
Saturnalia Tarot Spread

Last Updated: October 26, 2024

Saturnalia is a pagan holiday that originated in ancient Rome. This festival was dedicated to the Roman god Saturn, the god of agriculture, liberation and time, but it is often linked Kronos/Chronus.

What is Saturnalia?

Saturnalia was a highly anticipated festival among the Romans as it marked the end of the agricultural year and the beginning of winter. During this time, people would offer sacrifices to Saturn and celebrate with feasting, gift-giving, and various forms of entertainment.

Macrobius wrote in “Saturnalia” that not only was it a time that each man and woman were free and equal, a time free of slavery, but it was also a festival of light leading up to the winter solstice, and a time of knowledge sharing and truth. This is a wonderful summary compared to the imagery of pure debauchery (and good times) often depicted in traditional art – that we celebrate Saturnalia to become enlightened, to be celebrated, and to be free.

When is Saturnalia?

It was celebrated in mid-December and lasted for about a week. Modern practitioners love to bring it forward to before Yule, and it’s been documented to have been celebrated 17th December to 23rd December previously. It’s when gifts, and joke gifts, were exchanged “just because”, and so it’s potentially where modern Christmas gifts come from. Sigilliaria were wax or pottery figurines created, as humanoid or deity-like as desired, that were gifted on the last day of Saturnalia exchanged.

You can learn more about Saturnalia in Witching Hour, a workbook for the seasons outside of popular pagan holidays.

Saturnalia (1909) by Ernesto Biondi

Why Do Witches Celebrate Saturnalia?

For modern folk who love their tech and their Christmas parties, Saturnalia is an interesting reconnect point. This festival is a time of joy, generosity, and indulgence – perfect for connecting with friends and family, reflecting on the past year, and setting intentions for the new one. You get to rest, relax and revel with your faves, and sometimes that energy can bring an authenticity to your magickal vibes you need a top-up with. It’s choosing to put down the phone, the screen, the work and the tasks, and just enjoy being alive.

Saturnalia is also a powerful time for spellwork as the energy of Saturn (and Capricorn season) is associated with structuring manifestation, personal growth, and realistic abundance. Many witches use this holiday to perform spells related to prosperity, success, and personal development.

Many pagans continue to celebrate Saturnalia as a way to connect with their ancient Roman ancestors and honour the changing of the seasons. It is also seen as a time for introspection, reflection, and setting intentions for the upcoming year.

How To Celebrate Saturnalia

  • Go watch a play or performance with friends and family
  • Exchange gifts, particularly joke or gag gifts
  • Have a feast with traditional Roman dishes such as honey cakes, mulsum (a drink made with wine and honey), tapenades, dried salted fish and roasted meats
  • Decorate your home with greenery such as holly, ivy, and pine branches
  • Perform spells related to joy, fun, personal growth and abundance
  • Practice gratitude for the blessings in your life

Card layout and questions to ask

To begin, shuffle your deck and draw a card for each position as shown in the layout below

Finally, take some time to reflect on the questions that each card position represents and what message the tarot cards in that position might be trying to tell you.

If you’re just starting to learn tarot, or if you’re still getting to know your deck, you may find my in-depth articles on the meanings of every tarot card helpful.

Saturnalia Tarot Spread

Saturnalia Tarot Spread 

Now that we understand the history and significance of Saturnalia, why not let us explore a tarot spread that can be used during this holiday? This spread is designed to help you reflect on the past year, set intentions for the upcoming one, and tap into the energy of Saturn for manifestation guidance. Hopefully, we nailed it!

Card 1: The Sacrifice

This card represents what you need to let go of or sacrifice in order to make room for new growth and abundance in your life. It may also symbolize the challenges or obstacles you need to overcome to achieve success. This could look like the 3 of Wands, suggesting the need to release control and share new opportunities especially with others who you can really build something with normally.

Card 2: The Gift

This card represents the gifts, blessings, and opportunities that Saturnalia brings into your life. It may also indicate hidden talents or resources that you can utilize to manifest your desires. This may show up like the 6 of Swords, which would describe here as being “the end of something and the beginning of something else,” or the start-up of a new adventure.

Card 3: The Feast

This card represents the aspects of your life that bring you joy, pleasure, and fulfillment. It may also suggest self-care practices or activities that will help you recharge and maintain balance during this busy holiday season. It may be a non-typical card that shows up for this, like the 3 of Swords, which would mean that you should find joy in seeking out hidden opportunities to serve the community where previously there’s been a lot of pain or discomfort or even grief and loss.

Card 4: The Entertainment

This card represents the fun and playful side of Saturnalia. It may suggest activities or experiences that will bring you joy, laughter, and light-heartedness. It could also indicate the need to let loose and not take things too seriously during this celebratory time. It really doesn’t matter what card pops up for this because it’s supposed to be fun!

Card 5: The Reflection

This card represents the lessons and insights you have gained throughout the past year. It may also symbolize areas of personal growth or areas where you still have room for improvement. This could show up like the Hanged Man, a traditionally “bad” tarot card looking at it from a western perspective but actually meaning something like “I am in control of my life by letting go of what I think matters when really, it doesn’t.”

Card 6: The Intention

This card represents the intentions and goals you have for the upcoming year. It may suggest areas of focus or actions you need to take in order to manifest your desires. This could look like the Ace of Pentacles, indicating a focus on a new beginning and the amazing potential for material abundance and success in your chosen endeavours.

As we celebrate Saturnalia, let us get stuck into the energy of joy, generosity, and growth that this festival brings.

Witches: may we use this time to reflect on our past experiences, release what no longer serves us, and set intentions for a prosperous future. Happy new year you lovely lot! Until next time x

Try this Saturnalia tarot reading below - a free online tarot reading

Backyard Banshee Tarot Deck Back Card
The Devil card

Custom illustration

Backyard Banshee Tarot Deck Back Card
The Fool card

Custom Illustration

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The Justice card

Custom illustration

Backyard Banshee Tarot Deck Back Card
The Tower card

Custom illustration

Backyard Banshee Tarot Deck Back Card
The Hermit card

Custom Illustraion

Backyard Banshee Tarot Deck Back Card
The High-Priestess card

Custom Illustration

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The Lovers card

Custom illustration

Shuffle the cards

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