Tarot Cards Meaning List With Pictures
Last Updated: April 25, 2024
There are 78 different cards in the tarot deck, each with several meanings depending on the question you want an answer for. The Major Arcana cards represent the major aspects of our lives, while the Minor Arcana cards represent the more everyday aspects of our lives. In general, tarot cards can be interpreted to suggest ways we can improve our lives or specific situations we may find ourselves in.
When it comes to understanding the meanings of tarot cards, there are a few things you need to keep in mind. First, there are no right or wrong interpretations. What one person sees in a card may be entirely different from what another person sees. Second, the meanings of tarot cards can vary depending on their position in a reading (upright or reversed)
In the below articles, I offer an overview of all 78 tarot cards based on my experience as a professional tarot reader for over 10 years. I hope you find this information helpful, and that it provides some clarity and guidance on your tarot learning journey.
Table of Contents
- The Fool / The Magician / The High Priestess / The Empress / The Emperor / The Hierophant / The Lovers / The Chariot
- Strength / The Hermit / Wheel of Fortune / Justice / The Hanged Man / Death / Temperance / The Devil / The Tower
- The Star / The Moon / The Sun / Judgement / The World
The Fool: The Card of New Beginnings, Adventure, and Infinite Possibilities.

- In the upright position, The Fool is associated with new beginnings, leaps of faith and loyalty.
- In the reversed position, The Fool is associated with recklessness, fearlessness, and risks.
- Numerology: 0
- Element: Air
- Ruling planet: Uranus
- Astrological sign: Aquarius
- Yes or No card? Yes
- Jungian archetype: Light aspect: The Poet, The Child, The Pilgrim / Shadow aspect: The Fool, The Orphan
- Timing: January 20th to February 18th
- Associated deities: Hemes, Janus.
- Other names: The Crocodile (Egyptian Tarot).
The Magician: The Card of Manifestation, Resourcefulness, and Power.

- In the upright position, The Magician is associated with manifestation, creation, willpower, and mastery.
- In the reversed position, The Magician is associated with chaos, scattered energy, and manipulation.
- Numerology: 1
- Element: Air, Spirit
- Ruling planet: Mercury
- Astrological sign: Gemini & Virgo
- Yes or No card? Yes
- Jungian archetype: Light aspect: The Pioneer, The Alchemist / Shadow aspect: The Artist, The Poet
- Timing: May 21st to June 21st, Wednesday
- Associated deities: Hermes
- Other names: Le Bateleur (Tarot de Marseille), The Magus (Egyptian Tarot & Thoth Tarot).
The High Priestess: The Card of Intuition, Divinity, and Understanding.

- In the upright position, The High Priestess is associated with intuition, inner voice, and a higher self.
- In the reversed position, The High Priestess is associated with repression, feeling lost, and disconnection.
- Numerology: 2 (II)
- Element: Water
- Ruling planet: The Moon
- Astrological sign: Cancer
- Yes or No card? Yes
- Jungian archetype: Light aspect: The Mystic, The Crone / Shadow aspect: The Vampire, The Prostitute
- Timing: February 19th to March 19th
- Associated deities: Hekate.
- Other names: La Papesse (Tarot de Marseille), The Gate of the Sanctuary (Egyptian Tarot), and The Priestess (Thoth Tarot).
The Empress: The Card of Fertility, Creativity, and Abundance.

- In the upright position, The Empress is associated with abundance, creation, divine feminine power, and nurturing.
- In the reversed position, The Empress is associated with overbearingness, smothering, insecurity, and instability.
- Numerology: 3 (III)
- Element: Earth
- Ruling planet: Venus
- Astrological sign: Taurus & Cancer
- Yes or No card? Yes
- Jungian archetype: Light aspect: The Queen, The Mother, The Goddess / Shadow aspect: The Martyr, The Hedonist
- Timing: April 21st to May 20th
- Associated deities: Aphrodite, Freya
- Other names: L’Impératrice (Tarot de Marseille) and Isis-Urania (Egyptian Tarot).
The Emperor: The Card of Authority, Structure, and Control.

- In the upright position, The Emperor is associated with authority, discipline, structure, and drive.
- In the reversed position, The Emperor is associated with rigidness, stubbornness, control issues, and tyranny.
- Numerology: 4 (IV)
- Element: Fire
- Ruling planet: Mars
- Astrological sign: Aries
- Yes or No card? Yes
- Jungian archetype: Light aspect: The Warrior, The Father, The Hero / Shadow aspect: The Rebel, The Rescuer, The King
- Timing: March 20th to April 20th
- Associated deities: The Morrigan
- Other names: L’Empereur (Tarot de Marseille)
The Hierophant: The Card of Tradition, Conformity, and Knowledge.

- In the upright position, The Hierophant is associated with tradition, knowledge, education, and institutions.
- In the reversed position, The Hierophant is associated with unconventionality, rebellion, innovation, and ignorance.
- Numerology: 5 (V)
- Element: Earth
- Ruling planets: Venus, Saturn, and Jupiter due to their correspondences.
- Astrological sign: Taurus
- Yes or No card? Neutral
- Jungian archetype: Light aspect: The Teacher, the Virgin / Shadow aspect: The Oppressor, The Engineer
- Timing: August 23rd to September 21st
- Associated deities: Hermes
- Other names: Le Pape (Tarot de Marseille), and The Master of the Mysteries (Egyptian Tarot).
The Lovers: The Card of Choices, Relationships, and Harmony.

- In the upright position, The Lovers is associated with balance, harmony, unity, choices, and partnerships.
- In the reversed position, The Lovers is associated with disharmony, imbalance, indecision, and bad choices or avoiding choosing.
- Numerology: 6 (VI)
- Element: Air
- Ruling planets: Mercury
- Astrological sign: Gemini
- Yes or No card? Yes
- Jungian archetype: Light aspect: The Lover, The Companion, / Shadow aspect: The Saboteur, The Virgin
- Timing: May 21st to June 21st, Friday
- Associated deities: Aphrodite
- Other names: The Two Roads (Egyptian Tarot) and L’Amoureu (Tarot de Marseille).

