Four of Pentacles Tarot Meanings

The card of security, control, and conservatism.

Last Updated: March 16, 2024.

The Four of Pentacles is a card that’s all about security, control, and a touch of conservatism. Picture its most common illustration: a person holding onto their resources so tightly, as if their life depended on it. This card is like a snapshot of our moments of wanting to keep control of everything just as it is, safe and sound.

The card invites us to ask ourselves: how do we balance the need for security with the freedom to flow with life’s changes? It’s a card that nudges us to reflect on our relationship with material stability, and the ways we might resist change to maintain control.

What does true security mean to us? Is it a healthy bank balance, a stable job, or perhaps the comfort of routine? While these are valid aspects of security, the Four of Pentacles shows up when it is time perhaps for us to consider if our pursuit of stability might be turning into a rigid, inflexible stance that hinders our growth and adaptability.

Continue reading to see how I read this card’s meaning across different tarot spreads: from love to career, and in all its upright and reversed positions, among others. By the end of this article, you’ll have a much better understanding of this card and, hopefully, a newfound appreciation for the intricate balance between material security and the openness to life’s changes

Table of Contents

Illustrative Symbolism

Four of Pentacles from Rider-Waite-Smith deck

Each card in the Rider-Waite-Smith deck is filled with symbols and imagery that are rooted in traditional tarot iconography, but they also incorporate elements from a variety of esoteric traditions, including Kabbalah, alchemy, and astrology. 

This makes the deck particularly appealing to tarotists who look beyond the surface images to understand the deeper, more hidden meanings.

Holding the Pentacle Close

The wealthy man depicted in this card is clutching a pentacle right up against his chest. It’s like he’s saying, “This is mine, and I’m not letting go!” It’s a strong vibe of holding onto what’s dear, but it could also hint at being a bit too materialistic, or maybe there’s a fear of losing what he has.

Pentacles Under Feet

Now, look down at his feet. Yep, there are pentacles there too! It’s as if he’s literally standing on his wealth. This gives us a peek into how much he values material security and financial stability. It’s like his whole foundation is built on what he owns.

Pentacle on the Head

And then there’s the pentacle on his head. It’s not just a fancy hat; it represents where his thoughts are—mostly on money and tangible things. It’s as if his success and sense of security are always on his mind, dominating his thoughts.

Closed Body Language

Notice how he’s all closed off? Arms wrapped tight around that pentacle, not a very welcoming posture, right? It’s like he’s saying, “Change? No thanks. Sharing? Absolute hard pass.” It’s a clear sign of someone who’s not too keen on opening up or letting go of what they have, always on the defensive about their possessions.

City in the Background

Did you spot the city in the background? He’s turned his back on it, which could be a nod to how he’s isolating himself, focusing too much on his wealth and missing out on connecting with others and the broader society. It’s a bit of a cautionary tale about what can happen when material wealth takes the front seat in life’s journey. Cities have plenty of life in them, and he may be missing out.

Gold & Red

First off, there’s a lot of gold splashed across the card, right? These colors are a shout-out to the earth element, which is Pentacles’ astrological realm. It demonstrates wealth, prosperity, and all that good stuff, but they also whisper words of grounding caution. It’s like they’re saying, “Hey, enjoy the abundance, but don’t get lost in it.”

Now, if your eyes catch some red, that’s the card throwing a bit of intense feelings into the mix. Red’s got a bold vibe but also waves a little flag of warning. It’s like it’s nudging you, hinting at the intensity of clinging too tightly to your treasures and maybe the consequences of letting that desire control you.

Important Associations

Upright keywords

Possessiveness, security, material possessions, scarcity

Reversed keywords

Release, control, materialistic

Yes or No






Ruling Planet


Astrological Sign


Interpreting the Four of Pentacles in the upright position

The Four of Pentacles is the fourth card in the suit of Pentacles (also known as the suit of coins, suit of disks, or suit of rings) and one of the fifty-six suit cards from the minor arcana. In divinatory tarot, the Suit of Pentacles represents the physical, material, financial and earthly aspects of our lives.

The Four of Pentacles encourages you to examine your relationship with money and material objects. Are you holding on too tightly because you’re worried it will disappear or worried there isn’t enough to go around? Or maybe you’re spending money as quickly as you can make it because you don’t know how to look after it properly. 

The tighter we hold onto something, and the more we obsess about it, the harder it becomes to get it and keep it, and the more negative our experience feels. Money and material possessions can bring joy and positive experiences to your life and others, but it’s not the most important thing about you, so try not to spend all your energy worrying about them.

upright four of pentacles

What it means for love

When you hold too tightly onto a person because you’re afraid of losing them, it can have the opposite effect and push them away. The lesson here is to love without attachment or dependency and to know that each party in a relationship is a whole person with or without the relationship.

Look at control and restrictions within your relationship, are you letting your insecurities and fear of loss determine your actions? If you are, practice communication, trust and compromise to lessen your need for control and obsession. 

What it means for career

You’ve been working hard and focused on your goals, keeping track of your finances and moving forward to better your position, and it is paying off. Your hard work has got you to a place of financial stability and stable success. 

