and expressing your sexuality, or when you pursue new romantic or sexual relationships. 

It’s important to remember to be respectful and considerate of others’ boundaries and feelings, and to communicate openly and honestly about your needs and desires. It’s also a good time to pay attention to your own needs and boundaries, and to make sure that you are engaging in activities and relationships that are healthy and fulfilling for you. It’s important to be mindful of the risks associated with sexual activity and to take steps to protect yourself and your partners from sexually transmitted infections and unintended pregnancies.

Ages impacted: 16, 28, 40, 52, 64, 76, 88

House Time Lord: Sun

What it might mean in each zodiacal signs

  • Aries as the fifth house profection year:
    Embrace fiery spirit in artistic pursuits, take center stage in matters of the heart, and let joy be your guiding force. This is your time to express yourself with unbridled enthusiasm and create a vibrant tapestry of self-expression.
  • Taurus as the fifth house profection year:
    Cultivate romance, infuse your artistic endeavors with earthy beauty, and create a sanctuary of joy. This year invites you to express your sensuality in creative pursuits, fostering connections that resonate deeply with your heart’s desires.
  • Gemini as the fifth house profection year:
    Explore various forms of expression, engage in playful communication in matters of the heart, and celebrate the diversity of your ideas. This year encourages you to infuse your unique perspective into creative projects and joyous connections.
  • Cancer as the fifth house profection year:
    Cultivate a cozy atmosphere for love to blossom, infuse your home with artistic expression, and cherish the joy of familial connections. This year, your nurturing spirit shines in your creative pursuits, creating a haven of emotional richness.
  • Leo as the fifth house profection year:
    This is your year to take center stage in artistic ventures, embrace the thrill of romance, and infuse joy into every aspect of your life. Express your radiant spirit in a way that brings both personal fulfillment and shared delight.
  • Virgo as the fifth house profection year:
    This year invites you to bring precision to your artistic pursuits, infuse your relationships with practical love, and create an organized space for joy. Your attention to detail becomes a guiding light in expressing your creativity.
  • Libra as the fifth house profection year:
    Harmonize your artistic symphony. This year is about finding balance in your creative expressions, fostering meaningful connections in romance, and creating an environment of beauty and aesthetics. Let your diplomacy and grace shine in matters of the heart.
  • Scorpio as the fifth house profection year:
    Explore your passions fearlessly, embracing the transformative power of art and romance, and allowing your intensity to infuse your creative expressions. Connect deeply in matters of the heart, and let your mysterious allure add depth to your artistic pursuits.
  • Sagittarius as the fifth house profection year:
    This year is about exploring new horizons in artistic pursuits, embracing the adventure of romance, and infusing joy into every aspect of your life. Express your philosophical side through art, and let your free-spirited nature lead you to exciting creative opportunities.
  • Capricorn as the fifth house profection year:
    Build a legacy of joy. This year invites you to channel your disciplined nature into creative pursuits, fostering stability in your romantic relationships, and creating a sense of enduring accomplishment in your artistic endeavors.
  • Aquarius as the fifth house profection year:
    Aquarius vibes to innovate in your creative space. This year is about expressing your unique vision, embracing unconventional romance, and infusing your artistic pursuits with a touch of rebellion. Let your humanitarian spirit shine through your creativity, and celebrate the joy of originality in all aspects of your life.
  • Pisces as the fifth house profection year:
    Let your imagination flow like a gentle stream here. This year is about tapping into your intuitive and dreamy side, fostering a sense of magick in your romantic connections, and expressing your creativity through a lens of compassion. Create art that touches the soul, and let your empathetic nature guide your romantic journey.

What is a Sixth House Profection Year?

The sixth house rules: charity, helping others, service, chores, daily work life, daily health, diet, lifestyle, skills and routine.

This could include things like maintaining a regular daily routine, taking care of your health and wellbeing, and being mindful of how your actions and behaviors impact those around you. You may also want to focus on developing good work habits and being efficient and productive in your daily tasks. Some less-generalized specific things you might want to consider include:

  • Establishing and maintaining a consistent daily routine
  • Prioritizing self-care and maintaining good physical and mental health
  • Being punctual and reliable in your work and other commitments
  • Seeking opportunities to be of service to others
  • Being organized and efficient in your daily tasks and responsibilities
  • Seeking out ways to improve your skills and knowledge in your field of work
  • Paying attention to your work environment and making changes as needed to support your well-being and productivity.