The Chariot: The Card of Victory, Willpower, and Determination.
- In the upright position, The Chariot is associated with direction, willpower, intention, and control.
- In the reversed position, The Chariot is associated with a lack of direction, a lack of control, and a lack of intention.
- Numerology: 7 (VII)
- Element: Water
- Ruling planets: The Moon
- Astrological sign: Cancer
- Yes or No card? Yes
- Jungian archetype: Light aspect: The Athlete, The Hunter / Shadow aspect: The Servant, The Gambler
- Timing: June 22nd to July 22nd
- Associated deities: Rhiannon
- Other names: Le Charior (Tarot de Marseille), and The Chariot of Osiris (Egyptian Tarot).

Strength: The Card of Courage, Inner Power, and Conviction.
- In the upright position, Strength is associated with inner strength, compassion, confidence, overcoming self-doubt, courage, and bravery.
- In the reversed position, Strength is associated with self-doubt, weakness, lack of confidence, vulnerability, fear, and cowardice.
- Numerology: 8 (VIII)
- Element: Fire
- Ruling planets: Sun
- Astrological sign: Leo
- Yes or No card? Yes
- Jungian archetype: Light aspect: The Warrior, The Nature Child / Shadow aspect: The Sustainer, The Creator
- Timing: July 23rd to August 22nd
- Associated deities: Artemis
- Other names: La Force (Tarot de Marseille), The Muzzled Lion (Egyptian Tarot) and Lust (Thoth Tarot).

The Hermit: The Card of Solitude, Reflection, and Inner Guidance.
- In the upright position, The Hermit is associated with searching, solitude, introspection, inner journey, and learning.
- In the reversed position, The Hermit is associated with loneliness, isolation, exile, withdrawal, and a need for connection.
- Numerology: 9 (IX)
- Element: Earth
- Ruling planets: Mercury
- Astrological sign: Virgo
- Yes or No card? No
- Jungian archetype: Light aspect: The Hermit & The Student / Shadow aspect: The Seeker, The Monk/Nun
- Timing: August 23rd to September 21st
- Associated deities: Nemetona, The Charites
- Other names: L’Ermite (Tarot de Marseille), and The Veiled Lamp (Egyptian Tarot).

Wheel of Fortune: The Card of Cycles, Fate, and a Turning Point.
- In the upright position, the Wheel of Fortune is associated with good luck, fate/destiny, fortune, change, and karma.
- In the reversed position, The Wheel of Fortune is associated with disruption, bad luck, disorder, unwelcome change, and setbacks.
- Numerology: 10 (X)
- Element: Fire
- Ruling planets: Jupiter
- Astrological sign: N/A but features Taurus, Leo, Scorpio & Aquarius in the traditional imagery, and is sometimes aligned with Pars Fortunae in Astrology.
- Yes or No card? No
- Jungian archetype: Light aspect: The Engineer, The Fates, The Unseen / Shadow aspect: The Creator
- Timing: Thursday
- Associated deities: The Three Fates, Fortuna
- Other names: La Roue de Fortun (Tarot de Marseille), and The Sphinx (Egyptian Tarot).

Justice: The Card of Fairness, Truth, and Law.
- In the upright position, Justice is associated with fairness, truth, balance, and legal matters.
- In the reversed position, Justice is associated with unfavourable outcomes, stressful legal matters, dishonesty, and unfair treatment.
- Numerology: 11 (XI)
- Element: Air
- Ruling planets: Venus
- Astrological sign: Libra
- Yes or No card? Neutral
- Jungian archetype: Light aspect: Judge, Avenger, the Diplomat / Shadow aspect: Gossip, The Detective
- Timing: September 22nd to October 21st
- Associated deities: Nemesis, Themis
- Other names: La Justice (Tarot de Marseille), Themis (Egyptian Tarot) and Adjustment (Thoth Tarot).

The Hanged Man: The Card of Sacrifice, Release, and New Perspectives.
- In the upright position, The Hanged Man is associated with slowing down, putting something on hold, and coming to a halt.
- In the reversed position, The Hanged Man is associated with losing perspective, spiritual block, and unnecessary sacrifice.
- Numerology: 12 (XII)
- Element: Water
- Ruling planets: Neptune
- Astrological sign: Pisces
- Yes or No card? Maybe
- Jungian archetype: Light aspect: The Seeker, The Slave / Shadow aspect: The Exorcist, The Shaman
- Timing: February 19th to March 19th
- Associated deities: Morpheus, Odin
- Other names: Le Pendu (Tarot de Marseille), and The Sacrifice (Egyptian Tarot).

Death: The Card of Transformation, Ending, and Transition.
- In the upright position, Death is associated with transition, embracing change, transformation, new beginnings, and letting go.
- In the reversed position, Death is associated with fear of change, stagnancy, delayed endings, and repeating negative patterns.
- Numerology: 13 (XIII)
- Element: Water
- Ruling planets: Pluto
- Astrological sign: Scorpio
- Yes or No card? No
- Jungian archetype: Light aspect: The Liberator / Shadow aspect: The Destroyer
- Timing: October 22nd to November 21st
- Associated deities: Hekate, Persephone
- Other names: The Skeleton Reaper (Egyptian Tarot), and La Mort (Tarot de Marseille).

Temperance: The Card of Balance, Moderation, and Purpose.
- In the upright position, Temperance is associated with balance, peace, moderation, patience, and harmony.
- In the reversed position, Temperance is associated with imbalance, clashing, recklessness, and overindulgence.
- Numerology: 14 (XIV)
- Element: Fire
- Ruling planets: Jupiter
- Astrological sign: Sagittarius
- Yes or No card? Yes
- Jungian archetype: Light aspect: The Samaritan / Shadow aspect: The Healer
- Timing: November 22nd to December 21st
- Associated deities: Brigid
- Other names: The Two Urns (Egyptian Tarot), Art (Thoth Tarot), and Tempérance (Tarot de Marseille).

