Seven of Pentacles Tarot Meanings
The card of patience, investment, and assessment.
Last Updated: March 16, 2024.
Imagine you’ve been busting your hump in a garden, planting, weeding, and watering day in and day out. Now, you’re leaning on your shovel, taking a good, hard look at your days graft. Are those veggies coming in as you hoped, or is it just a bunch of weeds? That’s the vibe of the 7 of Pentacles.
This card pops up as a timely reminder that it’s okay, and actually pretty smart, to hit the pause button now and then. It’s about diligently checking in with yourself and asking, “Hey, is all this effort I’m pouring into whatever project I’ve got going on actually getting me somewhere?” It’s like doing a little personal performance review.
And here’s where it gets interesting. The 7 of Pentacles doesn’t just leave you hanging with your thoughts. It encourages you to think about your next moves intuitively: maybe you realize you’re on the right track, and all you need is a little more patience. Or perhaps it’s time to shake things up and try a new approach. Either way, it’s about making those big decisions with a clear head.
Stick around if you’re intrigued by how this card might play out in different areas of your life: love, career, and more. In the end, it’s all about finding that sweet spot between hard work and smart planning. And who knows… maybe a little pause and reflection might just be the secret ingredient you’ve been missing.
Illustrative Symbolism

Each card in the Rider-Waite-Smith deck is filled with symbols and imagery that are rooted in traditional tarot iconography, but they also incorporate elements from a variety of esoteric traditions, including Kabbalah, alchemy, and astrology.
This makes the deck particularly appealing to tarotists who look beyond the surface images to understand the deeper, more hidden meanings.
The Gardener
In the 7 of Pentacles, you’ll often spot someone standing or crouching by their crops, which brings a down-to-earth feel to the whole scene. This figure, let’s call them the gardener, is you and me when we’re knee-deep in our projects. They symbolize the moment of taking stock, reflecting on the effort poured into various endeavours.
This gardener isn’t just chilling; they’re deeply evaluating their work, which mirrors the card’s call for us to assess our own labours and any yield they’re bringing in.
The Pentacle-Laden Vine
Now, this vine isn’t your average backyard creeper. It’s heavy with pentacles, those shiny symbols of material success and tangible results. This vine tells a story of growth and potential rewards, but there’s a catch – not all fruits are ripe, and not all efforts bear immediate results.
It’s a visual nudge that success and payoff often come to those who wait, patiently, provided they’ve been wise with their toil.
The Tool of the Trade
Whether it’s a shovel, hoe, or another gardening tool, this object doesn’t just lie there for show. It stands for the hard work and dedication we’ve put into our ventures. But in this scene, the tool is often at rest, suggesting that now’s the time for contemplation rather than action.
It’s a reminder that while tools and effort are crucial, so is knowing when to pause and reflect on our strategy and progress.
The Background
Often overlooked, the backdrop of the 7 of Pentacles can hold clues about the environment our efforts are situated in. Whether it’s a lush garden or a field that’s seen better days, the setting underscores the importance of the context in which we’re working in now, and where we are headed.
It serves as a reminder that our surroundings and the timing of our endeavours can significantly influence their outcome and success.
Important Associations
Upright keywords | reaping what you sow, reflection, taking stock |
Reversed keywords | wasted energy, evaluation, walking away |
Yes or No | Yes |
Numerology | 7 |
Element | Earth |
Ruling Planet | Venus |
Astrological Sign | Taurus |
Interpreting the Seven of Pentacles in the upright position
The seven of pentacles is the seventh card in the earthy suit of pentacles (also known as the suit of coins, suit of disks, or suit of rings) and one of the fifty-six suit cards from the minor arcana. In divinatory tarot, the Suit of Pentacles represents the physical, material, financial and earthly aspects of our lives.
The Seven of Pentacles reminds you to take a step back and look at how far you’ve come, the seeds you planted and have been nurturing all this time are starting to sprout and soon you will be able to reap the rewards. Allow yourself time to rest and celebrate your progress before you begin the work again.
What you’re working towards doesn’t happen overnight, it takes long-term vision and working slowly to keep moving forward, so make sure you’re keeping it sustainable by taking regular breaks.