It’s important to keep in mind that these are just general suggestions, and what will be most helpful for you will depend on your individual circumstances and needs. Additionally it could include things like volunteering your time, donating to charitable causes, or simply being more mindful of how you can help others in your daily life.

Ages impacted: 17, 29, 41, 53, 65, 77, 89.

House Time Lord: Mercury

What it might mean in each zodiacal signs

  • Aries as the sixth house profection year:
    This year is about cultivating a strong sense of vitality, new fitness routines, and finding joy in your daily work. Your assertiveness becomes a driving force for positive change in your health and daily habits.
  • Taurus as the sixth house profection year:
    This year invites you to create a harmonious routine, infuse joy into your work environment, and find satisfaction in the small, meaningful tasks. Your steady determination transforms your daily life into a source of comfort and stability.
  • Gemini as the sixth house profection year:
    This year is about exploring different health practices, finding joy in mental stimulation at work, and fostering connections in your daily environment. Your adaptability becomes a valuable asset in creating a dynamic and fulfilling daily routine.
  • Cancer as the sixth house profection year:
    This year is about creating a homey work environment, finding emotional satisfaction in your daily routine, and prioritizing self-care. Your intuitive nature enhances your ability to create a workspace that feels like a safe haven.
  • Leo as the sixth house profection year:
    This year is about infusing joy into your work, embracing creative outlets, and finding satisfaction in self-expression. Your leadership qualities inspire positive changes in your health and work life.
  • Virgo as the sixth house profection year:
    This year invites you to focus on health routines, find joy in service-oriented work, and create an organized daily life. Your meticulous approach transforms your daily habits into a source of efficiency and well-being.
  • Libra as the sixth house profection year:
    This year is about creating harmony in your work environment, finding joy in social connections at work, and prioritizing a sense of equilibrium in your daily routine. Your diplomatic nature fosters positive relationships in your workplace.
  • Scorpio as the sixth house profection year:
    This year invites you to delve into the depths of your health, find joy in investigative work, and allow personal growth to shape your daily routine. Your intensity becomes a driving force for positive change in your health and work habits.
  • Sagittarius as the sixth house profection year:
    This year is about exploring new health practices, finding joy in work that aligns with your values, and infusing a sense of exploration into your daily routine. Your optimism becomes a source of inspiration for positive changes.
  • Capricorn as the sixth house profection year:
    This year is about finding joy in disciplined routines, taking a structured approach to work, and prioritizing your health as an investment in your long-term goals. Your determination leads to enduring positive changes.
  • Aquarius as the sixth house profection year:
    This year is about exploring unconventional health practices, finding joy in progressive work environments, and embracing your unique approach to daily routines. Your visionary spirit inspires positive changes in your health and work life.
  • Pisces as the sixth house profection year:
    This year is about embracing self-care practices, finding joy in compassionate work, and allowing your creativity to shape your daily routine. Your empathetic approach fosters a sense of fulfillment in your health and work habits.

What is a Seventh House Profection Year?

The seventh house rules: relationships, marriage, one on one interactions, agreements, co-operation, balance, harmony, fairness, justice, legal matters and business.

Your seventh house can be found along near the DESC or Descendant line on your chart.

Important specific areas you might consider during this time include focusing on communication and understanding in your relationships, and working to build strong, healthy connections with others. It may be about evaluating the quality and nature of your relationships, and considering whether they are supportive and fulfilling. You may see themes of seeking out opportunities to build new relationships and connections with others or reflecting on the balance of give and take in your relationships, and working to create a sense of harmony and mutual respect.

Things you may consider include the role that commitment plays in your relationships, and deciding whether you are ready to take on new commitments or whether you need to redefine existing ones and additionally being open to seeking out support and guidance as needed to navigate any challenges or changes in your relationships. (It’s important to keep in mind that these are just general suggestions, and what will be most helpful for you will depend on your individual circumstances and needs.)

