yes or no tarot cards

Which tarot cards mean yes or no?

Last Updated: October 28, 2023

The tarot can be a quick and easy way to get a direct answer to any questions you may have. The Yes or No tarot spread is one of the most popular types of tarot reading, simply because it is so straightforward. In this article, we explain which tarot cards mean yes and which tarot cards mean no.

Table of Contents

List of Major Arcana Yes / No Tarot Cards

  • 0 The Fool – Yes. This card is known for being optimistic.
  • I The Magician – Yes. This card is known for having all the tools and the creative energy to see things through.
  • II The High Priestess – Yes. This card is known for having the wisdom and insight to move forward.
  • III The Empress – Yes. This card is known for having nourishment and creativity moving forward.
  • IV The Emperor – Yes. This card is known for having a strong structure, foundations and convictions in place.
  • V The Hierophant – Yes. This card is known for sharing spiritual wisdom and benefitting the community by teaching what has been learned.
  • VI The Lovers – Maybe. This is due to the card’s main themes of choices.
  • VII The Chariot – Yes. This card is known for moving forward, promotions, successful victories.
  • VIII Strength – Yes. This card is known for having the skill and the will to see it through.
  • IX The Hermit – No. This card is known for being patient, taking time for introspection and meditating on the question at hand.
  • X The Wheel – Maybe. Similar to The Lovers, this is a maybe based on your choice but ultimately what happens is left with fate.
  • XI Justice – Maybe. In its upright position, I would say yes, but in a reversed position I would suggest no.
  • XII The Hanged Man – Yes. This card is about surrendering to the process.
  • XIII Death – No. This card is speaking of the upcoming change, but it’s for your benefit even if it doesn’t feel like this at the time.
  • XIV Temperance – Yes. This card is known for balance and harmony, so what is best for you is generally optimistic.
  • XV The Devil – No. There are some emotional boundaries at work here that prevent you from moving forward.
  • XVI The Tower – No. This is a time of great change, and not necessarily an easy positive process.
  • XVII The Star – Yes. This is a card known for hopes, wishes and dreams.
  • XVIII The Moon – No. This is a card known for hidden aspects, introspection and potentially illusions.
  • XIX The Sun – Yes. This is a card known for success, happiness and for pure joy.
  • XX Judgement – Maybe. This card depends on the positioning, in an upright position you may be viewed favourably for the outcome but in its reversed prepare for a difficult positioning.
  • XI The World – Yes. As one cycle ends another begins for you, but the community behind you with closure is beneficial for you.
tarot card spread on wood

Download my quick and handy PDF guide, providing concise meanings and Yes/No interpretations for each card.

List of Suit of Cups Yes / No Tarot Cards

  • Ace of Cups – Yes. This is a card of new lovely opportunities.
  • Two of Cups – Yes. This is a card where you have support, balance and fulfilment.
  • Three of Cups – Yes. This is a card of celebrations, friendships and joy.
  • Four of Cups – No. Revisit the question, this isn’t necessarily what you want.
  • Five of Cups – No. There is potential for great emotional loss.
  • Six of Cups – Maybe/Yes. If you pay attention to the emotional experiences you’ve grown through, you’ll know the real answer.
  • Seven of Cups – No. There are too many options and not enough focus, so you need to revisit what you’re asking.
  • Eight of Cups – No. This is a time to walk away as an opportunity to save yourself.
  • Nine of Cups – Yes. This card has major themes of wishes and dreams coming true.
  • Ten of Cups – Yes. This is the happy ending card in the deck.
  • Page of Cups – Yes. This is a card of happiness, kindness, and friendship.
  • Knight of Cups – No. This is a card showing you you’re working with your heart over your head.
  • Queen of Cups – Yes. This is a card of nourishment and support.
  • King of Cups – Yes. This is a loving card of guidance and integrity.

List of Suit of Wands Yes / No Tarot Cards

  • Ace of Wands – Yes. This is a card of creativity, spirituality and of new energy.
  • Two of Wands – Maybe/Yes. Don’t settle, choose happiness, and only you know what this is.
  • Three of Wands – Yes. This is a card of flourishing projects and travel.
  • Four of Wands – Yes. This is a card of rest, relaxation abroad and family occasions.
  • Five of Wands – No. There’s a lot of competition unnecessarily. You’re running your own race.
  • Six of Wands – Yes. This is a confidence card with empowering energy.
  • Seven of Wands – No. There’s a lot of combative energy here, you need to retreat into calmness.
  • Eight of Wands – Yes. This is a card of self-awareness and opportunities. 
  • Nine of Wands – No. This card has themes of difficulties and reminds you to tap into your inner strength and resilience.
  • Ten of Wands – Yes. This card does signify success but don’t let it be detrimental to your relationships.
  • Page of Wands – Yes. This is a message of naivety but in a positive, childlike way. 
  • Knight of Wands – Yes. This is a card calling you to be brave.
  • Queen of Wands – Yes. This card has themes of fierceness and passion.
  • King of Wands – Yes. This is a card with themes of never backing down, and knowing who you are.