The Devil: The Card of Restrictions, Materialism, and Ignorance.
- In the upright position, The Devil is associated with the shadow self, desire, temptation, manipulation, cruelty, addiction, and restriction.
- In the reversed position, The Devil is associated with release, freedom, overcoming addiction, and independence.
- Numerology: 15 (XV)
- Element: Earth
- Ruling planets: Saturn
- Astrological sign: Capricorn
- Yes or No card? No
- Jungian archetype: Light aspect: The Trickster / Shadow aspect: The Victim, The Addict, The Bully
- Timing: December 22nd to January 19th
- Associated deities: Lucifer
- Other names: Typhon (Egyptian Tarot), and Le Diable (Tarot de Marseille).

The Tower: The Card of Upheaval, Breakdown, and Unexpected Change.
- In the upright position, The Tower is associated with trauma, destruction, unexpected change, revelation, chaos, awakening, and warning.
- In the reversed position, The Tower is associated with delaying the inevitable, fear of change, and resisting change.
- Numerology: 16 (XVI)
- Element: Fire
- Ruling planets: Mars
- Astrological sign: Aries
- Yes or No card? No
- Jungian archetype: Light aspect: The Victim / Shadow aspect: The Avenger, the Destroyer
- Timing: March 20th to April 20th, Tuesday
- Associated deities: Loki
- Other names: The Beheaded Tower (Egyptian Tarot), and La Maison Dieu (Tarot de Marseille).

The Star: The Card of Hope, Inspiration, and Serenity.
- In the upright position, The Star is associated with inspiration, hope, healing, and positivity.
- In the reversed position, The Star is associated with Monotony, hopelessness, negativity, loss, and failure.
- Numerology: 17 (XVII)
- Element: Air
- Ruling planets: Uranus
- Astrological sign: Aquarius
- Yes or No card? Yes
- Jungian archetype: Light aspect: The Visionary, The Advocate, The Healer / Shadow aspect: The Angel, The Martyr
- Timing: January 20th to February 18th
- Associated deities: Astrea
- Other names: The Star of the Magi (Egyptian Tarot), and L’Étoile (Tarot de Marseille).

The Moon: The Card of Illusion, Fear, and Confusion.
- In the upright position, The Moon is associated with the unconscious, intuition, and dreams.
- In the reversed position, The Moon is associated with confusion, fear, and paranoia.
- Numerology: 18 (XVIII)
- Element: Water
- Planetary correspondence: The Moon
- Astrological sign: Pisces
- Yes or No card? No
- Jungian archetype: Light aspect: The Shape Shifter, The Goddess / Shadow aspect: The Mystic
- Timing: Monday
- Associated deities: Selene, Nyx
- Other names: The Twilight (Egyptian Tarot), and La Lune (Tarot de Marseille).

The Sun: The Card of Joy, Success, and Vitality.
- In the upright position, The Sun is associated with positivity, happiness, freedom and vitality.
- In the reversed position, The Sun is associated with ego, conceitedness, pessimism and unrealistic expectations.
- Numerology: 19 (XIX)
- Element: Fire
- Planetary correspondence: The Sun
- Astrological sign: Leo
- Yes or No card? Yes
- Jungian archetype: Light aspect: The God, The Guide / Shadow aspect: Midas/Miser
- Timing: Sunday
- Associated deities: Apollo
- Other names: The Blazing Light (Egyptian Tarot) and Le Soleil (Tarot de Marseille).

Judgment: The Card of Rebirth, Inner Calling, and Absolution.
- In the upright position, Judgement is associated with reflection, awakening, rebirth, transition, and decision-making.
- In the reversed position, Judgement is associated with self-doubt, poor choices, stubbornness, blame, and confusion.
- Numerology: 20 (XX)
- Element: Fire
- Planetary correspondence: Pluto
- Astrological sign: Sagittarius & Libra
- Yes or No card? Neutral
- Jungian archetype: Light aspect: The Messiah, The Judge / Shadow aspect: The Wounded Child, The Father
- Timing: September 22nd to October 21st, Saturday
- Associated deities: Lucifer
- Other names: The Awakening of the Dead (Egyptian Tarot), The Aeon (Thoth Tarot), and Le Jugement (Tarot de Marseille).

The World: The Card of Completion, Accomplishment, and Integration.
- In the upright position, The World is associated with success, fulfilment, end of a cycle, positive outcome, and travel.
- In the reversed position, The World is associated with disappointment, delays, pressure, failure, and incompleteness.
- Numerology: 21 (XXI)
- Element: Earth
- Planetary correspondence: Saturn
- Astrological sign: N/A
- Yes or No card? Yes
- Jungian archetype: Light aspect: The Mentor, The Storyteller / Shadow aspect: The Unseen
- Timing: Saturday
- Associated deities: Hermes, Nike
- Other names: The Crown of the Magi (Egyptian Tarot), The Universe (Thoth Tarot), and Le Monde (Tarot de Marseille).
The Suit of Pentacles
In divinatory tarot, the Suit of Pentacles represents the physical, material, financial and earthly aspects of our lives.

Ace of Pentacles: The Card of Opportunity, Manifestation, and Abundance.
- When drawn in the upright position, the Ace of Pentacles is associated with opportunities, success, physicality, manifestation, prosperity and stability.
- When pulled in the reversed position, the Ace of Pentacles represent missed opportunities, hesitancy, frivolousness, instability, lack of mindset, feeling trapped and self-doubt.
- Numerology: 1
- Element: Earth
- Planetary correspondence: Saturn
- Astrological sign: Capricorn
- Yes or No card? Yes

Two of Pentacles: The Card of Balancing, Multitasking & Adaptability.
- When drawn in the upright position, the Two of Pentacles is associated with balance, adaptability, and multitasking.
- When pulled in the reversed position, the 2 of Pentacles represent disorganization, imbalance, and stress.
- Numerology: 2
- Element: Earth
- Planetary correspondence: Jupiter
- Astrological sign: Capricorn
- Yes or No card? Maybe