Non-relationship-specific things you might consider include seeking out legal advice or representation as needed to address any legal issues that may arise and seeking to establish a sense of justice and fairness in your relationships and interactions with others. You may find yourself being mindful of the ways in which your actions and behaviors may impact others, and striving to act in a way that is fair and just, or seeking to resolve conflicts and disputes in a constructive and peaceful manner. 

Being open to new perspectives and seeking to understand the viewpoints of others can be a wonderful thing and entirely lovely so it will be a year of growth personally and socially for yourself.

Ages impacted: 18, 30, 42, 54, 66, 78, 90.

House Time Lord: Venus

What it might mean in each zodiacal signs

  • Aries as the seventh house profection year:
    For Aries, embrace the dance of partnerships. This year is about finding balance in your relationships, asserting your needs with diplomacy, and celebrating the joy of shared experiences. Your courage becomes a beacon for positive changes in your approach to partnerships.
  • Taurus as the seventh house profection year:
    For Taurus, cultivate harmony in your partnerships. This year invites you to create stability in your relationships, find joy in shared values, and express your love through practical gestures. Your steadfastness becomes a foundation for enduring and fulfilling connections.
  • Gemini as the seventh house profection year:
    For Gemini, let communication be the heartbeat of your partnerships. This year is about fostering intellectual connections, finding joy in shared ideas, and embracing the diversity of your relationships. Your adaptability becomes a source of harmony in your interactions.
  • Cancer as the seventh house profection year:
    For Cancer, nurture the emotional bonds in your partnerships. This year invites you to create a sense of security in relationships, find joy in shared memories, and express your love through nurturing gestures. Your intuitive nature fosters a deep connection with those you hold dear.
  • Leo as the seventh house profection year:
    For Leo, let your radiant energy shine in your partnerships. This year is about expressing your creativity within relationships, finding joy in shared adventures, and celebrating the unique qualities of those around you. Your leadership qualities become a source of inspiration in partnerships.
  • Virgo as the seventh house profection year:
    For Virgo, refine your approach to partnerships with attention to detail. This year is about creating order and practicality in your relationships, finding joy in shared goals, and expressing your love through thoughtful gestures. Your meticulous nature enhances the harmony in your partnerships.
  • Libra as the seventh house profection year:
    For Libra, bring balance and beauty to your partnerships. This year invites you to create harmony in relationships, find joy in shared aesthetics, and express your love through diplomatic gestures. Your sense of fairness becomes a guiding force in fostering equilibrium in partnerships.
  • Scorpio as the seventh house profection year:
    For Scorpio, embrace the depth and transformation in your partnerships. This year is about exploring the intensity of connections, finding joy in shared passions, and expressing your love through profound gestures. Your ability to navigate emotional waters fosters enduring and transformative relationships.
  • Sagittarius as the seventh house profection year:
    For Sagittarius, let your adventurous spirit guide your partnerships. This year is about exploring new horizons with your partner, finding joy in shared philosophies, and expressing your love through expansive gestures. Your optimism becomes a source of inspiration in your relationships.
  • Capricorn as the seventh house profection year:
    For Capricorn, build a solid foundation in your partnerships. This year is about creating enduring connections, finding joy in shared responsibilities, and expressing your love through committed gestures. Your determination becomes a cornerstone for lasting and fulfilling relationships.
  • Aquarius as the seventh house profection year:
    For Aquarius, infuse innovation into your partnerships. This year is about exploring unconventional connections, finding joy in shared visions, and expressing your love through unique gestures. Your visionary spirit becomes a source of inspiration in your relationships.
  • Pisces as the seventh house profection year:
    For Pisces, let your compassionate nature guide your partnerships. This year is about creating emotional connections, finding joy in shared dreams, and expressing your love through empathetic gestures. Your ability to tune into the feelings of others fosters a deep and soulful connection in relationships.

What is an Eighth House Profection Year?

The eight house rules: psychology, death, endings, transformation, sex, privacy, taxes, money, financial investments, deep connections and healing.

The eighth house is associated with how others work internally and collectively as individuals, and you may find that you are more introspective and interested in exploring your inner thoughts and feelings during this time. This could be a good time to focus on personal growth and self-improvement. You may also want to pay attention to issues related to death, endings, and letting go of what is no longer serving you.

