Lammas Tarot Spread | 8-Card Interactive Reading
Last Updated: October 26, 2022
In England, it’s the first harvest, the first of August. In Scotland, it’s the fourth Sunday in July. And in Ireland, it’s Lughnasadh (pronounced Loo-na-sah) on August 1st. All three celebrations have Pagan roots and are now Christian holidays.
Lammas is a time to give thanks for the harvest, celebrate the bounty of the land, and enjoy the fruits of our labors. It is also a time to reflect on the year that has passed and to prepare for the months ahead.
One way to do this is with a Lammas Tarot Spread. This spread can help you identify what lessons you have learned over the past year, what blessings you have received, and many other interesting insights.
What is Lammas?
“Loafmass” is where the word comes from, but what it actually means as a witchy holiday is a time for giving thanks for the grain harvest. Traditionally the first sheaf of corn would be cut and blessed, then taken to church to be placed on the altar. Bread would be blessed for the protection of crops, and on we go honoring nature and the cyclical seasons. In some cultures, a Lammas loaf is made from the new wheat and shared with family and friends.
Lammas marks the beginning of the end of summer. From now until winter, the days will start getting shorter and the nights will get longer. Lammas is a reminder that we need to make the most of every moment because like nature things change for us, and showing our gratitude is a great way to do so
How to celebrate Lammas without Gods/Deities/Patrons
Celebrating sabbats can be completely secular if that’s your vibe, like mine. If you find yourself focusing on the main themes versus the deity associated with them, you’ll note it’s a lot easier to celebrate. For Lammas, the main themes of celebrating our hard work before the preparation for colder seasons, reaping the rewards, gratitude, thankfulness, and the opportunity to be with loved ones – are easy to incorporate.
Fun ways to celebrate can be:
- Making a Lammas corn dolly using ribbons, tiny craft bells or drawing on sigils to match what you’re manifesting over the next season – the best colours to use are gold, green and red!
- Blessing your home or space by burning a Lammas-themed herb bundle (Oatstraw, Local Sage, Rosemary, Corn leaves, Hay etc)
- Making and sharing Lammas bread such as the recipe I provided on!
- Connecting with nature, watching the sunset with your people, and enjoying an ice-cold beer.
Lammas is a time of harvest, so anything related to food is perfect. If you have a garden, now is the time to start reaping the benefits! Canning, jamming, and pickling are all great ways to enjoy the bounty of summer fruits and vegetables. Maybe making a canning party with friends could be a cute in-the-broom-closet celebration? You can also decorate your home with autumnal colors and nature-themed décor for the next few months – any excuse for bringing out more blankets and candles in my home! Get creative and have fun!
Lammas Blessing
Here is a little Lammas poem for you that you can use as a secular blessing to honour the gratitude of the occasion!
“Breaking bread is not hard to do,
With kindness, gratitude and love too.
Each person who takes bread from me shall see,
A season of love, health and prosperity.
Each friend I meet along the way,
Will wake up energized and happier today.
Each friend who returns with good deeds,
Will always have a home, and a place to feed.
Each nature walk I walk alone,
Will never lead me too far from home.
Each night that gets darker before going to bed,
Will not be one filled with dread.
I’ll happily greet each day that comes my way,
With the knowledge that I will make it through okay.
And when this season has passed its due,
I’ll have made it with my magick through anew.
So it is.”
Lammas tarot spread layout & questions to ask
To begin, shuffle your tarot deck and draw a card for each position as shown in the below layout.
Finally, take some time to reflect on the questions that each card position represents and what message the tarot cards in that position might be trying to tell you. If you’re just starting to learn tarot, or if you’re still getting to know your deck, you may find my in-depth articles on the meanings of every tarot card helpful.
Tarot Card #1: First harvest; what to give thanks for that made things possible
This card will show us something to give thanks for this year, what made things possible for us, or even a person who was really important. It may be a card like the Page of Cups, which typically is younger feminine energy – potentially someone recently engaged or just married…
Or it may be The Tower, which would indicate we had some massive disruptions that caused us to rebuild our foundations bigger and stronger than ever!
Tarot Card #2: Plan(s) to celebrate this new season
Tarot Card #3: Who to involve in the celebration
Whatever we go through, we don’t do it alone. This card may suggest someone who really needs friendship right now, or even somebody you chat with online & you could do something virtually with. If the Empress came up for this position, I’d celebrate with those who value creativity or who find an abundance of joy in nature.
If the Justice card came up for this, I’d recommend thinking about doing something with a work colleague or business mentor – somebody who can offer you some valuable advice.
Maybe it’s the Ace of Wands which suggests new creative projects or opportunities, going it alone is always a lovely opportunity to explore something you’re feeling really passionate about. This could be baking, creating artwork for creativity’s sake, foraging, being in nature or just getting started on something you’ve been putting off.
Lammas is a great time to celebrate accomplishments by bringing more to the table!
Tarot Card #4: Card for summer gratitude
This card will indicate themes that have run in your year for you so far so that you can build more into your gratitude practice. This could be a card like the Two of Swords, which proposes you’ve had some challenging decisions this year and pulled through – that takes strength.
It could be the Star – you’ve worked really hard, and now you can enjoy your accomplishments in a relaxed “day off” type of vibe!