Three of Pentacles: The Card of Collaboration, Skill, and Achievement.
- When drawn in the upright position, the Three of Pentacles is associated with teamwork, collaboration, and mastery.
- When pulled in the reversed position, the 3 of Pentacles represent selfishness, close-mindedness, and a misaligned team.
- Numerology: 3
- Element: Earth
- Planetary correspondence: Saturn
- Astrological sign: Capricorn
- Yes or No card? Yes

Four of Pentacles: The Card of Security, Control, and Conservatism.
- When drawn in the upright position, the Four of Pentacles is associated with possessiveness, security, material possessions, and scarcity.
- When pulled in the reversed position, the 4 of Pentacles represent release, control, and materialistic tendencies.
- Numerology: 4
- Element: Earth
- Planetary correspondence: Saturn
- Astrological sign: Capricorn
- Yes or No card? Yes

Five of Pentacles: The Card of Need, Poverty, and Insecurity.
- When drawn in the upright position, the Five of Pentacles is associated with loss, worry, poverty, crisis, limitation, isolation, hopelessness, and risk.
- When pulled in the reversed position, the 5 of Pentacles represent the fear of losing a job, depression, paying debts, positive change, and improvement.
- Numerology: 5
- Element: Earth
- Planetary correspondence: Mercury
- Astrological sign: Taurus
- Yes or No card? No

Six of Pentacles: The Card of Generosity, Charity, and Fairness.
- When drawn in the upright position, the Six of Pentacles is associated with generosity, balance, and sharing resources.
- When pulled in the reversed position, the 6 of Pentacles represent debt, self-care, and inequality.
- Numerology: 1
- Element: Earth
- Planetary correspondence: Venus
- Astrological sign: Taurus
- Yes or No card? Yes

Seven of Pentacles: The Card of Patience, Investment, and Assessment.
- When drawn in the upright position, the Seven of Pentacles is associated with reaping what you sow, reflection, and taking stock.
- When pulled in the reversed position, the 7 of Pentacles represent wasted energy, evaluation, and walking away.
- Numerology: 7
- Element: Earth
- Planetary correspondence: Venus
- Astrological sign: Taurus
- Yes or No card? Yes

Eight of Pentacles: The Card of Mastery, Dedication, and Craftsmanship.
- When drawn in the upright position, the Eight of Pentacles is associated with diligence, knowledge, detail, and hard work.
- When pulled in the reversed position, the 8 of Pentacles represent hyperfocus, isolation, and overworking.
- Numerology: 8
- Element: Earth
- Planetary correspondence: Mercury
- Astrological sign: Virgo
- Yes or No card? Yes

Nine of Pentacles: The Card of Abundance, Luxury, and Self-sufficiency.
- When drawn in the upright position, the Nine of Pentacles is associated with Abundance, Independence, Luxury, Self-sufficiency, Achievements, and Success.
- When pulled in the reversed position, the 9 of Pentacles represent Overinvestment in work, Hustling, Self-worth, Wreckless spending, Lack of substance, Superficial, Instability, and being guarded.
- Numerology: 9
- Element: Earth
- Planetary correspondence: Mercury
- Astrological sign: Virgo, September 2nd – September 11th, Venus in Virgo
- Yes or No card? Yes

Ten of Pentacles: The Card of Legacy, Wealth, and Establishment.
- When drawn in the upright position, the Ten of Pentacles is associated with roots, family, tradition, stability, privilege, and foundations
- When pulled in the reversed position, the 10 of Pentacles represent family disputes, conflict over money, instability, breaking traditions, general loss, and unexpected changes.
- Numerology: 10
- Element: Earth
- Planetary correspondence: Mercury
- Astrological sign: Virgo
- Yes or No card? Yes

Page of Pentacles: The Card of Ambition, Focus, and Diligence.
- When drawn in the upright position, the Page of Pentacles is associated with trust, prosperity, and practicality.
- When pulled in the reversed position, the Page of Pentacles represents stalling, suspicion, and insecurity.
- Numerology: 11
- Element: Earth
- Planetary correspondence: Venus
- Astrological sign: Taurus, Capricorn, & Virgo.
- Yes or No card? Yes

Knight of Pentacles: The Card of Efficiency, Routine, and Methodical Approach.
- When drawn in the upright position, the Knight of Pentacles is associated with stability, responsibility, persistence, hardworking, patience, control, and loyalty.
- When pulled in the reversed position, the Knight of Pentacles represents stubbornness, delay, slowness, irresponsibility, complacency, and pessimism.
- Numerology: 6
- Element: Earth (Knights) and Air (Pentacles)
- Planetary correspondence: Mercury
- Astrological sign: Virgo
- Yes or No card? Yes

Queen of Pentacles: The Card of Nurturing, Practicality, and Comfort.
- When drawn in the upright position, the Queen of Pentacles is associated with nurturing, providing, and abundance.
- When pulled in the reversed position, the Queen of Pentacles represents self-reflection, imbalance, and insecurity.
- Numerology: 3
- Element: Earth
- Planetary correspondence: Saturn
- Astrological sign: Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo
- Yes or No card? Yes

King of Pentacles: The Card of Abundance, Security, and Leadership.
- When drawn in the upright position, the King of Pentacles is associated with Success, empire, goals, stability, father figure, and wealth.
- When pulled in the reversed position, the King of Pentacles represents instability, gambling, failure, unsuccessful, and greed.
- Numerology: 4
- Element: Earth
- Planetary correspondence: N/A
- Astrological sign: Taurus (but also Capricorn and Virgo – the Earth signs)
- Yes or No card? Yes
The Suit of Swords
In divinatory tarot, the Suit of Swords is associated with thought, intellect, mental strength, and integrity. They can also represent conflict, hardship, and misfortune.