The eighth house is also associated with sex, so you may want to consider the role that intimacy and sexuality play in your life and relationships. Finally, this could be a good time to focus on deep connections with others and seeking out opportunities for healing and growth in your relationships. This could be a good year to review your financial situation and consider ways to manage your resources more effectively. 

You may want to consider your privacy and the role that it plays in your life, and think about what steps you can take to protect it. This could include things like reviewing your online privacy settings, being mindful of what personal information you share, and taking steps to secure your financial accounts. 

Finally, you may want to pay attention to any tax or financial obligations you have, and make sure that you are meeting them in a timely and responsible manner.

Ages impacted: 19, 31, 43, 55, 67, 79, 91

House Time Lord: Mars

What it might mean in each zodiacal signs

  • Aries as the eighth house profection year:
    For Aries, embrace the transformative power within. This year is about facing fears, cultivating emotional depth, and strengthening intimate bonds. Your courage becomes a catalyst for profound personal growth and a deeper connection to shared resources.
  • Taurus as the eighth house profection year:
    For Taurus, cultivate stability amidst transformation. This year invites you to reevaluate shared resources, deepen emotional connections, and find strength in vulnerability. Your steadfast nature becomes a grounding force in navigating the complexities of joint ventures.
  • Gemini as the eighth house profection year:
    For Gemini, let communication be a bridge to intimacy. This year is about exploring the depth of shared ideas, fostering open conversations about transformation, and embracing vulnerability in relationships. Your adaptability becomes a tool for building trust and connection.
  • Cancer as the eighth house profection year:
    For Cancer, nurture the emotional bonds in shared resources. This year is about deepening connections with others, exploring the transformative power of emotions, and finding strength in vulnerability. Your intuitive nature becomes a guiding light in navigating the complexities of joint ventures.
  • Leo as the eighth house profection year:
    For Leo, let your radiant energy shine in transformative experiences. This year is about expressing your creativity in shared endeavors, embracing the depth of intimate connections, and finding joy in the power of personal transformation. Your leadership qualities inspire positive changes in joint ventures.
  • Virgo as the eighth house profection year:
    For Virgo, refine your approach to shared resources. This year invites you to bring order and practicality to joint ventures, explore the transformative potential of organization, and find strength in vulnerability. Your meticulous nature enhances the harmony in shared financial matters.
  • Libra as the eighth house profection year:
    For Libra, bring balance to your shared connections. This year is about creating harmony in intimate relationships, exploring the transformative power of partnerships, and finding strength in vulnerability. Your sense of fairness becomes a guiding force in fostering equilibrium in joint ventures.
  • Scorpio as the eighth house profection year:
    For Scorpio, embrace the depth and transformation in shared resources. This year is about delving into the mysteries of joint ventures, fostering profound emotional connections, and finding strength in vulnerability. Your ability to navigate emotional waters fosters enduring and transformative relationships.
  • Sagittarius as the eighth house profection year:
    For Sagittarius, let your adventurous spirit guide shared experiences. This year is about exploring new horizons in joint ventures, embracing the adventure of intimate connections, and finding joy in the transformative power of shared experiences. Your optimism becomes a source of inspiration in shared endeavors.
  • Capricorn as the eighth house profection year:
    For Capricorn, build enduring foundations in shared resources. This year is about creating stability in joint ventures, exploring the transformative potential of commitment, and finding strength in vulnerability. Your determination becomes a cornerstone for lasting and fulfilling shared endeavours.
  • Aquarius as the eighth house profection year:
    For Aquarius, infuse innovation into shared connections. This year is about exploring unconventional joint ventures, fostering unique and transformative partnerships, and finding joy in the power of shared visions. Your visionary spirit becomes a source of inspiration in shared endeavors.
  • Pisces as the eighth house profection year:
    For Pisces, let your compassionate nature guide shared experiences. This year is about creating emotional connections in joint ventures, exploring the transformative power of empathy, and finding strength in vulnerability. Your ability to tune into the feelings of others fosters deep and soulful shared endeavors.
profection year 9th house exploration

What is an Ninth House Profection Year?

The ninth house rules: philosophy, publishing, wisdom, teaching, education, freedom, travel, open-mindedness, culture.

