protection spells

Herbs for Protection - Witchcraft Basics

Last Updated: March 14, 2023

Protection magick is an important aspect of witchcraft that should be practiced by all witches, regardless of their level of experience. It involves creating a shield of energy around yourself or someone else to keep negative energy and harm at bay.

As witches, we often work with energy and intention, and protection magick is no different. By setting the intention to protect ourselves or others, we can create a shield of energy that repels negative energy and helps us to feel safe and secure. It’s a way to create a sense of boundaries and to ensure that our energy remains our own.

Using herbs in protection magick is a popular choice for many witches because they are readily available and can be easily incorporated into spells and rituals. Many herbs have protective properties and can be used to create a barrier of energy around oneself or a space. For example, black pepper is known for its ability to ward off negative energy and can be added to a protection spell or charm. Cedar is another popular herb for protection as it has purifying and cleansing properties.

So yeah – herbs can be used in a variety of ways for protection magick, such as in spells, charms, or even as incense. When using herbs in your protection magick, it’s important to research their properties and make sure you’re using them safely. Some herbs can be toxic or have adverse effects if used in large quantities, so always use caution and follow proper guidelines.

Table of Contents

Why Use Herbs for Protection?

One of the main reasons why herbs, plants, and flowers are foundational in witchcraft is their connection to the natural world.

As witches, we work with the energy of the earth, and plants are a direct link to that energy. They contain their own unique energy and properties that can be harnessed for our own purposes. For example, lavender is known for its calming and soothing properties, making it useful in spells and rituals for relaxation and stress relief.

Another reason why herbs and plants are foundational in witchcraft is their versatility. They can be used in a variety of ways, such as in spells, potions, incense, and even in cooking. This versatility allows us to incorporate natural materials into our daily lives and infuse our energy with the energy of the earth. For example, adding cinnamon to a manifestation spell can help to bring about abundance and prosperity.

Using plants and flowers in your practice can also help to build your intuition and spiritual connection. As you work with different materials, you may begin to develop a deeper understanding of their properties and how they can be used. This can help you to better tap into your own intuition and connect with the spiritual realm.

When to use herbs for protection

Protection magick is used to create a shield of energy around oneself or others to repel negative energy and harm. Here are some examples of everyday situations where a witch may need to use protection:

  • When casting spells or performing rituals: Protection magick can help to create a safe and secure space for your spell or ritual. It can help support a container for spells, or for ritual spaces.
  • When working with spirits or entities: It’s important to protect yourself from any negative energy that they may bring with them when you work with them. The right herbs and magickal protection tool can help to ensure that you’re working with positive energies only.
  • When dealing with negative people or situations: Yes, even magick can help to create a shield of energy around you to repel any negative energy or harm that may come your way. Protection magick can be key during boundary setting whilst on your healing journey.
  • When travelling or venturing into unfamiliar territory: When out and about, it’s important to protect yourself from any negative energy or harm that may be present in the environment, especially if you’ve never been there before and have no idea what to expect.

Overall lovely, I want to share that protection magick is an important aspect of witchcraft that can be used in a variety of situations. It helps to create a sense of boundaries and to ensure that your energy remains your own.

How to use herbs for protection

In the hot list of amazing herbs, spices, resins and plants below I’ve made it clear which parts we are able to use safely (e.g. I won’t die from handling) as well as a short suggestion on how to use that specific item.

Witchcraft is something to play with and intuitively work with, so whilst they are ideas they are simply that – ideas. There is no limit to what to do with them, as long as you use common sense and work with herbal safety.

You could crush herbs, grind them into black salt, to add to your protective rituals.

You could gather and use in witches poppets.

You could keep them dried next to your bed or your front doorway.

You could create wards with them.

You could even burn the majority as incense (in a well-ventilated room) to just set a protective barrier.

There is no set guideline on how to use plants for protection magick, and ultimately it comes down to what feels right for you and what works for you – whilst black pepper and juniper works fine for me, it may not be the same for your experiences. So experiment, see what works and keep a record of your results in your own personal Herbarium.

I also massively advocate looking into your local flora, what you have native to your county or state or country; there are so many varieties of plant, I wouldn’t limit yourself to this list below.

mistletoe for protection spells

20 Protective Magickal Herbs with meanings and correspondences

This is a list of herbs, plants, spices that all have great correspondences for protection. You will find that most of these are like your everyday kitchen herb, and store-bought is fine if you can’t grow them yourselves. 