Ace of Swords: The Card of Clarity, Breakthrough, & Power.
- When drawn in the upright position, the Ace of Swords is associated with new beginnings, ideas, and clarity.
- When pulled in the reversed position, the Ace of Swords represents a lack of clarity, being stuck, and brain fog.
- Numerology: 1
- Element: Air
- Planetary correspondence: Venus
- Astrological sign: Libra, December 22nd to March 20th
- Yes or No card? Yes

Two of Swords: The Card of Indecision, Stalemate, & Balance.
- When drawn in the upright position, the Two of Swords is associated with crossroads, stalemate, hard decisions, facing fears, and denial.
- When pulled in the reversed position, the Two of Swords represents confusion, indecision, feeling overloaded with information, and delays.
- Numerology: 2
- Element: Air
- Planetary correspondence: Venus
- Astrological sign: Libra, Moon in Libra, September 23rd – October 2nd
- Yes or No card? Maybe

Three of Swords: The Card of Heartbreak, Sorrow, & Betrayal.
- When drawn in the upright position, the Three of Swords is associated with sadness, breaking up, parting ways, broken hearts, and depression.
- When pulled in the reversed position, the Three of Swords represents overcoming a situation, new perspectives, stabilisation of emotions, inner strength, healing, optimism, and forgiveness.
- Numerology: 3
- Element: Air
- Planetary correspondence: Venus
- Astrological sign: Libra, Saturn in Libra, October 3rd – October 12th
- Yes or No card? No

Four of Swords: The Card of Rest, Recovery, & Contemplation.
- When drawn in the upright position, the Four of Swords is associated with resting, healing, practising self-care, and renewal.
- When pulled in the reversed position, the Four of Swords represents burnout, stress, and restlessness.
- Numerology: 4
- Element: Air
- Planetary correspondence: Venus and Saturn
- Astrological sign: Libra and astrological timing is October 13th to October 22nd
- Yes or No card? No

Five of Swords: The Card of Conflict, Loss, & Tension
- When drawn in the upright position, the Five of Swords is associated with defeat, argument, conflict, and violence.
- When pulled in the reversed position, the Five of Swords represents despair, resentment, and compromise.
- Numerology: 5
- Element: Air
- Planetary correspondence: Uranus, Saturn, Venus
- Astrological sign: Aquarius, Venus in Aquarius – astronomical timing January 20th to 29th
- Yes or No card? No

Six of Swords: The Card of Transition, Recovery, & Journey.
- When drawn in the upright position, the Six of Swords is associated with transition, healing, letting go, moving on, relief, guidance, and calmer times.
- When pulled in the reversed position, the Six of Swords represents baggage, feeling stuck, holding onto the past, slow healing, and instability.
- Numerology: 6
- Element: Air
- Planetary correspondence: Pluto, Saturn, Uranus
- Astrological sign: Aquarius, Mercury in Aquarius, Jan 31st – Feb 8th
- Yes or No card? Yes

Seven of Swords: The Card of Deception, Strategy, & Caution.
- When drawn in the upright position, the Seven of Swords is associated with unpredictable, fraud, relocation, betrayal, theft, deceit, escaping, strategy, manipulation.
- When pulled in the reversed position, the Seven of Swords represents responsibility, mystery, loneliness, confession, indecision, laziness, ignoring warnings, and getting outsmarted.
- Numerology: 7
- Element: Air
- Planetary correspondence: Uranus, Saturn
- Astrological sign: Aquarius, Moon in Aquarius, Feb 9th – 18th
- Yes or No card? No

Eight of Swords: The Card of Restriction, Confusion, & Powerlessness.
- When drawn in the upright position, the Eight of Swords is associated with isolation, punishment, anxiety, no clarity, confusion, worry, loss, helplessness, limitations, and disorder.
- When pulled in the reversed position, the Eight of Swords represents new perspectives, freedom, relief, facing fears, the end of isolation, being open to new things, and opening your eyes.
- Numerology: 8
- Element: Air
- Planetary correspondence: Mercury, Jupiter
- Astrological sign: Gemini, Jupiter in Gemini May 21st – 30th
- Yes or No card? No

Nine of Swords: The Card of Anxiety, Nightmare, & Worry.
- When drawn in the upright position, the Nine of Swords is associated with guilt, obsessive thoughts, concern, sadness, mistakes, fears, worries, shame, and failure.
- When pulled in the reversed position, the Nine of Swords represents admitting mistakes, facing fears, betraying partners, mystery, balance, and bravery.
- Numerology: 9
- Element: Air
- Planetary correspondence: Mars
- Astrological sign: Gemini
- Yes or No card? No

Ten of Swords: The Card of Betrayal, End, & Failure.
- When drawn in the upright position, the Ten of Swords is associated with sacrifice, trauma, betrayal, separation, mental breakdown, negative thinking, bitchiness, sorrow, and pain.
- When pulled in the reversed position, the Ten of Swords represents recovery, opportunity, resilience, surviving a disaster, and fears coming true.
- Numerology: 10
- Element: Air
- Planetary correspondence: Uranus
- Astrological sign: Gemini, Sun in Gemini, June 11th to June 20th
- Yes or No card? No

Page of Swords: The Card of Curiosity, Restlessness, & Vigilance.
- When drawn in the upright position, the Page of Swords is associated with eagerness, curiosity, initiative, fast news and gossip.
- When pulled in the reversed position, the Page of Swords represents avoidant, impatience, inexperience, and lack of planning.
- Numerology: 11
- Element: Air
- Planetary correspondence: Venus
- Astrological sign: Libra, Gemini, December 22nd to March 20th
- Yes or No card? Yes

Knight of Swords: The Card of Action, Aggression, & Haste.
- When drawn in the upright position, the Knight of Swords is associated with determination, aggression, quick changes, action, and rebelliousness
- When pulled in the reversed position, the Knight of Swords represents impulsiveness, frustration, unpredictability, cowardice and following.
- Numerology: 12
- Element: Air
- Planetary correspondence: Pluto
- Astrological sign: Gemini and Aquarius, May 11th to June 10th
- Yes or No card? Yes

Queen of Swords: The Card of Perception, Clarity, & Independence.
- When drawn in the upright position, the Queen of Swords is associated with communication, independence, experience, wisdom, intelligence, cleverness, strategy, and wit.
- When pulled in the reversed position, the Queen of Swords represents coldness, impulsiveness, lack of empathy, poor communication, cruelty, emotion, widow, absenteeism, and manipulation.
- Numerology: 13
- Element: Air
- Planetary correspondence: Uranus
- Astrological sign(s): Aquarius, Libra, Gemini
- Yes or No card? Maybe

King of Swords: The Card of Authority, Intellect, & Discipline.
- When drawn in the upright position, the King of Swords is associated with logic, morality, justice, structure, and rationale.
- When pulled in the reversed position, the King of Swords represents oppression, irrationality, corruption, abuse of power
- Numerology: 14
- Element: Air
- Planetary correspondence: Mercury
- Astrological sign: Gemini
- Yes or No card? Yes
The Suit of Wands
In divinatory tarot, the Suit of Wands is associated with the element of fire and traditionally signifies creativity, inspiration, ambition, determination and willpower. Each card of this suit represents aspects of our lives such as career, travel and spirituality.