This could be a good year to consider your beliefs and values, and think about how they shape your perspective on the world. You may also want to consider publishing your ideas or sharing your knowledge with others, either through writing, teaching, or other means. More so, you may want to pay attention to opportunities for learning and growth, and seek out experiences that challenge you to think more deeply and broaden your horizons. 

Consider your personal freedoms and think about ways to expand your horizons and experience new things. You may also want to pay attention to opportunities for travel, either physically or through exploring different cultures and ways of life.

This could be a good time to be open to new ideas and perspectives, and to be more receptive to learning from others. Finally, you may want to seek out opportunities to learn more about different cultures and ways of life, and to broaden your understanding of the world.

Ages impacted: 20, 32, 44, 56, 68, 80, 92.

Traditional House Time Lord: Jupiter

What it might mean in each zodiacal signs

  • Aries as the ninth house profection year:
    This year is about expanding your horizons, embracing new perspectives, and seeking knowledge that fuels your passions. A courageous spirit becomes a guiding light in your journey of personal and intellectual exploration.
  • Taurus as the ninth house profection year:
    This year invites you to explore your beliefs, embrace new values, and find joy in the journey of personal growth. A steadfast nature becomes a grounding force as you navigate the realms of higher knowledge.
  • Gemini as the ninth house profection year:
    This year is about expanding your intellectual pursuits, exploring diverse cultures, and finding joy in the exchange of ideas. An adaptability becomes a key asset in navigating the exciting realms of higher learning.
  • Cancer as the ninth house profection year:
    This year is about exploring the emotional depths of your spiritual journey, embracing a sense of home in your quest for knowledge, and finding joy in connecting with your inner wisdom. An intuitive nature becomes a guiding force in your pursuit of higher understanding.
  • Leo as the ninth house profection year:
    This year is about expressing your creativity in the pursuit of knowledge, embracing the joy of self-expression in your beliefs, and finding fulfillment in sharing your insights with others. Use leadership qualities to inspire positive changes in your intellectual endeavours.
  • Virgo as the ninth house profection year:
    This year is about creating order and practicality in your quest for knowledge, exploring the transformative potential of your beliefs, and finding joy in the journey of expanding your horizons. A meticulous nature enhances the efficiency of your intellectual pursuits.
  • Libra as the ninth house profection year:
    This year is about creating harmony in your exploration of diverse perspectives, embracing the joy of cultural exchanges, and finding fulfillment in your intellectual partnerships. A sense of fairness becomes a guiding force in fostering equilibrium in your pursuits.
  • Scorpio as the ninth house profection year:
    This year is about exploring the mysteries of your spiritual journey, embracing transformation in your quest for knowledge, and finding joy in the profound truths you uncover. An ability to navigate emotional waters fosters enduring and transformative growth.
  • Sagittarius as the ninth house profection year:
    This year is about exploring new horizons, embracing the adventure of intellectual pursuits, and finding joy in the transformative power of knowledge. Any optimism becomes a source of inspiration in your pursuit of higher understanding.
  • Capricorn as the ninth house profection year:
    This year is about creating stability in your intellectual pursuits, embracing the transformative potential of your beliefs, and finding joy in the journey of expanding your horizons. And determination becomes a cornerstone for lasting and fulfilling personal growth.
  • Aquarius as the ninth house profection year:
    This year is about exploring unconventional ideas, fostering unique and transformative perspectives, and finding joy in the power of shared visions. A visionary spirit becomes a source of inspiration in your intellectual pursuits.
  • Pisces as the ninth house profection year:
    This year is about exploring the emotional depths of your spiritual journey, embracing empathy in your quest for knowledge, and finding joy in connecting with the profound truths that resonate with your soul. An ability to tune into the feelings of others fosters deep and soulful personal growth.

What is a Tenth House Profection Year?

The tenth house rules: achievements, accomplishments, public image, legacy, generational work, commitments, life’s work, career, authority, expertise, responsibility, mastery.

You can find your tenth house by your MC or Medium Coeli on your birth natal chart at the top, like an eleven o’clock on a clockface.

This could be a good time to consider your long-term goals and think about what you want to achieve in your career and personal life. You may also want to pay attention to your public image and the legacy you want to leave behind, and think about what you can do to make a positive impact in the world. 