Whatever the card, think of a sentence you can structure from the imagery – “I am thankful for all the dreams that I turned into reality this year”, “I am grateful that the decisions I made have benefitted me, and continue to do so” etc.
Tarot Card #5: Card for themes until Mabon
This card will symbolize a keyword that can cover the time between Lammas & Mabon. You may have to deeply interpret, like card 8 of Wands – this suggests movement, travel – but in a pandemic, this may look like mental travel, or simply getting out of the house more.
Maybe it’s The Fool which suggests optimistic new beginnings, taking safer risks, and saying “yes!” to new experiences even if they seem a little bit scary! Whatever comes up, make sure it’s something that you could embrace the theme for, as it’ll always be for your benefit.
Tarot Card #6: Card for Meditation
When this card keyword comes through for you, sit and meditate on it. This is a chance for you to really understand how it’s come through for you this Lammas season, and what you need to do with the information.
If The Devil comes up for this position, it may be a sign that you need to let go of something – a person, an object, a memory, a hurt… whatever is holding you back from fully enjoying this season.
If The Lovers come up instead, it may be time for some self-love and reflection on your own personal relationships. Maybe it’s the 4 of Cups which suggests boredom or being offered something that truly isn’t what you want or aligns with your values; it’s up to you to meditate on this and understand what that means for you.
Tarot Card #7: Where will there be major shifts with the season change?
Not a warning, but maybe a glimpse for you – this position will show you what areas in your life may change come Mabon. If Judgement comes up here for you, then it’s time for you to let go of something that’s been weighing you down.
This could be a person, an object, a memory, a hurt… whatever is holding you back from fully enjoying this season. If The Emperor comes up for you, it may be time to take control of your life and make some decisions that are best for you – even if they’re tough.
Whatever the card, remember it’s not a bad omen, but a way for you to reflect on what areas may change come the Autumn season.
Tarot Card #8: Something to keep in mind when breaking bread
The major card for us to really take away from this reading; whatever this card implies, it’ll impact your relationship with others. When sharing love, protection, warmth, food.. whatever, with others over the next season, what is really important for you will show up in this card’s meaning.
It may be a Swords card, which would insinuate time on your thoughts, communication and mental wellbeing to be put forward as a priority before dealing with others…
Or it may be a card like The Magician, and you’re really being called to put your skills to the test in order to help others. Whatever it is that comes up, make sure you keep it in mind when breaking bread and sharing with others this Lammas season!
Try this 8-card Lammas tarot reading now with the below interactive tarot spread
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What to do after this Lammas tarot reading
After you’ve finished a tarot reading, there are a few things you can do in order to reflect on the experience and integrate the insights you gained. Here are some suggestions:
Use a tarot journal to record your findings
Jotting down your thoughts in a tarot journal after reading can be helpful in a few ways. First, it can help you remember the details of your reading later on, such as how you felt at the moment and perhaps your first impressions of what a card meant. Second, it can provide a space for you to process the information you’ve received and explore what it means for you. Third, it can be a way to keep track of your progress over time as you revisit your journal entries and reflect on your journey.
Take a picture of the cards
If you want to remember the position of the cards and what they meant in relation to your questions, take a picture of the spread. This will help you look back on the reading later and review the insights you received. Sometimes, clarity is better acquired after you’ve stepped back from the situation for a little while and had some time to process it.
Some people create Instagram accounts or Pinterest accounts specifically for this, and if you use any of our spreads please tag us @backyardbanshee if you feel comfortable!
Take some time to meditate and reflect
Immediately after a tarot reading, it’s important to take some time to sit with the insights you’ve received. This can be done through proper meditation, visualisation, or simply taking some time to reflect on the reading. It can be helpful to think about what the messages from the cards mean for your life and how you can apply the advice that was given to you. That time can also be used to replenish your energy level and cleanse your tarot deck.
Get a second opinion from a close friend
If you have close friends who also happen to be tarot practitioners, it can be helpful to get their take on your reading. They may be able to offer additional insights or perspectives that you hadn’t considered before. This is also a good way to get feedback on your own interpretation of the cards.
Ensure to ask permission before just blindly sending your cards across in a message and saying “what does this mean to you?” as your friends may not have the energy or have a boundary with this sort of thing – manners cost nothing, and this is especially to note if they are a professional tarot reader who normally gets paid to interpret readings.
Layer your reading with more divination
Why not try adding astrology dice or a pendulum reading to your tarot session? Your intuition will guide you on how to best use these tools, but they can be helpful in providing more clarity around the messages from your tarot reading. We have lots of methods for you to utilise here on the website.
At the end of the day, tarot readings are meant to be a helpful tool, not a replacement for your own intuition. The best way to use tarot is to combine the insights you receive with your own understanding of the situation. Trust your gut and follow your heart—the answers you’re looking for will come.
It is my hope that these tarot spreads on my website help you with clarity and articulate whatever is going on. Let me know what you think of this tarot spread in the comments below and if you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me.
I have been passionate about reading divination for more than 15 years. This gives me a unique perspective when it comes to creating fun, supportive and creative tarot spreads. I hope they help you find the clarity and insight you are looking for.
More tarot spreads for you to try ✨
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