Ace of Wands: The Card of Inspiration, Creation, and Beginnings.
- When drawn in the upright position, the Ace of Wands is associated with inspiration, potential, boldness, fun, growth, action, enthusiasm, and power.
- When pulled in the reversed position, the Ace of Wands represents disappointment, delays, being stuck in a rut, creative blocks, distractions, hesitation, and missed or wasted opportunities.
- Numerology: 1
- Element: Fire
- Planetary correspondence: Mars, Sun, Jupiter (all the planets linked to the 3 fire signs).
- Astrological sign: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius.
- Yes or No card? Yes

Two of Wands: The Card of Planning, Future Vision, and Discovery.
- When drawn in the upright position, the Two of Wands is associated with decisions, two paths, options, partnerships, planning, moving, wanderlust, and discontentment.
- When pulled in the reversed position, the Two of Wands represents being unsure, restrictions, fear of the unknown, worried about change, playing things safe, not taking chances, and cancelled or delayed travels.
- Numerology: 2
- Element: Fire
- Planetary correspondence: Mars
- Astrological sign: Aries, Mars in Aries, March 21st to March 30th
- Yes or No card? Neutral

Three of Wands: The Card of Expansion, Foresight, and Achievement.
- When drawn in the upright position, the Three of Wands is associated with travel, success, self-confidence, good outcomes, happiness with decisions, enjoying life, adventure, and experiences.
- When pulled in the reversed position, the Three of Wands represents being stuck, inability to move forward, clinging to the past, returning home, failing, and being unhappy with decisions and outcomes.
- Numerology: 3
- Element: Fire
- Planetary correspondence: Sun
- Astrological sign: Aries, Sun in Aries, March 31st to April 10th
- Yes or No card? Yes

Four of Wands: The Card of Celebration, Harmony, and Stability.
- When drawn in the upright position, the Four of Wands is associated with celebration, a happy family, joy, community, success, teamwork, stability, security, and self-esteem.
- When pulled in the reversed position, the Four of Wands represents celebrations, unhappy families, lack of support, feeling unwanted, not fitting in, lack of self-esteem, and instability.
- Numerology: 4
- Element: Fire
- Planetary correspondence: Jupiter, Mars, Venus
- Astrological sign: Aries, April 11th to April 20th
- Yes or No card? Yes
- Associated deities: Dionysus, Bacchus, Pan, Baubo, Bastet, Sekhmet, Ares, Mars, Aphrodite, Venus

Five of Wands: The Card of Conflict, Competition, and Struggle.
- When drawn in the upright position, the Five of Wands is associated with conflict, arguments, temper, lack of cooperation, people clashing, competition, and frustration.
- When pulled in the reversed position, the Five of Wands represents compromise, conflict coming to an end, cooperation, focus, and order.
- Numerology: 5
- Element: Fire
- Planetary correspondence: Saturn
- Astrological sign: Leo, Saturn in Leo, July 22nd to August 1st
- Yes or No card? No
- Associated deities: Ares, Mars, Set, The Morrigan, Horus, Menhit, Athena

Six of Wands: The Card of Victory, Recognition, and Progress.
- When drawn in the upright position, the Six of Wands is associated with victory, success, fame, supporters, self-esteem, pride, recognition, and achievement.
- When pulled in the reversed position, the Six of Wands represents failure, lack of support, loss, disappointment, and lack of self-esteem.
- Numerology: 6
- Element: Fire
- Planetary correspondence: Jupiter
- Astrological sign: Leo, August 2nd – August 11th
- Yes or No card? Yes
- Associated deities: Hathor, Nike

Seven of Wands: The Card of Defense, Perseverance, and Courage.
- When drawn in the upright position, the Seven of Wands is associated with defensive, protecting your own corner, challenge, harassment, blame, and attack.
- When pulled in the reversed position, the Seven of Wands represents giving up, being timid, being defeated, burnout, weakness, and tiredness.
- Numerology: 7
- Element: Fire
- Planetary correspondence: Mars
- Astrological sign: Leo, Mars in Leo, August 12th to August 22nd
- Yes or No card? Yes
- Associated deities: Hekau/Hekat, Horus

Eight of Wands: The Card of Movement, Speed, and Action.
- When drawn in the upright position, the Eight of Wands is associated with progress, action, infatuation, speed, excitement, hurry, messages, social media, travel, hastiness, and results.
- When pulled in the reversed position, the Eight of Wands represents restriction, slowness, lack of energy, impatience, bad timings, missed opportunities, and delays.
- Numerology: 8
- Element: Fire
- Planetary correspondence: Jupiter
- Astrological sign: Sagittarius, Mercury in Sagittarius, November 23rd-December 2nd
- Yes or No card? Yes
- Associated deities: Sobek, Khonsu, Osiris

Nine of Wands: The Card of Resilience, Stamina, and Persistence.
- When drawn in the upright position, the Nine of Wands is associated with battle, feeling drained, perseverance, defending your corner, courage, persistence, stamina, and a last stand.
- When pulled in the reversed position, the Nine of Wands represents a stalemate, fatigue, stubbornness, failure to learn, weakness, giving up, the last one standing, and struggle.
- Numerology: 9
- Element: Fire
- Planetary correspondence: Jupiter
- Astrological sign: Sagittarius, Moon in Sagittarius, December 3rd to December 12th
- Yes or No card? Maybe/Neutral
- Associated deities: Anubis, Thoth, Osiris