This could be a good time to focus on developing your expertise and mastery in your field, and to take on new challenges and responsibilities as they arise. Finally, you may want to pay attention to any commitments you have made and work to fulfill them in a responsible and reliable manner.

Ages impacted: 21, 33, 45, 57, 69, 81

Traditional House Time Lord: Saturn

What it might mean in each zodiacal signs

  • Aries as the tenth house profection year:
    Aries, step into the spotlight of your ambitions. This year is about asserting your identity in the professional arena, embracing challenges as opportunities for growth, and fueling your career with the fire of your passion. Boldness becomes a beacon for success in your public life.
  • Taurus as the tenth house profection year:
    Taurus, cultivate stability on your career path. This year invites you to build enduring foundations, find joy in your professional pursuits, and express your values in the public sphere. Steadfast nature becomes a grounding force for success in your professional endeavors.
  • Gemini as the tenth house profection year:
    Gemini, let your versatility shine in your career. This year is about exploring diverse opportunities, expressing your ideas in the professional realm, and finding joy in the dynamic nature of your ambitions. Adaptability becomes a key asset in navigating the complexities of your career path.
  • Cancer as the tenth house profection year:
    Cancer, nurture your ambitions with emotional intelligence. This year is about finding fulfillment in your professional pursuits, creating a sense of home in your career, and expressing your caring nature in the public sphere. An intuitive approach becomes a guiding light in your path to success.
  • Leo as the tenth house profection year:
    Leo, let your radiant energy illuminate your career path. This year is about expressing your creativity in your professional endeavours, embracing leadership roles, and finding joy in the spotlight of your ambitions. Charisma becomes a source of inspiration and success in your public life.
  • Virgo as the tenth house profection year:
    Virgo, refine your approach to success. This year is about bringing order and practicality to your career, finding joy in meticulous work, and expressing your skills in the professional arena. Attention to detail enhances your effectiveness and paves the way for success.
  • Libra as the tenth house profection year:
    Libra, bring balance to your professional pursuits. This year is about creating harmony in your career, finding joy in collaborative efforts, and expressing your sense of fairness in the public sphere. A diplomatic nature becomes a guiding force for success in your public life.
  • Scorpio as the tenth house profection year:
    Scorpio, embrace the transformative power in your career. This year is about delving into the depths of your ambitions, finding joy in profound transformations, and expressing your intensity in the professional arena. An ability to navigate emotional waters becomes a catalyst for success.
  • Sagittarius as the tenth house profection year:
    Sagittarius, let your adventurous spirit guide your career path. This year is about exploring new horizons in your professional pursuits, embracing the adventure of your ambitions, and finding joy in the transformative power of success. Optimism becomes a source of inspiration in your public life.
  • Capricorn as the tenth house profection year:
    Capricorn, build enduring foundations for success. This year is about creating stability in your career, finding joy in disciplined pursuits, and expressing your determination in the professional arena. Commitment becomes a cornerstone for lasting and fulfilling accomplishments.
  • Aquarius as the tenth house profection year:
    Aquarius, infuse innovation into your career path. This year is about exploring unconventional ideas, fostering unique perspectives in your professional pursuits, and finding joy in the power of originality. A visionary spirit becomes a source of inspiration for success in the public sphere.
  • Pisces as the tenth house profection year:
    Pisces, let your compassionate nature guide your professional endeavors. This year is about finding fulfillment in your career by embracing empathy, creating a sense of magic in your professional pursuits, and expressing your creativity in the public sphere. An ability to tune into the feelings of others becomes a source of success.

What is a Eleventh House Profection Year?

The eleventh house rules: the environment, social causes, your community, your friendships, your ideals, your visions, aspirations, charities, organisations.

You can find your eleventh house position near your MC or Medium Coeli on your chart.

This could manifest in a variety of ways, such as joining a community group or club, becoming more active in a charity or nonprofit organization, such as volunteering to help event plan for the charity or nonprofit organization, advocating for a social cause, or supporting a cause financially. 

