The Best & The Worst Tarot Cards to Pull in a Love Reading
Last Updated: July 26, 2022
Do you want to know what the best and worst tarot cards for love are? Whether you’re in a relationship or looking for one, this blog post will help! We’ll go over the top 15 tarot cards for love and what they mean for your romantic future. Keep reading to learn more!

Major Arcana - The Best Cards for Love
The Lovers
This is a card most often seen in readings to symbolize love, connection, and passion. It can also signify creativity renewed as well authentic intentions with communication being key for this reading!
Related: The Lovers Tarot Card Guide
The Sun
This card is the happiest, “the sun shines after the storm”, “delightful moments together” card. If you’re just starting to date someone, you’ve been single or wanted to be in a relationship for a while, or even if you’re in a long-term relationship and want to know what the cards think; this is such a sunny, positive card for you!
Related: The Sun Tarot Card Guide
The Star
This card is for wishes, dreams, and fulfilment. If you’ve been looking to get engaged or move forward with somebody, and you pull this card? Your wishes are likely to be granted!
Related: The Star Tarot Card Guide
Major Arcana - The Worst Cards for Love
The Magician (reversed)
This card is all about being deceptive, two-faced, and not really being authentic in your actions or words. If you feel like your partner is being untruthful or you can’t quite trust them, this may be why.
Related: The Magician Tarot Card Guide
The Devil (reversed)
This is the card of addiction, obsession, and being controlled. If you feel like your partner is too possessive or jealous, this may be why. It can also indicate that someone is just not ready for a committed relationship.
Related: The Devil Tarot Card Guide
The Hanged Man (reversed)
This card shows up to say that you’re stuck in a situation that you don’t want to be in. If you’re feeling like your relationship is at a standstill or going nowhere, this may be why. Are you not on the same page as your partner? Have you spoken to them, or others, about how you are feeling?
Related: The Hanged Man Tarot Card Guide

Minor Arcana - The Best Cards for Love
The Ace of Cups
This card is all about new love, happiness, and emotional fulfilment. If you’re looking for a new relationship, this is a great card to get!
The Nine of Cups
This card is known as the “wish card”. If you’ve been wanting to get married or start a family, this is a great card to see for your reading!
The Ten of Pentacles
If you pull this card, it means you’re in a stable and committed relationship. This is a great card for those who are already in a relationship and want to know how the cards think things are going! Think of big beneficial purchases for you both too; wedding rings, buying a house, buying your first family car, etc…
The King of Swords
This card is known as the “truth-teller”. If you’re having doubts about your relationship or feel like your partner is being dishonest, this may be why. This particular King is one you really respect, and whilst communication isn’t always easy, this is a place of nurturing support and someone who can offer you amazing advice.
This card shows up to say “talk to each other, as the answers are going to be better than you expect.”
Minor Arcana - The Worst Cards for Love
The Three of Swords
I can’t talk about a more brutally worst card for love than this one; it’s a card of heartbreak, betrayal, and pain. If you’re going through a tough time in your relationship or have recently broken up, this may be why it shows up for you.
What’s important to know is that this is temporary, and whilst it’s a painful process it is one that you will progress from.
The Five of Wands
A card of clashes, fighting, and potentially a love triangle. If you’re feeling like your relationship is being threatened or there’s some competition, this may be why this card shows up.
This isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but it can be if you’re not on the same page as your partner. It can also indicate that someone is just not ready for a committed relationship.
The Five of Pentacles
Emotional turmoil and financial hardship. This card can show up when you’re going through a tough time in your relationship and feeling like you’re not being supported by your partner. Are money worries playing a big part in your relationship right now?
If you’re dating, look at alternatives to big-spending such as dates in the park, date nights at home, or find ways to plug the money gap together by car booting, selling secondhand, and investing in each other with time and career knowledge.
The Four of Cups
This is a card about feeling unfulfilled and being unhappy with your circumstances. If you’re in a relationship that’s going nowhere or feeling like your partner is taking you for granted, this may be why the card shows up. It’s important to have a talk with your partner and see if things can change, or if it’s time to move on.
The Wild Card
I wanted to share with you the 15th card, and my personal interpretation, for a wild card when it comes to tarot readings about love; The World. The World is a card of travel, new experiences, and growth.
If you’re feeling like your relationship is in a rut, this may be why. It’s not necessarily a bad thing, but it can be if you’re not on the same page as your partner. Now is the time to communicate and spice things up! Invite some travel adventures planned with your partner, get involved with the community together, and get excited about new experiences!
If you’re single and want to meet someone, The World suggests you make opportunities to meet someone abroad or from a different culture to you that can bring you the right balance, understanding, and love that you desire.
For self-love and self-care, the World suggests that you make time to travel and explore new things on your own. Fill your days with things that bring you joy and ways to celebrate being happy; love and happiness bloom from within. Get out of your comfort zone a little – it will do you “the world of good”!
I hope you enjoyed this blog post about the best and worst tarot cards for love. If you have any questions or would like me to do a reading for you, please don’t hesitate to get in touch – I’d love to explore this with you!
Until next time xoxo

I have been reading Tarot for more than 15 years. I have always enjoyed using my intuition to provide clarity and insights to others. Tarot is one of my favorite forms of divination, and I love sharing that passion with like-minded folks.
Continue your tarot journey ✨
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