Ten of Wands: The Card of Burden, Responsibility, and Overcommitment.
- When drawn in the upright position, the Ten of Wands is associated with stress, overload, problems, lost focus, burden, and struggle.
- When pulled in the reversed position, the Ten of Wands represents the breakdown, the “I can’t do it”, issues after issue, pushing yourself too much, letting go, and reducing responsibility.
- Numerology: 10
- Element: Fire
- Planetary correspondence: Saturn
- Astrological sign: Sagittarius, Saturn in Sagittarius, December 13th to December 21st
- Yes or No card? No
- Associated deities: Horus, Ra

Page of Wands: The Card of Exploration, Freedom, and Enthusiasm.
- When drawn in the upright position, the Page of Wands is associated with good news, feeling cheerful, fun, active, excitement, and confidence.
- When pulled in the reversed position, the Page of Wands represents some impatience, procrastination, childish behaviour, no confidence, pessimistic, bad news, and immaturity.
- Numerology: 11
- Element: Fire
- Planetary correspondence: Mars
- Astrological sign: Aries, Spring
- Yes or No card? Yes
- Associated deities: Tiamat

Knight of Wands: The Card of Energy, Adventure, and Impulsiveness.
- When drawn in the upright position, the Knight of Wands is associated with success, taking risks, heroism, charm, adventure, bravery, rebellion, and being free-spirited.
- When pulled in the reversed position, the Knight of Wands represents recklessness, hastiness, volatility, showing off, arrogance, jealousy, and not seeing things through.
- Numerology: 12
- Element: Fire
- Planetary correspondence: Jupiter
- Astrological sign: Sagittarius, November 12th to December 13th, Venus in Scorpio, Moon and Mercury in Sagittarius
- Yes or No card? Yes
- Associated deities: Sekhmet

Queen of Wands: The Card of Attraction, Confidence, and Vibrancy.
- When drawn in the upright position, the Queen of Wands is associated with confidence, passion, determination, optimism energy, charisma, organising and taking control of your life, efficiency, and independence.
- When pulled in the reversed position, the Queen of Wands represents selfishness, poor self-esteem, temperamental, bitchyness, jealousy, acting like a bully, being overbearing, pushy, and exhausted.
- Numerology: 13
- Element: Fire
- Planetary correspondence: Jupiter, Mars
- Astrological sign: Sagittarius, Aries, March 11th – April 10th
- Yes or No card? Yes
- Associated deities: Freyja, Athena, Isis, Sekhmet,

King of Wands: The Card of Leadership, Vision, and Boldness.
- When drawn in the upright position, the King of Wands is associated with confidence, friendliness, strength, protection, dependability, charm, and pride.
- When pulled in the reversed position, the King of Wands represents a bully, impulsiveness, bad temper, unreliability, low energy, nastiness, and abuse.
- Numerology: 14
- Element: Fire
- Planetary correspondence: Mars
- Astrological sign: Aries
- Yes or No card? Yes
- Associated deities: Thor, Zeus, Ra
The Suit of Cups
In divinatory tarot, the Suit of Cups is typically associated with the element of water. It traditionally represents emotions, intuition, relationships, and creativity. Each card of this suit can provide insight into different aspects of our lives such as love, friendship, family, and emotional well-being.

Ace of Cups: The Card of Love, Intuition, and Emotional Beginnings.
- When drawn in the upright position, the Ace of Cups is associated with Love, compassion, happiness, connection, pregnancy, celebration, the start of something emotional.
- When pulled in the reversed position, the Ace of Cups represents introspection, self-love, disappointment in love, disconnection, repression, depression, bad news, miscarriages or abortions, and cancelled events.
- Numerology: 1
- Element: Water
- Planetary correspondence: Mercury
- Astrological sign: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces
- Yes or No card? Yes

Two of Cups: The Card of Connection, Partnership, and Unity.
- When drawn in the upright position, the Two of Cups is associated with union, balance, connection, promise, harmony, relationships, partnerships, and equality.
- When pulled in the reversed position, the Two of Cups represents imbalance, separation, fracture, and betrayal.
- Numerology: 2
- Element: Water
- Planetary correspondence: Venus
- Astrological sign: Cancer
- Yes or No card? Yes

Three of Cups: The Card of Celebration, Friendship, and Joy.
- When drawn in the upright position, the Three of Cups is associated with friends, creativity, community, celebrations, party, group work, reunions, achievements, and happiness.
- When pulled in the reversed position, the Three of Cups represents Loneliness, excessiveness, independence, retreat, rivalry, envy, suffering, broken engagements, infidelity, cancelled events, lack of social life, and bitchiness.
- Numerology: 3
- Element: Water
- Planetary correspondence: Mercury
- Astrological sign: Cancer, Mercury in Cancer, July 1st – July 11th
- Yes or No card? Yes

Four of Cups: The Card of Contemplation, Apathy, and Re-evaluation.
- When drawn in the upright position, the Four of Cups is associated with sacrifice, waiting, procrastination, helplessness, doubt, isolation, apathy, boredom, and negativity.
- When pulled in the reversed position, the Four of Cups represents motivation, initiative, sociability and excitement for new opportunities.
- Numerology: 4
- Element: Water
- Planetary correspondence: Moon
- Astrological sign: Cancer
- Yes or No card? Maybe

Five of Cups: The Card of Loss, Grief, and Reflection.
- When drawn in the upright position, the Five of Cups is associated with regret, disappointment, failure, pessimism, focusing on loss, grief, unwelcome change, and trauma.
- When pulled in the reversed position, the Five of Cups represents contentment, moving on, self-forgiveness, healing, releasing emotions, and recovery.
- Numerology: 5
- Element: Water
- Planetary correspondence: Mars & Pluto
- Astrological sign: Mars in Scorpio, October 23rd – November 2nd
- Yes or No card? Maybe