It can mean becoming more involved in environmental causes or social justice issues, or working towards personal goals and aspirations that align with your values and ideals alongside environmental or charitable organisations. The eleventh house is also associated with hopes, wishes, and goals, so during this time you may be more focused on achieving your aspirations within these social groups. 

The eleventh house being also associated with larger social groups, or strengthening existing friendships, during this year you may be more inclined to connect with others who share your values and work towards common goals.

Ages impacted: 22, 34, 46, 58, 70, 82, 94

Traditional House Time Lord: Saturn

What it might mean in each zodiacal signs

  • Aries as the eleventh house profection year:
    For Aries, let your dynamic energy shine in your social circles. This year is about embracing leadership in group endeavors, fostering friendships that align with your ambitions, and finding joy in collaborative ventures. Your courage becomes a guiding force for success in your community.
  • Taurus as the eleventh house profection year:
    For Taurus, cultivate enduring connections in your social sphere. This year invites you to create stability in friendships, find joy in shared values within your community, and express your steadfast nature in group pursuits. Your loyalty becomes a grounding force in your social circles.
  • Gemini as the eleventh house profection year:
    For Gemini, let your versatility shine in your friendships. This year is about exploring diverse social circles, expressing your ideas within the community, and finding joy in the dynamic nature of your aspirations. Your adaptability becomes a key asset in navigating the complexities of group dynamics.
  • Cancer as the eleventh house profection year:
    For Cancer, nurture the bonds within your social circles. This year is about finding fulfillment in group endeavours, creating a sense of home in your community, and expressing your caring nature in collaborative ventures. Your intuitive approach becomes a guiding light in your pursuit of shared aspirations.
  • Leo as the eleventh house profection year:
    For Leo, let your radiant energy illuminate your community. This year is about expressing your creativity in group pursuits, embracing leadership roles within your social circles, and finding joy in the spotlight of your aspirations. Your charisma becomes a source of inspiration and success in your community.
  • Virgo as the eleventh house profection year:
    For Virgo, refine your approach to group dynamics. This year is about bringing order and practicality to your social circles, finding joy in meticulous work within your community, and expressing your skills in collaborative ventures. Your attention to detail enhances your effectiveness in group endeavors.
  • Libra as the eleventh house profection year:
    For Libra, bring balance to your friendships and aspirations. This year is about creating harmony in your social circles, finding joy in collaborative efforts, and expressing your sense of fairness in group pursuits. Your diplomatic nature becomes a guiding force for success in your community.
  • Scorpio as the eleventh house profection year:
    For Scorpio, embrace the transformative power in your social connections. This year is about delving into the depths of group dynamics, fostering profound connections within your community, and finding joy in the transformative power of shared aspirations. Your ability to navigate emotional waters becomes a catalyst for success.
  • Sagittarius as the eleventh house profection year:
    For Sagittarius, let your adventurous spirit guide your social circles. This year is about exploring new horizons in group endeavours, embracing the adventure of your aspirations, and finding joy in the transformative power of shared experiences. Your optimism becomes a source of inspiration in your community.
  • Capricorn as the eleventh house profection year:
    For Capricorn, build enduring foundations in your social connections. This year is about creating stability in friendships, finding joy in disciplined pursuits within your community, and expressing your determination in group endeavours. Your commitment becomes a cornerstone for lasting and fulfilling achievements.
  • Aquarius as the eleventh house profection year:
    For Aquarius, infuse innovation into your social circles. This year is about exploring unconventional ideas, fostering unique perspectives in group pursuits, and finding joy in the power of originality. Your visionary spirit becomes a source of inspiration for success in your community.
  • Pisces as the eleventh house profection year:
    For Pisces, let your compassionate nature guide your aspirations. This year is about finding fulfillment in group endeavours by embracing empathy, creating a sense of magic within your social circles, and expressing your creativity in collaborative ventures. Your ability to tune into the feelings of others becomes a source of success.
happier and mindful twelfth house profection year

What is a Twelfth House Profection Year?

The twelfth house rules: spirituality, intuition, psychic ability, faith, empathy, compassion, meditation, mindfulness, inner peace, dreams, unresolved issues, trauma, addictions, mental health.

