winter forest walks for imbolc

Imbolc Tarot Spread

Last Updated: January 19, 2025

I get the pleasure of writing this all down for you whilst I look out into my back garden, listening to Tony Ann and enjoying the fat flakes of soft snow hushing the land around me. January to February is very much winter to me, and a perfect time for silent, calm and protective layering magick – all themes that align dotingly with Imbolc, the festival named of “in the belly”.

What is Imbolc?

Imbolc, or Imbolg as it is also known, is a Gaelic festival that celebrates the beginning of spring. It falls on February 1st or 2nd, halfway between the winter solstice and the spring equinox. It is one of the four Celtic fire festivals, along with Beltane, Lughnasadh, and Samhain.

The name Imbolc comes from Old Irish meaning “in the belly“, referring to the pregnancy of ewes at this time of year as well as symbolizing new life and growth. It is a time to welcome back the light after the dark winter months and to celebrate renewal and rebirth.

You’ll often see it celebrated with candles, lights, lamps, bonfires (we’re bloody obsessed with a fire, us witches) and with nurturing imagery, such as baby cows, baby lambs,

Witches celebrate Imbolc because of our love of nature and cycles, we celebrate the return of the light, we welcome the beginning of Spring and finish our appreciation of Winter. We can honour the goddess Brigid, who is associated with Imbolc and known for her healing, poetry, and smithcraft abilities. She is considered a triple goddess representing three aspects of womanhood – maiden, mother, and crone.

Nature starts to show us signs of life again, and whilst we don’t necessarily see the baby animals or the lighter days just yet, we trust that the Earth is as fertile as our energy and our magick.

Imbolc Traditions

TBC w/ sources

When is Imbolc?

We celebrate Imbolc on February 1st or February 2nd in the Northern Hemisphere, and August 1st or August 2nd in the Southern Hemisphere. This reflects the changing seasons and the reversal of the earth’s hemispheres, but there is nothing stopping you from celebrating when your energy feels best around this time (whether it’s early or late, don’t blame yourself or put pressure on yourself).

I love the collaboration between Imbolc, a time of cleansing and renewal, and the astrology of Aquarius, with our environment at the forefront and a fabulous time to express our individuality! So in what ways will you encourage change and honour cycles?

Imbolc Correspondences

  • Themes: Emergence, Cycles, Purification, Rebirth, Growing and Growth
  • Deities: Brigid, Baba Yaga, Cailleach, Danu, Ceres, Demeter, Frigg, Pan, Persephone, Hades
  • Colours: White, Red, Gold, Fresh Greens, Yellow, Pastels
  • Crystals: Snow Quartz, Clear Quartz, Rose Quartz, Garnet, Amethyst, Jasper
  • Magick/Spellwork: Purification, Cleansing, Ward Refreshing, Self-Care and Supportive Magick
  • Herbs, Plants and Trees: Snowdrops, Crocus, Daffodil, Iris, Blackberries, Primrose, Angelica, Bay Leafs, Cinnamon, Pepper, Juniper, Rosemary, Lavender.
  • Symbols: The Empress, The Star, Aquarius, Snowflakes, Sun Wheels, Eggs, Seeds and Bulbs
  • Tools: Corn Dolly, Single White Candles, Brigid’s Cross, Cauldrons, Besoms, Milk, Teas, Salts, Talismans and Warding Items.

Imbolc Aesthetics

A tale of two halves for this festival, it’s very indoors and it’s very outdoors.

Inside, imagine cozy blankets and throws across sofas piled up with books and journals you intend to craft, write and dive into. Burning incense and watching the flame of candles dance on your altar, bringing forth gratitude for the lessons learned in winter and welcoming the new light. Meditating over a homemade latte brews.

Outside, envision being nestled by a fire pit with your loved ones as you feast on homemade breads, hearty soups from thermos and stews picnic style whilst you’re sat on logs or benches. Breathe in crisp air and watch the first shoots emerge from the ground, signalling spring’s arrival. Take time to walk barefoot on the earth and feel its energy beneath your feet if it’s not a health risk.

a perfect time to try moon milk is early spring

30+ Ways How To Celebrate Imbolc

Imbolc is a time of purification, renewal, and growth. It is a great time to clear out any clutter or negativity from your life and make space for new beginnings…but you might find that boring. There are so many ways to celebrate Imbolc, here are some suggestions and practices:

  1. Light candles or lamps in your home to symbolize welcoming back the light.
  2. Create an altar dedicated to Brigid with symbols such as bells (for inspiration), candles (for fire), seeds or bulbs (for growth), and representations of creativity.
  3. Bake goods (or buy some) such as cakes or breads with seeds, nuts, or dried fruits to symbolize growth and abundance.
  4. Collect snow water.
  5. Enjoy all the January offers of discounted health foods, and try new things like seeds on salads (if that’s usually not your bag).
  6. Carrying on with the above, make your own Imbolc Moon Milk recipe! Lattes, teas, all the brewing… I love to see it.
  7. Dishes made with dairy products such as milk, butter, or cheese in honour of Brigid’s association with cows. I love any oat-milk alternatives! I like to make a banging Tzatziki with Oatly’s Greek Yoghurt haha
  8. Spicy foods like chilli or curry to celebrate warmth.
  9. Make offerings to Brigid (or your deity of choice) such as milk or honey.
  10. Take a walk in nature, create some nature art or clear up an area with litter picking or debris clearing (as safely as you can).
  11. Write some poetry, or read some.
  12. Lighting candles or fires to symbolize the returning of light.
  13. Decorating with symbols of spring such as flowers, seeds, and eggs.
  14. Holding ceremonies or rituals to honour blessings coming into your life.
  15. Making offerings to nature such as planting seeds or leaving bread for birds.
  16. Taking a purification bath or shower with herbs, salts, or essential oils.
  17. Doing a personal cleansing or decluttering of physical and emotional spaces.
  18. Making Brigid’s crosses out of rushes or straw to hang in your home for protection and good luck.
  19. Meditating on themes such as growth, inspiration, creativity, and renewal.
  20. Sending blessings to loved ones or to those in need through acts of service or kindness.
  21. Writing down intentions and goals for the upcoming year and keeping them in a visible place for motivation and manifestation ready for Ostara.
  22. Crafting items, such as candles, jewelry, or dream catchers with intention and purpose.
  23. Attending community events such as parades, festivals, or bonfires to celebrate with others.
  24. Practicing gratitude and giving thanks for the abundance in our lives.
  25. Doing a self-care ritual such as a face mask, massage, or yoga practice to honor your own body and well-being.
  26. Connecting with the elements through activities like gardening, hiking, or stargazing.
  27. Sharing a meal with loved ones and incorporating some of the traditional foods mentioned above into the menu.
  28. Reflecting on areas of your life where you can let go of old patterns and invite in new beginnings.
  29. Setting intentions for the upcoming cycle of seasons and how you want to grow and evolve during this time.
  30. Creating an altar or sacred space in your home to honor Brigid and the energies of spring.
  31. Chanting, singing, or playing music to bring joy and vitality into your life.
  32. Get into the spirit of playfulness and childlike wonder that comes with the season of Imbolc and February.

imbolc candle lighting

Card layout and questions to ask

To begin, shuffle your deck and draw a card for each position as shown in the layout below

Finally, take some time to reflect on the questions that each card position represents and what message the tarot cards in that position might be trying to tell you.

If you’re just starting to learn tarot, or if you’re still getting to know your deck, you may find my in-depth articles on the meanings of every tarot card helpful.

imbolc tarot spread

Imbolc Tarot Spread

Card One: The Quickening – How To Connect With My Magick At This Time

This card will show you either new ways to connect with what will stir the embers within you, or can show you what we’re aware of already but have ignored or had to pause for whatever reason. This may look like the Three of Pentacles, which would suggest collaborating with others to bring your spell ideas to life. It could also be the Ace of Wands, showing a new spark of inspiration or passion. Whatever comes up, know this is a quick energy, and it’s not meant to take time for you.

Card Two: The Warming – What Can I Do To Bring More Joy And Warmth Into My Life

Life and fecundity (one of my fave weird words) go hand in hand, so it’s wonderful to celebrate this. How you can bring even more joy or emotional warmth into your life may look like the 6 of Swords, a card of transition and moving on from difficult situations. This could suggest taking a break or vacation to recharge, or finally letting go of old emotional baggage that has been weighing you down.

Card Three: The Spark – What Projects Or Ideas Should I Focus On

Whilst we love reflective and introspective tarot, we also love a heads-up. This placement will show you something of benefit over the next few days/weeks/months.. maybe until the next witch’s holiday. It may show up like the The Empress, suggesting maybe to taking to nurturing greenery and plantlife, or actually prioritizing self-care and the child within you.

Card Four: The Growing – What Will Flourish And Grow In My Life During This Time

Imbolc shows up that it’s not just life stirring within, but also developing, moving, and flourishing. This placement will show you where there is a growing and benefit to come that will keep you feeling excited and motivated. It may look like the 4 of Wands, a card of celebration and harmony, suggesting that your relationships will be not only a key focus but generally of good times together are ahead of you.

Card Five: The Purifying – How Can I Clear Out Negativity And Make Space For New Beginnings

We love a reset at I’d absolutely get stuck into what areas need a cleanse or that need an energy correct in your life, so using the tarot to see what this is for you will be a real inspirational boost. It may look like the Magician, which I’d suggest to mean that you have all the tools and resources already to make this cleansing and clearing happen. It may also suggest a need for communication and setting boundaries in order to purge any negativity from your life. Trust yourself and take action towards creating a positive, fresh start. Until next time x

Try this Imbolc tarot reading below - a free online tarot reading

Backyard Banshee Tarot Deck Back Card
The Hanged Man

Custom illustration

Backyard Banshee Tarot Deck Back Card
Judgement card

Custom illustration

Backyard Banshee Tarot Deck Back Card
The Justice card

Custom illustration

Backyard Banshee Tarot Deck Back Card
The Moon card

Custom illustration

Backyard Banshee Tarot Deck Back Card
The Lovers card

Custom illustration

Shuffle the cards

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