Six of Cups: The Card of Nostalgia, Innocence, and Reunions.
- When drawn in the upright position, the Six of Cups is associated with the past, childhood, nostalgia, innocent, reconnecting with past-relationships, reunions, familial support, memories and creativity.
- When pulled in the reversed position, the Six of Cups represents being stuck in the past, resentment, lack of playfulness, maturity, unresolved childhood abuse, childhood issues, boredom, and lack of creativity.
- Numerology: 6
- Element: Water
- Planetary correspondence: The Sun
- Astrological sign: Sun in Scorpio, November 3rd to November 12th
- Yes or No card? Yes

Seven of Cups: The Card of Choices, Illusions, and Fantasies.
- When drawn in the upright position, the Seven of Cups is associated with fantasy, illusion, thoughts, imagination, wishful thinking, dreams, lots of options, and multiple possibilities/choices.
- When pulled in the reversed position, the Seven of Cups represents reality check, clarity, sobriety, temptations, lack of choices/opportunities, unrealistic fantasies, lack of commitment, plans, and avoiding issues.
- Numerology: 7
- Element: Water
- Planetary correspondence: Pluto & Venus
- Astrological sign: Scorpio, Venus in Scorpio.
- Tarot Timing: November 13th to 22nd
- Yes or No card? Yes

Eight of Cups: The Card of Departure, Search, and Transition.
- When drawn in the upright position, the Eight of Cups is associated with the past, childhood, nostalgia, innocent, reconnecting with letting go/moving on, seeking a higher purpose, heading to higher ground, and withdrawal.
- When pulled in the reversed position, the Eight of Cups represents stagnation, avoidance, fear of change, and staying in a bad situation.
- Numerology: 8
- Element: Water
- Planetary correspondence: Neptune
- Astrological sign: Pisces (Cancer, Scorpio)
- Tarot Timing: 19 – 28 February
- Associated Deities: Juno, Calypso
- Yes or No card? No

Nine of Cups: The Card of Satisfaction, Gratification, and Contentment.
- When drawn in the upright position, the Nine of Cups is associated with wishes coming true, dreams actualised, self-care, treating yourself, positivity, joy, contentment, satisfaction, celebration, success, fame, pleasure and acclaim.
- When pulled in the reversed position, the Nine of Cups represents unfulfilled wishes, unhappiness, broken promises, burnout, self-hatred, addiction, neglecting needs, dissatisfaction, depression, and disappointment.
- Numerology: 9
- Element: Water
- Planetary correspondence: Jupiter & Neptune
- Astrological sign: Jupiter in Pisces
- Tarot Timing: March 1st – March 10th
- Associated Deities: Osiris, Bastet
- Yes or No card? Yes

Ten of Cups: The Card of Emotional Fulfillment, Harmony, and Family Bliss.
- When drawn in the upright position, the Ten of Cups is associated with love, peace, harmony, a happy home, completion, reunions, marriage, children, blessings, and creativity.
- When pulled in the reversed position, the Ten of Cups represents a broken home, dysfunction, broken communication in the family, lack of security, lack of stability, fertility issues, neglect, and abuse.
- Numerology: 10
- Element: Water
- Planetary correspondence: Mars
- Astrological sign: Pisces, Cancer, and Scorpio
- Tarot Timing: March 11-20 in the 3rd Decan Wheel in Pisces
- Associated Deities: Baldur, Ame-no-Uzume, Wangmu Niangniang, Baubo, the Charites
- Yes or No card? Yes

Page of Cups: The Card of Sensitivity, Creativity, and Intuitive Messages.
- When drawn in the upright position, the Page of Cups is associated with artistry, beauty, style, sensitivity, intuitivity, psychic ability, spirituality, proposals, marriage, births, inner child work and overall happy news.
- When pulled in the reversed position, the Page of Cups represents an unhappy child, difficult childhood, emotional immaturity, broken dreams, broken proposals, vanity, obsession, envy, escapism as well as unfortunate news.
- Numerology: 11
- Element: Water
- Planetary correspondence: Venus, Neptune
- Astrological sign: Pisces, Cancer, and Scorpio
- Tarot Timing: February 19th to February 28th, June 21st to June 30th, October 23rd to November 2nd
- Yes or No card? Yes

Knight of Cups: The Card of Romance, Charm, and Following the Heart.
- When drawn in the upright position, the Knight of Cups is associated with Creativity, romance, charm, imagination, and beauty.
- When pulled in the reversed position, the Knight of Cups represents having an overactive imagination, being unrealistic, jealousy, and moodiness.
- Numerology: 12
- Element: Water
- Planetary correspondence: Neptune
- Astrological sign: Pisces, Cancer, and Scorpio
- Yes or No card? Yes

Queen of Cups: The Card of Emotional Security, Empathy, and Care.
- When drawn in the upright position, the Queen of Cups is associated with compassion, caring, spirituality, intuitiveness, calmness, being empathetic, loyalty, loving, and being easily wounded.
- When pulled in the reversed position, the Queen of Cups represents being self-absorbed, dependent, careless, sober, weak, needy, unfaithful, jealous, and stubborn.
- Numerology: 13
- Element: Water
- Planetary correspondence: Pluto
- Astrological sign: Cancer
- Associated Deities: Frigg, Aphrodite, Brigid, Hathor, Isis, Yemaya, Oshun, Kuan Yin, Sedna, Mari, Lakshmi
- Yes or No card? Yes

King of Cups: The Card of Emotional Balance, Diplomacy, and Wisdom.
- When drawn in the upright position, the King of Cups is associated with emotional balance, compassion, diplomacy, creativity, wisdom, tolerance and devotion.
- When pulled in the reversed position, the King of Cups represents emotional imbalance, indifference, manipulation, unproductive, dishonesty, repression and violence.
- Numerology: 14
- Element: Water
- Planetary correspondence: Neptune
- Astrological sign: Pisces, Cancer, and Scorpio
- Tarot Timing: (Pisces season, dates according to Decan Wheel etc) 9 February – 10 March
- Associated Deities: Neptune, Njord, Poseidon, Odin.
- Yes or No card? Yes

I have been reading Tarot for more than 15 years. I have always enjoyed using my intuition to provide clarity and insights to others. Tarot is one of my favorite forms of divination, and I love sharing that passion with like-minded folks.