statue of diana

Nemoralia Tarot Spread

Last Updated: October 26, 2024

Nemoralia, also known as the Festival of Torches or the Feast of Torches, is an ancient Roman festival celebrated on August 13th. It was originally dedicated to the goddess Diana, but later evolved to honor both Diana and the Greek goddess Artemis.

The festival celebrates the harvest season and is associated with both earth and fire elements. It was traditionally held in wooded areas outside of Rome where a sacrificial animal would be offered to Diana and torches would be lit in her honour.

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What is Nemoralia?

Celebrated at Lake Nemi at the Sanctuary of Diana, and also called the Hecatean Ides, Nemoralia has been celebrated for thousands of years, dating back to at least 550 BCE. Ovid talks about the procession around 100BCE, and it originated as a rural celebration in Aricia that would later be adopted by the city of Rome.

The festival was an important time for both farmers and hunters, as it marked the end of summer and the beginning of harvest season. It was also seen as a time to pay tribute to Diana, who was believed to protect women and children, as well as wild animals.

Offerings such as tokens lay near the bodies of water (like at Lake Nemi), prayers and tying of prayer ribbons to branches, flower crowns and garlands on dogs, as well as processions and torch lit rituals in the woods bring rich imagery to mind of this sacred event. Hunting or killing of any sort was banned for this date, as well as some folk dedicated themselves to chastity and cut off their hair to show dedication (tied in with the worship of Virbius/Hippolytus).

It’s called the Hecatean Ides because it’s the eve of an ancient Greek festival date for Hecate, on August 13th (daytime) or 14th (nighttime). This has been written about by Diana Stein, Jane Farrar, Gavin Bone and Leo Ruickbie, but it is Statius in the late 1st Century who describes Nemoralia festival celebrations as the “Ides of Hecate” and not the Ides of August or Feast of Diana Nemorensis. It’s also super possible that the Deipnon at some point fell on this date, and so it make it easier for folk became the same date every year. Essentially, it comes at a pivotal point in the Roman calendar, after the full moon, when the harvest season is about to begin and people are preparing for the colder months ahead.

Who is celebrated at Nemoralia?

  • Hekate – Greek goddess of the crossroads, magick and witchcraft
  • Artemis – Greek goddess of hunting, wilderness and childbirth
  • Diana – Roman goddess of the hunt, moon and protector of women and animals
  • Janus – Roman god of beginnings, endings and transitions
  • Virbius/Hippolytus – Roman hero associated with the moon and fertility
  • Trivia – Roman goddess of crossroads and magic, also associated with Hecate
  • Kourotrophos – Greek goddess of fertility and child-rearing, also associated with Diana
  • Cernunnos – Celtic god of the wild, abundance and fertility, often depicted with antlers
  • Demeter – Greek goddess of agriculture and the harvest
  • Persephone/Kore – In her maiden aspect, representing youth and chastity

Many modern pagans and witches still celebrate Nemoralia as a time to honour these ancient deities and connect with nature. Rituals may include offerings, lighting candles or torches, making flower crowns or garlands, and taking walks in wooded areas.

Why you might want to celebrate Nemoralia ?

As modern witches, there’s not enough excuses to get outside in nature and enjoy all it’s incredible offerings. This is a festival of discovery, being in the woods and honoring your own fiery creativity. You can make offerings to any or all of the deities associated with Nemoralia, do tarot readings, or simply take in the beauty of nature.

lake nemi nemoralia

How to Celebrate Nemoralia

  • Go for a walk in nature – Take a hike, go camping, or simply spend some time outside surrounded by trees and fresh air.
  • Make offerings – Leave offerings for the goddesses associated with Nemoralia such as fruits, honey, candles or even handmade items.
  • Light torches/candles – In honor of Diana and Artemis, light torches or candles in your home or outdoor space.
  • Join protests or marches – This can be a gorgeous way to connect with your values, ethics and stand up for the causes that would really matter. Causes like deforestation, animal welfare, gun control and women’s rights are just a few examples of issues that these goddesses would have stood for.
  • Perform a tarot reading – Use the Nemoralia Tarot Spread to gain insight and reflection during this festival.
  • Watch the sunset – As the sun sets on August 13th, take a moment to reflect on the past and set intentions for the harvest season ahead.
  • Enjoy a sporting event – Enjoy a sporting event such as boxing, wrestling or even a friendly game of tug-of-war with friends.
  • If you’re super fortunate, visit Lake Nemi – This is where the festival originally took place and it’s said to be a magickal spot. It may also inspire your tarot reading while you’re there!

