Eclipse Tarot Spreads
Last Updated: September 16, 2024
We love an introspective moment, and certain eclipses absolutely capture this energy. In this article, we will explore the concept of eclipses and their role in astrology.
Eclipses are celestial events that have been observed by humans for centuries. These events occur when one astronomical body passes between another and a shadow is cast on another. Eclipses have long held significance in various cultures and beliefs, including astrology, and they will happen in tandems – six months apart, or twice within a year.
I just wanted to give some perspective before we get into the tarot spreads themselves, to help you feel a bit more nuanced in understanding at this cosmic time.
What is a solar eclipse?
A solar eclipse occurs when the moon passes between the sun and the earth, blocking out the sun’s light and casting a shadow on the earth. This can only happen during a new moon phase when the moon is positioned in front of the sun from our perspective.
There are three types of solar eclipses: total, partial, and annular. In a total solar eclipse, the moon completely covers the sun, leaving only its corona visible. A partial solar eclipse occurs when the moon only partially covers the sun, resulting in a crescent shape of sunlight. An annular solar eclipse happens when the moon is at its farthest point from the earth and appears smaller than the sun, creating a ring of light around its edges.
What is a lunar eclipse?
A lunar eclipse is when the earth passes between the sun and the moon, casting a shadow on the moon. This can only happen during a full moon phase when the earth is positioned directly between the moon and the sun.
There are also three types of lunar eclipses: total, partial, and penumbral. In a total lunar eclipse, the earth completely blocks out direct sunlight from reaching the moon, resulting in a reddish hue, also known as a “blood moon.” A partial lunar eclipse occurs when the earth only partially blocks direct sunlight from reaching the moon. A penumbral lunar eclipse happens when the earth is positioned at the edge of the sun’s shadow, resulting in a subtle darkening of the moon.
How does it impact my magick?
You’ll see a lot of scaremongering on socials for eclipses. Let me tell you now – pay it no mind. Only you have the biggest influence on your magick, on your practice, and your beliefs. That being said, if you feel the call to rest, then honour your body and energy. If you feel energized and ready to tackle a lot of your manifestations, then go for it. Each astrological event impacts everyone differently.
Solar eclipses are a time of new beginnings, as they happen during a new moon phase, and if you look back to 12 and 18 years ago what was happening for you, similar themes will be occuring here.
Lunar eclipses are more for looking within, for heightened intuition, for divination practice. As it happens in a full moon phase, a time for releasing, pay attention to the themes that have been happening in the run up to an eclipse as it could foreshadow what is to come. If a solar eclipse is the beginning of a new chapter, then the lunar eclipse rounds things off a bit.
Eclipses, in general reference to their energy, are almost erratic, swift shifts likely to happen and they do have the power for transformation – but it’s not like a Tower Moment, or something to be massively afraid of. It’s just growth.
Can I manifest during an eclipse?
I’m going to reiterate a little point from above – how do you FEEL right now, versus what everyone else is telling you?
How you are is always important to spellwork. Would you work on manifestations when you’re sick, rundown, or don’t really have the clarity on what you need? Would you get stuck into ritual work when you’re feeling energized? That you have the time? That there’s something you actually want to accomplish, and have the capacity to do so?
I will always say it’s a green light for eclipses and spellwork, because whilst it’s a deeply intuitive time, you have a stronger vibe of perception and this can be beneficial to your spellwork. But if you aren’t 100% anyway, whether in energy, emotions, or even time – it doesn’t matter if you skip this one.
They always say it’s a “once in a lifetime” eclipse, because it adds shock value. I’m 35 now and the amount of “unprecedented events” I’ve lived through feel very ….routine.
What to expect during an eclipse? (Feelings, communication, fears and worries)
Let’s start with what you must immediately need to know – an eclipse is a cosmic event, but it may not impact you at all, so whilst it’s nice to know what our planetary neighbours are up to, what happens in your own home may be very different, and probably not that dramatic.
During an eclipse, you may experience a wide range of emotions and thoughts, much like folks get influenced when the moon is perigee and full. It is generally common to feel heightened sensitivity and intuition during this time. You may also feel more introspective and reflective, as eclipses tend to bring about deep inner transformations. So use this energy for your practice if you want, or if you feel drained and tired then take it as a moment to rest.
Communication can also be affected during an eclipse, too. It’s not a “mini Mercury retrograde” as some may depict, but with energetic exchanges happening you may not feel as alert. Misunderstandings and miscommunications may occur, so it is important to approach any serious conversation with patience, grace and compassion. This applies to your own inner monologue too.
When is the next eclipse?
The next 9 total, partial, and annular Solar Eclipses:
- Total Solar Eclipse 12th August 2026
- Total Solar Eclipse 2nd August 2027
- Total Solar Eclipse 22nd July 2028
- Partial Solar Eclipse 29th March 2025
- Partial Solar Eclipse 21st September 2025
- Partial Solar Eclipse 14th January 2029
- Annular Solar Eclipse 2nd October 2024
- Annular Solar Eclipse 17th February 2026
- Annual Solar Eclipse 6th February 2027
The next 9 total, partial, and penumbral Lunar Eclipses are:
- Total Lunar Eclipse 14th March 2025
- Total Lunar Eclipse 7th September 2025
- Total Lunar Eclipse 3rd March 2026
- Partial Lunar Eclipse 17th September 2024
- Partial Lunar Eclipse 27th August 2026
- Partial Lunar Eclipse 11th January 2028
- Penumbral Lunar Eclipse 20th February 2027
- Penumbral Lunar Eclipse 9th December 2030
- Penumbral Lunar Eclipse 6th May 2031
I recommend using TimeandDate.com as it will localise it to your area for you 🙂
How does astrology come into eclipses?