During this time, you may feel a stronger connection to your spiritual or inner self and may be more open to exploring practices like meditation and mindfulness. You may also be more attuned to your intuitive or psychic abilities and may be more in touch with your emotional side, leading to a greater sense of empathy and compassion towards others. 

You may pay special attention to your inner world and listen to your inner voice during this time, as it may be providing valuable guidance and insights. You may also want to consider incorporating practices that promote inner peace and spiritual growth into your routine, such as meditation or prayer.

The twelfth house is associated with these concepts, as well as with dreams, unconscious patterns, and hidden motivations. During this time, you might experience an increase in your dreams or may find that your dreams are more vivid or meaningful. You may also be more likely to encounter unresolved issues or traumas that surface in your consciousness, potentially leading to a need to address and heal these issues. 

It is always important for any individual to pay attention to their emotional state and any signs of distress, as this may be an opportunity to address and resolve any underlying issues that may be impacting their mental health. You may also want to consider seeking support from a mental health professional if needed.

Additionally, the twelfth house is associated with addictions, so keep an eye on what may be potentially harmful habits or behaviors and consider seeking help if necessary.

Ages impacted: 23, 35, 47, 59, 71, 83, 95

Traditional House Time Lord: Jupiter

What it might mean in each zodiacal signs

  • Aries as the twelfth house profection year:
    This year is about exploring the depths of your inner world, embracing solitude as a source of strength, and finding joy in the transformative power of introspection. Your courage becomes a guiding light in your path to spiritual growth.
  • Taurus as the twelfth house profection year:
    This year invites you to explore the hidden realms of your psyche, find joy in the serenity of solitude, and express your steadfast nature in the pursuit of spiritual harmony. Your loyalty becomes a grounding force in your journey of self-discovery.
  • Gemini as the twelfth house profection year:
    This year is about delving into the mysteries of your subconscious, finding joy in the power of introspective conversations, and expressing your adaptability in the pursuit of spiritual growth. Your versatile nature becomes a key asset in navigating the complexities of inner exploration.
  • Cancer as the twelfth house profection year:
    This year is about finding fulfillment in the realm of inner emotions, creating a sense of home within yourself, and expressing your caring nature in the pursuit of spiritual harmony. Your intuitive approach becomes a guiding light in your journey of self-discovery.
  • Leo as the twelfth house profection year:
    This year is about expressing your creativity in the realm of introspection, embracing the spotlight within your inner world, and finding joy in the transformative power of self-expression. Your charisma becomes a source of inspiration in your spiritual journey.
  • Virgo as the twelfth house profection year:
    This year invites you to bring order and practicality to your introspective endeavors, find joy in meticulous self-reflection, and express your skills in the pursuit of spiritual growth. Your attention to detail enhances the efficiency of your inner exploration.
  • Libra as the twelfth house profection year:
    This year is about creating harmony in the realm of self-discovery, finding joy in introspective partnerships, and expressing your sense of fairness in the pursuit of spiritual harmony. Your diplomatic nature becomes a guiding force for balance in your inner journey.
  • Scorpio as the twelfth house profection year:
    This year is about delving into the depths of your subconscious, fostering profound emotional connections with yourself, and finding joy in the transformative power of inner exploration. Your ability to navigate emotional waters becomes a catalyst for deep spiritual growth.
  • Sagittarius as the twelfth house profection year:
    This year is about exploring new horizons within yourself, embracing the adventure of self-discovery, and finding joy in the transformative power of spiritual exploration. Your optimism becomes a source of inspiration in your inner journey.
  • Capricorn as the twelfth house profection year:
    This year is about creating stability in the realm of self-discovery, finding joy in disciplined introspection, and expressing your determination in the pursuit of spiritual growth. Your commitment becomes a cornerstone for lasting and fulfilling inner exploration.
  • Aquarius as the twelfth house profection year:
    This year is about exploring unconventional ideas within yourself, fostering unique perspectives in the realm of self-discovery, and finding joy in the power of originality. Your visionary spirit becomes a source of inspiration for spiritual growth.
  • Pisces as the twelfth house profection year:
    This year is about finding fulfillment in the realm of inner emotions, creating a sense of magic within yourself, and expressing your creativity in the pursuit of spiritual harmony. Your ability to tune into the feelings of others becomes a source of deep and soulful inner exploration.

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