Card layout and questions to ask

To begin, shuffle your deck and draw a card for each position as shown in the layout below

Finally, take some time to reflect on the questions that each card position represents and what message the tarot cards in that position might be trying to tell you.

If you’re just starting to learn tarot, or if you’re still getting to know your deck, you may find my in-depth articles on the meanings of every tarot card helpful.

Nemoralia Tarot Spread

Nemoralia Tarot Spread 

To honor this ancient festival, we have created a six card tarot spread that incorporates elements of earth and fire. This spread can be used to gain insight into current harvests in your life – whether they be physical or metaphorical – and to connect with the energy of Diana and Artemis.

Card 1: Earth – What is currently growing and thriving in your life?

This card represents the fruits of your labour, what you have been working hard to cultivate and grow. It can also reveal areas of abundance in your life that you may not be aware of. This may look like the 7 of Pentacles, which for this position would mean that your hard work and patience are starting to pay off.

Card 2: Fire – What is holding you back or preventing growth?

Just as fire can destroy crops and hinder their growth, this card will show you what obstacles are standing in the way of your progress. It could represent fear, doubt, or external circumstances. It could also show us what we need to burn away so we can move forward. This may look like the Ace of Wands, which for this position would mean that new opportunities and ideas are sparking within you and you should welcome them rather than overthink them.

Card 3: Diana – What aspect of yourself needs protection or nurturing?

Diana was a protector goddess, so this card encourages you to look within and see what parts of yourself need extra care and attention. It could also represent areas of your life that need protection or guidance. This may look like the Queen of Swords, which for this position would mean that you need to take a step back and use your logical mind to analyze any potential challenges or conflicts.

Card 4: Artemis – What wild or untamed energy needs to be harnessed?

Artemis was a fierce goddess associated with the wilderness, independence and hunting, so this card reveals what desires or energies are calling out to be explored. It may indicate where there is a need for more freedom and independence in your life. This may look like the Knight of Wands, which for this position would mean that it’s time to take action on your goals and dreams with passion and enthusiasm.

Card 5: Harvest – What lessons can you learn from your current harvest?

Just as farmers must learn from their harvests to improve future crops, this card represents the wisdom you can gain from current successes or challenges. It may also offer insights into how you can continue to grow and thrive. This may look like the Temperance, which for this position would mean that balance and moderation are key in order to maintain abundance and success.

Card 6: Torch – What new direction or path is being illuminated for you?

The torches of Nemoralia represent light, guidance, and new beginnings. This card will reveal what new opportunities or paths are opening up for you and how you can harness them to continue on your journey. 

Nemoralia can be a secular festival that celebrates the balance between the earth and fire elements, as well as honouring powerful goddesses such as Diana, Artemis and Hekate. By incorporating these energies into our lives through practices like tarot readings, we can utilise their wisdom and guidance to cultivate abundance and growth in all areas of our lives. Love this for us!

Try this Nemoralia tarot reading below - a free online tarot reading

Backyard Banshee Tarot Deck Back Card
The World card

Custom illustration

Backyard Banshee Tarot Deck Back Card
The Emperor card

Custom illustration

Backyard Banshee Tarot Deck Back Card
The Wheel of Fortune card

Custom illustration

Backyard Banshee Tarot Deck Back Card
The Devil card

Custom illustration

Backyard Banshee Tarot Deck Back Card
The Empress card

Custom illustration

Backyard Banshee Tarot Deck Back Card
The Star card

Custom illustration

Backyard Banshee Tarot Deck Back Card
The Moon card

Custom illustration

Shuffle the cards

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