The astrological signs that are here in the eclipses mean that those major correspondences (or even, adjectives and descriptions of those signs) may be either internalized or extra-obvious during the eclipse. An Aries and Libra eclipse season, like we’ve just witnessed, showcases how we feel about others and our boundaries to protect the self within this scenario. This may have looked like for you relationships falling apart, or cemented further, or new important people in your life showing up or even how you fit in in terms of identity, and how that fits in with people around you.
If you have a natal chart eclipse, or it’s being activated during this time, you’ll likely feel it more. But actually eclipses tend to be felt by everyone – the energy is pretty intense, social media drives the frenzy, and we can’t really miss it. Eclipses have a long lasting effect, so it doesn’t necessarily mean on the day of or around this time. I’ve seen a couple of witch sources say you can notice it a month before AND after the eclipse. It’s all aligning with the signs, the spaces, the aspects and what has also been going on in your life in the run up to the eclipse.
Fated events are commonly linked in your astrology and for eclipses – they’re not necessarily saying it’s “meant to be”, but just that big events that happen around an eclipse for you will be important to your soul and life’s journey. So astrologically if you were to have a fated event occur, and you instinctively know this to be the specific case, you know that this event is going to be a big one for you.
Card layout and questions to ask
To begin, shuffle your deck and draw a card for each position as shown in the layout below
Finally, take some time to reflect on the questions that each card position represents and what message the tarot cards in that position might be trying to tell you.
If you’re just starting to learn tarot, or if you’re still getting to know your deck, you may find my in-depth articles on the meanings of every tarot card helpful.
4 Card Eclipse Tarot Spreads
Making sense of the energies at this time can be useful with tarot as your guide. Whether it is to gain clarity, uncover hidden messages, or seek guidance on how to navigate this period, exploring lessons and themes… I’ve got you covered. Here are multiple tarot spreads specifically designed for most eclipses:
Lunar Eclipse 4 Card Tarot Spread
Card 1 – What themes are being highlighted during this eclipse?
Card 2 – How can I best harness the energy of this lunar eclipse?
Card 3 – What do I need to release or let go of during this time?
Card 4 – What new beginnings can I look forward to after this lunar eclipse?
Solar Eclipse 4 Card Tarot Spread
Card 1 – What new opportunities or beginnings are coming my way during this eclipse?
Card 2 – How can I best utilize the energy of this solar eclipse?
Card 3 – What do I need to focus on or cultivate during this time?
Card 4 – What challenges may arise, and how can I overcome them?
5 Card Eclipse Tarot Spreads
Lunar Eclipse 5 Card Tarot Spread
Card 1 – Erratic change theme inbound?
Card 2 – How can I support myself through it?
Card 3 – How I should ask for help through it?
Card 4 – How I will start to see signs of stabilisation from it?
Card 5 – What do I have to look forward to from this process?
Solar Eclipse 5 Card Tarot Spread
Card 1 – Change for the people around me?
Card 2 – How can I be sure not to let it affect me?
Card 3 – How can I try to supportive towards others at this time?
Card 4 – How I will achieve growth and stability from it?
Card 5 – What can I look forward to after this solar eclipse?
6 Card Eclipse Tarot Spreads
Lunar Eclipse 6 Card Tarot Spread
Card 1 – What transformation can I expect during this lunar eclipse?
Card 2 – What aspects of my life will be most affected by this transformation?
Card 3 – How can I best navigate through these changes and transitions?
Card 4 – What do I need to let go of in order to fully embrace this transformation?
Card 5 – What new beginnings will arise as a result of this transformation?
Card 6 – What lessons will I learn from this transformation?
Solar Eclipse 6 Card Tarot Spread
Card 1 – What new opportunities or beginnings can I expect during this solar eclipse?
Card 2 – How can I best utilize the energy of this solar eclipse to manifest my goals and desires?
Card 3 – What inner work do I need to focus on in order to fully embrace these opportunities?
Card 4 – What external factors may try to hinder my progress, and how can I overcome them?
Card 5 – What support do I need from others in order to achieve success during this time?
Card 6 – What long-term effects will this solar eclipse have on my life?
7 Card Eclipse Tarot Spreads
Lunar Eclipse 7 Card Tarot Spread
Card 1 – What major transformations or shifts will occur during this lunar eclipse?
Card 2 – How can I best prepare for these changes and adapt to them?
Card 3 – What past patterns or behaviors do I need to release in order to embrace new beginnings?
Card 4 – How can I stay grounded and centered during this time of change?
Card 5 – What new opportunities or paths will become available to me after this lunar eclipse?
Card 6 – How can I trust and listen to my intuition during this transformative period?
Card 7 – What guidance or lessons does the Universe have for me during this time of change?
Solar Eclipse 7 Card Tarot Spread
Card 1 – What major shifts or changes will occur in my external life during this solar eclipse?
Card 2 – How can I best manage and navigate these changes?
Card 3 – What limiting beliefs or fears do I need to release in order to fully embrace new beginnings?
Card 4 – How can I stay focused on my goals and manifest my desires during this time of change?
Card 5 – What new opportunities or paths will become available to me after this solar eclipse?
Card 6 – How can I tap into my inner strength and resilience during this transformative period?
Card 7 – What guidance or lessons does the Universe have for me as I embark on this new chapter of my life?
More tarot spreads for you to try ✨
This page is part of our collection of free tarot spread layouts. If you enjoyed the read, then you’ll love the following articles.