What it means for love
Relationships take time and effort to grow, they can’t be rushed and there are no guarantees that your efforts will pay off. Pulling the Seven of Pentacles in a love reading is a sign that the effort and love you’re putting in is reciprocal and it is growing nicely.
Whether you are single or in a relationship, now is a good time to take stock and evaluate what you want and whether you’re putting your energy in the right places. You might find it’s a great time to take your relationship to the next level.
What it means for career
You’ve been working away quietly for some time, trusting that it will pay off, and pulling the seven of pentacles suggests that the rewards are coming. Keep going and working towards your goals, and remember to celebrate your accomplishments no matter how far you are away from where you want to be.
This is a good sign that someone else will notice your efforts, but the most important thing is that you do. This is a good time to put yourself forward for the next step in your career or go after something you’ve been working towards for a while.
The Seven of Pentacles also comes with a warning to work sustainably and make sure you are prioritising rest so you don’t burn out in the long run.
The Seven of Pentacles as feelings/emotions
If you are asking the tarot how someone feels about you, pulling the Seven of Pentacles suggests they see you as a long-term and sustainable relationship. They want to nurture the relationship and know that the time and energy that they spend with you is worth it.
They know that it might not always be smooth sailing but they want to work through the difficult times together.
The Seven of Pentacles as a person
As a personality archetype, the Seven of Pentacles represents a person who is a hard-working individual who knows that even when it feels difficult, the hard work is worth it. They have incredible attention to detail and they are determined to reach their goals no matter what.
Sometimes they can be blind to what is right in front of them because they are so focused on the bigger picture, but they know what they want and how to get it. They might come across as stubborn or unrealistic, but they get things done.
The Seven of Pentacles as advice
If you are asking the tarot for advice regarding a specific situation in your life, pulling the Seven of Pentacles means that it is time to rest, not give up. Celebrate your accomplishments and the progress you have made and know when you need to take a break.
Don’t get so caught up in the daily work that you forget to spend time enjoying the things you have worked so hard for, and be proud of yourself, even if you haven’t reached the final goal just yet.
Astrological Association
The Seven of Pentacles is associated with the astrological sign of Taurus. Taurus is a fixed earth sign and is typically associated with being hard-working and determined, but also comes with the stubbornness of wanting to ‘stick it out’ even when something isn’t working.
The Seven of Pentacles reflects the stubbornness of Taurus when working towards a goal, but it’s important to keep evaluating your energy so you don’t get stuck in a dead end because of stubbornness.
Is the Seven of Pentacles a yes or no card?
The Seven of Pentacles is generally a yes card, and a good sign that things are going the way you want them to. It is a reminder that there is still work to be done but lots of things to be grateful and celebrate for along the way.
Below are some of my interpretations based on different types of questions:
Question: Will I get the job?
Card Interpretation: Yes, the hard work you put in today will pay off in the long run
Question: Is this new person in my life good for me?
Card Interpretation: Yes, it is worth nurturing this relationship
Question: Will I achieve my current goals?
Card Interpretation: Yes, the rewards are coming
Question: Should I start my own business?
Card Interpretation: Yes, but remember good things take time and it’s important to rest and celebrate along the way
Seven of Pentacles as Timings / Timeframes
Tarot timing involves assigning precise timeframes or durations to the events and transitions indicated by the tarot cards in a reading. Personally, I use the tarot decan wheel, an astrologically-based method that aligns each Minor Arcana card with a distinct segment of the zodiac calendar.
Based on that, I determined the timing of the 7 of Pentacles to be from May 11th to May 20th.
Interpreting the Seven of Pentacles in the reverse position
Pulling the Seven of Pentacles in the reversed position can suggest you’re feeling scattered, like you’re being pulled in several directions and not sure where to direct your energy. Trying to do too many things at once and not having a clear focus can leave you drained but with not much to show for it, so make sure you get clear on your goals and what’s important to you, and then give that your energy and attention. The seven of pentacles is all about the journey, it’s about sowing the seeds and then nurturing them as they grow, so have patience with yourself and the process.
You might also be feeling like you’ve been putting the work in and doing all the right things but aren’t making the progress you want to. This can be frustrating when you feel like you’ve already put so much work in, but it’s important to take a step back and evaluate where you are putting your energy and whether it is worth it.
There is no shame in walking away from something you’ve spent time on if it is no longer serving you. Evaluate your priorities, where you are spending your energy and whether it is paying off.

What it means for love
Sometimes even when you put all the energy, love and time into a relationship, it is not meant to be and prolonging the inevitable is just causing more pain in the long run. Pulling the seven of pentacles upside down doesn’t necessarily mean it’s game over, but it’s definitely time to take an objective look at this relationship and whether or not it is a balanced energy exchange.
Are you putting in time and effort only for it to go unnoticed and not be reciprocal? Or are you taking a back seat and hoping the relationship will magically grow on its own? It’s time to ask yourself some difficult questions and trust that it is okay to walk away from something that isn’t turning out the way you hoped it would, even if there’s already been lots of emotion, energy and time shared.
What it means for career
Pulling the inverted Seven of Pentacles in a career reading can mean you’re feeling like your efforts are going unnoticed and unrewarded. You might have worked tirelessly on a project only for it to be unsuccessful, or be continuously going above and beyond in your job and receive no recognition for this extra effort.
The key thing here is being strategic in where you put your energy and keeping your long term goals in mind in your daily actions. If you’re in a job where you’re not being recognised for your skills and effort, you might be better off focusing your energy on improving your own skills and bettering your position for future jobs.
Ask yourself where you want to be in five years time, and start focusing your energy on things you can do today to get you closer to that goal.
Despite its association with mysticism and occultism, the tarot has grown to become much more than a simple “fortune-telling” tool. For many tarot practitioners, it is a complex system made of symbolic imagery and psychological considerations (tarot archetypes for example) that can be used for self-exploration, meditation, and personal transformation.
The 7 of Pentacles tarot card is a powerful symbol of reaping what you sow, reflecting, and taking stock. When this card appears in your reading, it is often a sign that you need to take a step back and assess what you have accomplished so far. It can also be a reminder to enjoy the fruits of your labour and to be patient in times of adversity.
What does that card mean to you personally? How do you interpret this card in your own tarot practice?
Share your thoughts and experiences with me 🙂 Additionally, If you want to know more about the different tarot cards, feel free to check out my complete list of all 78 tarot cards and their meanings.

Written By Charlotte Hamilton
Charlotte Hamilton is an artist, tarot reader and founder of Sugar Storm Studio, a creative studio that empowers weirdos, rebels and outsiders through alternative fashion, creative workshops and tarot. Find out more at www.sugarstormstudio.com
Learn more about the Suit of Pentacles
Explore our comprehensive collection of articles that delve into the significance of each card within the suit of Pentacles.