I love checking out my supermarket for reduced herbs that I can freeze or dry for later use, as it’s a great way to reduce waste going to the landfill. Ask your neighbours with a good garden if they can spare you some “for crafting or creating incense with” if you are in the broom closet, offer to harvest the dead leaves in a garden centre if you can keep them “for an art project”, or be open and share your intention.

If foraging for your herbs directly, never take the first or the only one you find, so that more can grow, and if you can leave something (even whisper a small moment of thanks, use moon water to give thanks, or tidy the area if it’s a public space) it may make all the difference to your practice. When it comes to herbs, manifestation and witchery, if we can leave the planet better than we found it – that’s always nice.

We have to bring in a starter list somewhere, as people can’t just instantly know, so for protection magick purposes I would suggest sourcing some of these for your spellwork (or seeing what you can ethically forage nearby to cut costs as I’d mentioned).

This list will be added to often, so you’ll find that you can pin this page for later or sign up to my newsletter for any updates, and you’ll get the current link to any updates on protective magickal herbs in your email whenever I decide to make a new list.

daffodils for protection spells

1. Rose Thorns (Rosa spp)

  • Ruled by the element: Water
  • Ruled by the planet: Venus
  • Ruled by the deity: Astarte, Aphrodite, Bastet, Venus, Eros, Cupid
  • Parts you can use in witchcraft: Rose petals, rose hips, rose thorns
  • Recommended spell use for protection: Use rose thorns to represent the power of protection and to banish negative energies. Place a rose thorn under your pillow or mattress to protect yourself while you sleep, wrapped in a black or purple ribbon. Plant rose bushes in the corners of your property or buy small potted rose plants to place in the corners of your home (or areas you wish for additional protection).

2. Dragon's Blood resin (Daemonorops draco, Dracaena cinnabari)

  • Ruled by the element: Fire
  • Ruled by the planet: Mars
  • Ruled by the deity: Mars, Ares, Sekhmet, Kali
  • Parts you can use in witchcraft: Resin from the tree
  • Recommended spell use for protection: Dragon’s blood resin is often used in protection spells. Burn it as incense or mix it with other herbs and resins to create a protective sachet. Mix Dragon’s Blood resin with a carrier oil, such as olive oil, and anoint a protective amulet or talisman with the mixture. You can also use the resin to make a protective sachet or charm bag to carry with you.

3. Mistletoe (Viscum album)

  • Ruled by the element: Air
  • Ruled by the planet: Sun
  • Ruled by the deity: Apollo, Balder, Freya, Odin
  • Parts you can use in witchcraft: Berries, Extract and leaves
  • Recommended spell use for protection: Mistletoe is often associated with love and fertility, but as it is quite dangerous, especially to ingest, it has elements of protection to it also. Place a sprig of mistletoe over a doorway to attract and protect a household with love or carry a mistletoe sachet for fertility spellwork. You can also get mistletoe extract, and a small amount as part of a tincture to your bath ritual for layering protection around you. Soak in the bath for at least 15-20 minutes while visualizing negative energy being washed away and replaced with a protective aura. Remember to always do your research and ensure that you are using mistletoe safely, as it can be toxic if ingested in large amounts.

4. Narcissus/Daffodil (Narcissus spp.)

  • Ruled by the element: Fire
  • Ruled by the planet: Sun
  • Ruled by the deity: Apollo, Persephone, Hecate, Demeter
  • Parts you can use in witchcraft: Flowers
  • Recommended spell use for protection: Daffodils are often associated with new beginnings and rebirth. Use them in a spell to protect a new project or to banish bad energy from the past. Add dried daffodil flowers to any protection spell or ritual to enhance its effectiveness. You can sprinkle the flowers around your working area, burn them as an incense, or place them on your altar but remember to wash your hands after handling and that daffodils can be harmful to animals too. In Spring, why not make a wreath on the equinox? Using dried daffodil flowers and hang it above your door to protect your home from negative energy.