Take this opportunity to be grateful for everything you have achieved and all the things you have. Be careful not to get so swept up in making more that you forget to enjoy what you have. The money you have earnt is meant to be enjoyed, so allow yourself to spend some money, enjoy your life and take breaks knowing that your position is not at risk. 

Keeping track of your finances and having a safety net will help you feel more secure and able to take a few more risks in your career. 

The Four of Pentacles as feelings/emotions

If you are asking the tarot how someone feels about you, pulling the Four of Pentacles means they are scared of losing you. They might be letting their insecurities get the better of them and acting in a controlling or possessive way. There might be feelings of jealousy from this person they may not like the parts of you that they can’t predict or control. 

Open communication and boundary setting is important in this situation – issues of control may be dealt with by addressing insecurities but watch out for them getting out of hand.

The Four of Pentacles as a person

As a personality archetype, the Four of Pentacles represents someone who is focused, determined and likes to be in control. They have worked hard and sacrificed to get where they are and they’re not about to let go of what they’ve worked for. 

They might be perceived as selfish or materialistic, but really they are just looking for security. They are not big risk-takers and don’t like feeling out of control. They might have a scarcity mindset and struggle to see the great things they already have, but they are very determined and focused when it comes to growing their income and achieving their goals. 

The Four of Pentacles as advice

If you are asking the tarot for advice regarding a specific situation in your life, pulling the Four of Pentacles means that you need to address your relationship with control and material possessions. Be careful not to put too much weight and emphasis on money and don’t be afraid to enjoy the things you’ve worked for. 

Don’t let your fear of losing something cause you to hold so tightly onto it that it becomes suffocating. 

Astrological Association

The Four of Pentacles is associated with the astrological sign Capricorn. Capricorn is a practical and logical sign, linking to themes of financial stability from the Four of Pentacles. There is a determination and resourcefulness of Capricorn that is reflected in the Four of Pentacles, but it also comes with a risk of being limited by stubbornness and rigidity.

Is the Four of Pentacles a yes or no card?

The Four of Pentacles is generally a ‘yes’ card, but it’s all about balance. It is often a sign that you need to let go of control and trust in the things you have. Trust that you are safe, trust that you have everything you need and that it isn’t going to be taken away from you. Below are some of my interpretations based on different types of questions:

  1. Will I get the job? Yes 
  2. Is this new person in my life good for me? No – there may be issues of control and jealousy 
  3. Will I achieve my current goals? Yes
  4. Should I start my own business? Yes, but you’ll need to address your relationship with money first.

Four of Pentacles as Timings / Timeframes

Tarot timing involves assigning precise timeframes or durations to the events and transitions indicated by the tarot cards in a reading. Personally, I use the tarot decan wheel, an astrologically-based method that aligns each Minor Arcana card with a distinct segment of the zodiac calendar.

Based on that, I determined the timing of the 4 of Pentacles to be from January 10 to January 19. 

Interpreting the Four of Pentacles in the reverse position

Pulling the Four of Pentacles in reverse is a sign you need to let go. You’re holding too tightly and putting too much emphasis on money and material possessions. It can mean that you’re at risk of going too far with money as a driving force, causing your thoughts and actions to become stingy and obsessive.

These behaviours aren’t serving you, they won’t make the money come any quicker and they will cause other areas of your life to suffer. It’s time to let these obsessive and controlling behaviours go. 

What it means for love

Let go of toxic relationships and be aware of power imbalances. There is no benefit in holding onto something that is ready to fall apart. Look honestly at what you’re holding onto and ask yourself why. 

The fear of losing someone can sometimes take over and cloud your relationship, it may be putting a strain on the relationship, or it may be covering deeper problems that need addressing. 

What it means for career

Money isn’t everything and when it becomes the sole force for decision making you can end up somewhere that makes you miserable. Career success and financial stability are important to you, but make sure your career progression isn’t at the expense of everything else. 

Ask yourself if your career and the money you make is genuinely making you happy. It might be time to cultivate more balance in your life, letting go of the need to always make more and protect your success in order to enjoy your life and spend more time with your loved ones.


In conclusion, the 4 of Pentacles tarot card is a powerful symbol of possessiveness, security, material possessions, and scarcity. When this card appears in your reading, it is often a sign that you are clinging to something (or someone) too tightly. It is time to let go and trust that the universe will provide for you.

Despite its association with mysticism and occultism, the tarot has grown to become much more than a simple “fortune-telling” tool. For many tarot readers, it is a complex system made of symbolic imagery and psychological considerations (Tarot archetypes for example) that can be used for self-exploration, meditation, and personal transformation.

Have you ever had a reading where the Four Of Pentacles appeared? What was the outcome? What does that card mean to you personally?

Finally, If you want to know more about the different tarot cards, feel free to check out our complete list of all 78 tarot cards and their meanings.

Charlotte H.

Written by Charlotte Hamilton

Charlotte Hamilton is an artist, tarot reader and founder of Sugar Storm Studio, a creative studio that empowers weirdos, rebels and outsiders through alternative fashion, creative workshops and tarot. Find out more at and follow on Instagram @sugarstormstudio.