Download my quick and handy PDF guide, providing concise meanings and Yes/No interpretations for each card.

List of Suit of Swords Yes / No Tarot Cards

  • Ace of Swords – Yes. This card has themes of new ideas and getting started.
  • Two of Swords – No. This is a card of uncertainty.
  • Three of Swords – No. There’s a lot of emotional energy here that needs addressing first.
  • Four of Swords – No. This is a card telling you to rest.
  • Five of Swords – No. There’s a lot of uncertainty here, so find your focus.
  • Six of Swords – Yes. This is a card for moving forward and letting go.
  • Seven of Swords – No. There’s a lack of loyalty to yourself or others here.
  • Eight of Swords – No. This is a card with themes of restriction, mental anguish and unhappy feelings.
  • Nine of Swords – No. This is a card of mental illness, anxiety, depression and worries.
  • Ten of Swords – No. This is a card with themes of trauma, of burnout, and calls for a time to release.
  • Page of Swords – No. Be vigilant with yourself and your values.
  • Knight of Swords – No. This card has themes of recklessness and impulsiveness.
  • Queen of Swords – Yes. This card has themes of self-reliance, of balance and being guarded for protective, nurturing purposes.
  • King of Swords – Yes. Ensure that logic overrules emotion for scenarios relating to love and to work.

List of Pentacles Yes / No Tarot Cards

Download my quick and handy PDF guide, providing concise meanings and Yes/No interpretations for each card.

Tips For Yes or No Card Readings

  • Keep the emotion out of the question to ensure minimal confusion hun. I find if there’s something to say like “Will he leave me?” for the Three of Swords to show up, it’ll just be as chaotic for you as “Will we stop fighting soon?”. Why not try taking the emotion and the person out of the question, and go for something like “Will this relationship last in it’s current state?” then the Three of Swords sheds more light on it, rather than it being a “messy” no.
  • Get really clear on what you’re actually asking, and why, too. “Is this a good business idea that will make me lots of money?” versus “Will I find financial security if I become a business owner?” both give different vibes but one of them shows you the why, and the conciseness of your question, more than the other.
  • If you come across a Maybe or a Neutral card like the Wheel, then maybe the answer to that question is not yet known and you simply have to recreate a question for your best interests at this time that best supports you and with what you actually know of the situation. This’ll provide you with a more grounded answer my lovely, even if it’s a hard one to answer. 
  • If you pull the Two of Swords, or Five and Seven of Wands, it’s up to you to decide if you really want to fight for the outcome too.
  • If you pull a court card that resembles someone you know, such as the King of Cups being like your husband, then maybe also seek their support or their insight too for a more grounded answer than a simple Yes or No.
  • Reversals are not a straight swap with these cards, but I’d say lean intuitively and see what your practice tells you if you do pull a reversal. For Yes/No one card spreads, I do not overcomplicate it with a reversal personally, much like if it were an Oracle card or cute Affirmation card.
  • Different decks may feel differently. I know that for a tarot deck like the Tarot of Modern Goddesses, some of the archetypes leave a different feeling than traditional RWS decks. It’s based on your own intuition and viewpoint here, as the artwork has at much to say as the traditional placements themselves. The Martyrs, Magicians and Madmen Tarot has the Sawney Bean Clan for the 10 of Cups, for example, and this to me speaks more to a “No” card than a traditional Ten of Cups Yes.
  • You can try the one card response, or you could try a Yes No Tarot Spread that I have here on the website for extra support.
  • Ultimately, you have your own will and self-control, and therefore no matter what the cards say, like advice from a friend it is up to you if you are to act alongside it or to decide for yourself. We just want the cards to help us articulate exactly what this is, but I wanted you to remember that you have full autonomy on this.

Yes or No Free Online Card Reading

This free card generator can help you if you have a quick question but no physical deck to hand to help you. Think about your question, and then click on your card to reveal. You can see above if it’s a Yes or a No card for your answer.

Backyard Banshee Tarot Deck Back Card
The Hierophant card

Custom illustration

Shuffle the cards

I have been reading Tarot for more than 15 years. I have always enjoyed using my intuition to provide clarity and insights to others. Tarot is one of my favorite forms of divination, and I love sharing that passion with like-minded folks.

Continue your tarot journey ✨

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