Week Ahead Tarot Spread
Last Updated: October 26, 2022
I’ve created this simple week ahead tarot spread for you that will be easy enough for beginners to experienced readers alike. I’ve cut to the chase, as you can expect from me, and we look at the overall best things to come for the week ahead as well as the areas where we need to have self-awareness. We want tarot to show us areas that can be for better growth for ourselves and developing ourselves for our greater good. This will be a personal 9 card tarot reading, so if you are a tarot reader one on one versus a collective reading works best.
If you don’t have your own tarot deck but would like to explore this reading, let me invite you now to join me for a video call tarot experience and we can explore the cards (and their meanings) together for you.
Weekly tarot spread layout & questions to ask
I would recommend preparing this spread for the week ahead in advance, but you can also move the days around to complement the next day onwards. (So if it’s a Friday night, where card one is you can swap for a Saturday then Sunday before Monday, and move placements to flow in that sense. So the cards would flow 6, 7, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 with the 8 and 9 cards around the middle cards.)
There are a few reasons why using a weekly tarot spread can be helpful. First, it can give you some insight into what may be coming up for each day of the upcoming week. This can help you prepare for potential challenges, or give you motivation for the things you may want to achieve this week.
To begin, shuffle your tarot deck and draw a card for each position in the weekly tarot draw as shown in the below layout.
After you’ve pulled your 9-card weekly spread, take some time to reflect on what each card position represents and what message the tarot cards in that position might be trying to tell you. If you’re just starting to learn tarot, or if you’re still getting to know your deck, you may find my in-depth articles on the meanings of every tarot card helpful.

Tarot card #1: Monday's message
Monday’s Message can be a general overview of the day or specifically, it can share with you where to trust your intuition, where to trust how you feel about things and how to develop your psychic abilities.
Tarot card #2: Tuesday's message
Tuesday’s Message can be a general overview of the day or specifically it can share with you where your goal setting & actions need to be addressed, and how to build on your own confidence.
Tarot card #3: Wednesday's message
Wednesday’s Message can be a general overview of the day or specifically be related to your career, work and vocation. There can be additional assistance on how to communicate better, with problem-solving tips from the tarot.
Tarot card #4: Thursday's message
Thursday’s Message can be a general overview of the day or specifically, can be related to money, wealth and prosperity. It may indicate ways to benefit you financially, or it can heed strong advice about savings/debt management.
Tarot card #5: Friday's message
Friday’s Message can be a general overview of the day or specifically, can be related to love, beauty and romance. This card may indicate ways to develop deeper connections, new routines for self-care, and even indicate ways to appreciate beauty on the inside.
Tarot card #6: Saturday's message
Saturday’s Message can be a general overview of the day or specifically can be related to home, relationships and friendships. This card will indicate areas to develop more intimacy, more security and stronger bonds – so it may show activities, it may show people to contact or it may even suggest things for yourself, as time away can recharge you before surrounding yourself with lots of other folx energy.
Tarot card #7: Sunday's message
Sunday’s Message can be a general overview of the day or it can be related specifically to continued success, continued self-development and where to pause to celebrate how far you’ve come so far. This can show up as general guidance for those moments or describe in more detail people who can help you, tasks you could accomplish and even ideas for opportunities to explore.
Tarot card #8: High points of the week ahead
Overall this eighth card will explore the high points of your week ahead, and things to look forward to (or to sit within a mindful enjoyment).
Tarot card #9: areas for growth and development
Overall this ninth card will indicate areas for growth and development if they’ve not already come up in your week ahead tarot reading. This card isn’t a criticism or a telling-off, but a softer expression of what can help you step forward faster on your best future path.
What to do after this weekly tarot reading
After you’ve finished a tarot reading, there are a few things you can do in order to reflect on the experience and integrate the insights you gained. Here are some suggestions:
Use a tarot journal to record your findings
Jotting down your thoughts in a tarot journal after reading can be helpful in a few ways. First, it can help you remember the details of your reading later on, such as how you felt at the moment and perhaps your first impressions of what a card meant. Second, it can provide a space for you to process the information you’ve received and explore what it means for you. Third, it can be a way to keep track of your progress over time as you revisit your journal entries and reflect on your journey.
Take a picture of the cards
If you want to remember the position of the cards and what they meant in relation to your questions, take a picture of the spread. This will help you look back on the reading later and review the insights you received. Sometimes, clarity is better acquired after you’ve stepped back from the situation for a little while and had some time to process it.
Some people create Instagram accounts or Pinterest accounts specifically for this, and if you use any of our spreads please tag us @backyardbanshee if you feel comfortable!
Take some time to meditate and reflect
Immediately after a tarot reading, it’s important to take some time to sit with the insights you’ve received. This can be done through proper meditation, visualisation, or simply taking some time to reflect on the reading. It can be helpful to think about what the messages from the cards mean for your life and how you can apply the advice that was given to you. That time can also be used to replenish your energy level and cleanse your tarot deck.
Get a second opinion from a close friend
If you have close friends who also happen to be tarot practitioners, it can be helpful to get their take on your reading. They may be able to offer additional insights or perspectives that you hadn’t considered before. This is also a good way to get feedback on your own interpretation of the cards.
Ensure to ask permission before just blindly sending your cards across in a message and saying “what does this mean to you?” as your friends may not have the energy or have a boundary with this sort of thing – manners cost nothing, and this is especially to note if they are a professional tarot reader who normally gets paid to interpret readings.
Layer your reading with more divination
Why not try adding astrology dice or a pendulum reading to your tarot session? Your intuition will guide you on how to best use these tools, but they can be helpful in providing more clarity around the messages from your tarot reading. We have lots of methods for you to utilise here on the website.
Do the same reading a week later
This is a great way to check in on your progress and see how far you’ve come. It can also be helpful in understanding the cyclical nature of our lives and how our current situation is likely to change over time. This can be especially useful if you’re struggling with a decision or trying to figure out which path to take as to offer suggestions, provide perspective and encourage your confidence to move forward.
At the end of the day, tarot readings are meant to be a helpful tool, not a replacement for your own intuition. The best way to use tarot is to combine the insights you receive with your own understanding of the situation. Trust your gut and follow your heart—the answers you’re looking for will come.
I hope you’ve enjoyed this weekly tarot spread, and if you feel comfortable sharing your cards do not hesitate to tag me on social media. I love to see what comes up for you! As always, warmest wishes to you x

I have been passionate about reading divination for more than 15 years. This gives me a unique perspective when it comes to creating fun, supportive and creative tarot spreads. I hope they help you find the clarity and insight you are looking for.
More tarot spreads for you to try ✨
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