5. Oak (Quercus spp.)

  • Ruled by the element: Earth
  • Ruled by the planet: Jupiter
  • Ruled by the deity: Jupiter, Zeus, Thor, Dagda
  • Parts you can use in witchcraft: Leaves and bark
  • Recommended spell use for protection: Oak is a symbol of strength and endurance, so this is perfect for protection magick. Carry an oak leaf in your pocket to increase your physical and emotional strength. Use oak branches or twigs to create a protective barrier around your home or property. Visualize the oak acting as a shield, protecting you from negative energy and harmful influences.

6. Red Chilli Peppers (Capsicum annuum)

  • Ruled by the element: Fire
  • Ruled by the planet: Mars
  • Ruled by the deity: Mars, Ares, Sekhmet, Pele, Kali
  • Parts you can use in witchcraft: Fruit, Seeds
  • Recommended spell use for protection: Red chilli peppers are often used in spells for protection and banishing. Burn a dried chilli pepper to remove negative energy from a space. Dry full red chili peppers and string them together to make a protective charm in your kitchen or cooking area. You can carry the charm with you, or hang it in your home to ward off negative energy. And wash your hands, you absolutely do not want to rub chilli in your eyes accidentally … or other more sensitive body parts eek!

7. Hawthorn (Crataegus spp.)

  • Ruled by the element: Fire
  • Ruled by the planet: Mars
  • Ruled by the deity: Mars, Thor, Huon
  • Parts you can use in witchcraft: Berries and flowers
  • Recommended spell use for protection: Hawthorn is often associated with protection and love. Use hawthorn berries in a love spell or carry a hawthorn sachet for protection. Use hawthorn leaves or berries to dress your protective candles in protection candle work. Simply sprinkle the leaves or berries around the base of the candle and light it. As the candle burns, visualize the hawthorn releasing its protective energy.

8. Angelica (Angelica archangelica)

  • Ruled by the element: Fire
  • Ruled by the planet: Sun
  • Ruled by the deity: Sol, Apollo, Venus, The Seven Archangels
  • Parts you can use in witchcraft: Root, seeds, and leaves
  • Recommended spell use for protection: Angelica is often used for purification and protection. You could burn angelica leaves as incense to purify a space. Add dried angelica root to a carrier oil, such as olive oil or coconut oil, and let it infuse for several days. Use the oil to anoint yourself or your candles before doing any protection spellwork, or add a small amount to your bath for rituals.
Herbs for Protection - Pin for later

9. Red Clover (Trifolium pratense)

  • Ruled by the element: Air
  • Ruled by the planet: Mercury
  • Ruled by the deity: Brigid, Eriu, and others associated with fertility and healing.
  • Parts you can use in witchcraft: Flower heads and leaves.
  • Recommended spell use for protection: Steep dried red clover flowers in hot water to create a protective infusion. Spritz the infusion before doing any protection spellwork or whenever you feel the need for extra protection. You can use it in floor washes or door washes, as well as for when you are cleaning your sacred space.

10. Vervain (Verbena officinalis)

  • Ruled by the element: Water
  • Ruled by the planet: Venus
  • Ruled by the deity: Cerridwen, Thor, and other gods and goddesses associated with healing and protection.
  • Parts you can use in witchcraft: Leaves and flowers.
  • Recommended spell use for protection: Burn vervain leaves as incense to increase your psychic abilities and spiritual awareness. Create a talisman by wrapping a piece of paper (with a protection symbol or sigil on it) around a small piece of vervain and tying it with a red string. Writing your intention for protection on the paper magnetizes what you are looking to manifest so extra spiritual protection or receiving clear intuitive messages only etc is a great call, and carry the talisman with you for protection.

11. Lemon Verbena (Aloysia citrodora):

  • Ruled by the element: Air
  • Ruled by the planet: Mercury
  • Ruled by the deity: Hathor, Bast, Venus, and other goddesses associated with love, happiness, and beauty.
  • Parts you can use in witchcraft: Leaves and flowers.
  • Recommended spell use for protection: Brew a tea with lemon verbena leaves to attract love and happiness into your life. It’s one of my favourite happiness protecting herbs tbh. Make a small sachet out of yellow or white cloth and fill it with dried lemon verbena leaves, rosemary, and bay leaves. Add a few drops of a protective essential oil such as eucalyptus, and tie the sachet closed with a yellow ribbon. Hang the sachet in your kitchen to promote a protective and positive energy in the space.

12. Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globulus)

  • Ruled by the element: Water
  • Ruled by the planet: Moon
  • Ruled by the deity: Hecate, Diana, and other goddesses associated with healing, protection, and lunar magic.
  • Parts you can use in witchcraft: Leaves and essential oil.
  • Recommended spell use for protection: Add a few drops of eucalyptus essential oil to the bottom of your shower to clear negative energy and promote healing. Burn dried eucalyptus leaves in a smoking-herb stick or bundle and use it to cleanse your home or sacred space. The smoke will purify and protect the space, while also adding a pleasant aroma.

13. Juniper (Juniperus communis)

  • Ruled by the element: Fire
  • Ruled by the planet: Sun
  • Ruled by the deity: Jupiter, Thor, and other gods associated with protection, luck, and strength
  • Parts you can use in witchcraft: Berries and essential oil.
  • Recommended spell use for protection: Burn juniper berries as incense to purify and protect your space from negative energy. Place dried juniper berries in the corners of your home, away from the hands of small children or out of reachh of pets, and say a blessing for protection for everyone who enters the space of the berries.

14. Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis)

  • Ruled by the element: Fire
  • Ruled by the planet: Sun
  • Ruled by the deity: Apollo, Ra, Rhiannon, Rigantona, Sarasvati, Cerridwen, and other gods and goddesses associated with healing, protection, and purification.
  • Parts you can use in witchcraft: Flowers, Leaves, Oil
  • Recommended spell use for protection: Literally anything. Rosemary can be used for any type of spell work, from edible concoctions like a Blood Orange and Rosemary sangria, to a Rosemary hair rinse, to be added to bonfires at any witch’s holidays to welcome in additional seasonal wealth. Burn rosemary leaves as incense to cleanse and purify your space, or simmer on a pot in your stove to scent your whole house AND add a layer of protection.

15. Sandalwood (Santalum album)

  • Ruled by the element: Fire, Water
  • Ruled by the planet: Mars
  • Ruled by the deity: Shiva, Kali, and other Hindu gods associated with spiritual enlightenment and purification.
  • Parts you can use in witchcraft: Wood and essential oil.
  • Recommended spell use for protection: Anoint a white candle with sandalwood oil and burn it to promote spiritual healing and purification. Create a protection amulet by carving a small piece of sandalwood into a protective symbol, such as a pentagram or an eye. Anoint the amulet with protective oil that also has sandalwood oil, and carry it with you or place it in your home for protection.

16. Frankincense (Boswellia sacra)

  • Ruled by the element: Fire
  • Ruled by the planet: Sun
  • Ruled by the deity: Ra, Apollo, Bast, Sekhmet, and other gods associated with the sun and solar energy.
  • Parts you can use in witchcraft: Resin and essential oil.
  • Recommended spell use for protection: Burn frankincense resin as incense during meditation or ritual work to increase your connection to the divine. Use this resin to cleanse and charge your protective crystals, such as black tourmaline or smoky quartz. Simply place the crystals in a bowl with a few pieces of the resin and let them sit for several hours or overnight. Use the essential oil in the candle spell work for layering protection on top of your manifestations (such as candle magick to attract new travel opportunities, with ATOL protection or free travel insurance).

17. Black Pepper (Piper nigrum)

  • Ruled by the element: Fire
  • Ruled by the planet: Mars
  • Ruled by the deity: Mars, Ares, The Morrighan, and other gods associated with strength, courage, and protection.
  • Parts you can use in witchcraft: Dried peppercorns and essential oil.
  • Recommended spell use for protection: Add a pinch of black pepper to a protection spell or charm to increase its effectiveness. When making a candle out of an orange skin and oil for success, sprinkle with black pepper to ensure not nasty negativity gets involved. Add to any dishes when you cook for folks, with the intention that it boosts protection to your loved ones too.

18. Yew (Taxus baccata)

  • Ruled by the element: Earth
  • Ruled by the planet: Saturn
  • Ruled by the deity: Hecate, Cailleach, The Morrighan, and other goddesses associated with death, transformation, and rebirth.
  • Parts you can use in witchcraft: Bark and needles (Note: Yew is a toxic plant, so caution should be used when handling and using it.)
  • Recommended spell use for protection: Use yew needles in a ritual to help you release old patterns and embrace transformation. Create a poppet of yourself in a safe out of reach space and surround it with yew needles to create a protective barrier, especially from spirits or unwanted attention.

19. Elder (Sambucus nigra)

  • Ruled by the element: Water
  • Ruled by the planet: Venus
  • Deities associated with it: Hylde-Moer, Danu, and other goddesses associated with healing and protection.
  • Parts you can use: Flowers and berries (Note: The bark and leaves can be toxic, so caution should be used when handling and using them.)
  • Recommended spell for protection: Make a tea with elderflowers to aid in healing and protection. Alternatively, craft a wand from elder wood and hang elder berries on it for additional protection. Place the wand in a windowsill or entranceway to your home or sacred space for extra protection for everyone who enters the space of the wand or the berries. 

20. Lillies (Lilium Stargazer)

  • Ruled by the element: Water
  • Ruled by the planet: Moon
  • Deities associated with it: Juno, Ishtar, Hera, and other goddesses associated with love, marriage, and fertility.
  • Parts you can use: Flowers (Note: Lilies are toxic to cats, so caution should be used when handling and using them.)
  • Recommended Divination method use: Place stargazer lilies on your altar to attract love and positive energy into your life. I actually have one tattooed on my wrist – it means “Dare you to love me.” It’s a warning to the faint-hearted, and only those who truly have good intentions step forth. Use these lillies as a talisman for the love you want to bring in, and it’ll aid in filtering through the right people. Add lilies to any sachets for protection and luck in love, or use them in a ritual bath for an extra boost of self-love.

BONUS - Protective Herbs for Safer Travel

  • Comfrey – Not just for money and good luck, comfrey is the perfect herb for protection against accidents and harm while traveling. This herb is great for repelling negative energies and creating a protective aura.
  • Pink Himalayan salt – Whilst not a herb, it’s found in herb or spice sections of all supermarkets, so when you’re travelling it’s something you can pick up to aid you for spellwork when you’re on the go. You won’t need to carry it in your carry on or pack it (weighing down your luggage) because you’ll be able to find some really easily! You could even use those sample packs from cafes or restaurants of table salt sprinkled at the doorway of your hotel room or airbnb.
  • Bok Choy, Pak Choi, Cabbage – This green dinner staple also has a magical power to it. Bok choy, pak choi, and cabbage are all associated with protection magic. Add these to your meals (or even just have them as a snack on its own!) to bring an extra layer of protection while you travel.
  • Peppermint – Amazing for settling our stomachs if we are nervous about flying or we’ve eaten something adventurous for sure, but Peppermint also aids in cleansing and attracting luck. All of these make it a perfect holiday herb, so stack up on peppermint tea and whisper a little incantation to ensure you’ve got bags of energy, bags of fun opportunities, and know that you’ll feel lucky when it comes to digesting new food too!
  • Sage (preferably from your own garden) – I’d be remiss if I did not mention the go-to herb for protection for witches world over. Whilst there are big concerns about White Sage, stay closer to home when travelling abroad by bringing either dried sage from home or pick up some sage dried herbs from supermarkets when out and about. Sage is great for burning as it’s antibacterial and smells lovely, but even having it dried, absorbing negative energy (either in a little pouch or kept in your purse/bag whilst you are exploring) to be disposed of responsibly later is a fantastic little witch tip!

Please note that when using herbs, it’s important to make sure you are using them safely, properly and ethically. It’s important to use herbs and plants that are safe for internal and external use, especially if you plan to consume them. Some plants may also have negative effects and can be harmful if used in wrong way.

Also, be aware of laws and regulations concerning the use of certain herbs and plants, particularly in regards to cultivating and harvesting them. Finally, when harvesting herbs and plants, it is important to do so sustainably and ethically – never taking more than what you need or damaging the environment in any way. This is especially true when collecting wild plants and herbs, but most of the herbs I’ve mentioned here can be easily found in supermarkets or ordered safely online for accessibility purposes.

With proper knowledge and research, you can use herbs and plants safely and effectively in your magickal practice. Until next time xox


I love curating divination experiences for those invested in spiritual growth with secular honest vibes. I am that witch you come to for these honest, interesting and beneficial divination experiences!

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