suit of swords

The Suit of Swords and its Role in Tarot

Last Updated: November 21, 2023

So, here we have the suit of Swords! Now, the Swords are linked to our thoughts, our communication, our logic, our intellect, and their appearance usually indicates a conflict of some kind, whether that be internal or external, where mental clarity is needed in order to move forward, progress, and ace the ‘test’ you are facing.

Typically linked to the element of air, the Swords can represent the astrological signs Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius. Air can go from being a gentle and calming breeze to a chaotic and devastating tornado with little to no warning. It can go completely unnoticed or be strong enough to level cities. 

It can be powerful, it can bring about change, and it can be cleansing.

As with any of the other Minor Arcana suits, the Swords too have their own positives and negatives. The positive side of the Swords can represent our intelligence, our logic, our ability to communicate effectively, the ability to seek clarity, and justice, and develop our knowledge. 

The Swords offer discipline, curiosity, and fairness. Yet, the negative side of the Swords can represent violence, aggression, and conflict, with the ability to misuse our knowledge and communication to hurt, bully, intimidate, and become ruthless.

Table of Contents

Suit of Swords Symbolism

As we know, swords are a weapon. Wielded by one hand, they can save. Wielded by another, they can harm. And just like swords and air alike, both can be sharp, ever-moving, and have the ability to bring down something in their path. 

Swords can defend or they can destroy just as we can use our logic and knowledge to make a decision on how we will respond to a situation. Will we wield our sword in defence? Or to attack? We can either start the fight, end the fight, or simply look to protect ourselves. 

We can wield a sword to ‘cut’ through the mist to find mental clarity, to see just what’s best in order to move forward or to deal with a situation at hand. Picture a warrior, sword in hand, simply acting out based on their emotions. 

By allowing their emotions to guide them, they could slip up, make mistakes, and end up losing the battle at hand. Those that stop, take a moment to pause, to think, to listen, to think things through before swinging the sword (if necessary) – those folks usually make fewer mistakes.

Swords in a reading

What the Swords can mean depending upon the type of reading you’re doing: (remember that each card will specifically go into more details, whether that be positive or negative)

In a general reading

Swords, in a general reading, will be calling on you to use your ability to analyse and think things through. This is the time for logic above emotion, however, they aren’t asking you to be emotionless, just to think before you act. 

You have a plethora of knowledge on your shoulders to use, so use it accordingly, as the situation at hand requires mental clarity. But you could also be being your own worst enemy with a mind clouded with doubt, having issues with any unresolved conflicts you have perhaps avoided, all of which is impacting your behaviour – and not for the better. 

It’s next to impossible to navigate our way back to clarity and peace if we try to push onward with a foggy mind. It’s like stepping outside during a heavily foggy day where you can’t see 3 steps ahead of you yet have to find the path leading to your destination – it’s immensely difficult, if not impossible! 

In a love reading

Swords, with regards to romance, will call for you to make sure you have clear and honest open communication in the relationship. Effective communication will look to result in deeper connections, and assist in working through any conflicts you may be facing as a couple. 

On the other hand, the presence of Swords could mean that there are issues you need to work through but your communication (or even perhaps lack of) is having a negative effect and potentially causing the conflict(s) in the first place. 

The Swords will be looking for you to check in with yourself to assess how you are using your words to see how that’s impacting your relationship. Are you the one causing the damage? And does that stem from an inner conflict that you’re projecting outward?

In a career reading

When it comes to your work, the Swords may be drawing focus on making sure you aren’t overthinking things and either being overly critical of your own work, or even others around you. 

They may also be asking you to use your intellect to resolve a workplace conflict, so if there’s an issue at work then going in all heated never benefits anybody, a clear calm mind will bring about clear communication – something all workplaces need! 

But the Swords could also be suggesting a new career is needed, perhaps one that is more of a challenge to you mentally and gets your curiosity bubbling all over again?

In a money reading

Swords could look to indicate that you have the education and the logic to assist yourself will financial matters when it comes to putting yourself into a better financial position! 

But to do so, the Swords would be reaffirming that the decisions need to not be taken lightly and done on a whim simply because you emotionally got excited (and perhaps ahead of yourself).

Logic and a clear mind is needed to avoid getting into financial issues – and if your mind is screaming “red flag” about a potential financial ‘opportunity’, listen to yourself! And yet equally don’t let yourself overthink so much, that you let opportunities pass you by.

In a health reading

The Swords may be calling for a bit of mindfulness and positive affirmations, my friend! Taking care of our mental health is so important, and poor mental health can have such a negative effect on our physical health, so the Swords will want to make sure you’re aware of the importance of looking after your mind! 

Whether this is facing up to needing help, such as therapy, starting some morning mindfulness exercises or even an affirmations journal. Mental health = important! A stressy mind will make for a stress-filled body.

How the Swords interact with the other minor arcana suits

Suit of Cups

There needs to be a balance between your logic (mind) and your emotions (heart) in order for there to be no conflict between the two. The two together can blossom into something most beautiful! 

Suit of Wands

Why not allow your knowledge to help fuel your passion and ambition and propel you forward? Got your eyes on a goal? Swords and Wands together and look to produce a happy marriage between your logic and intellect, and one of your deepest desires! 

Swords and Wands together could potentially look to be unstoppable on your quest for your goal.

Suit of Pentacles

Swords appearing alongside Pentacles in reading will be looking to signify the importance of you using your intellect, clear communication, and logical mindset when it comes to your physical realm. 

Together they will be looking to work together to make appropriate and (hopefully) correct choices when it comes to the likes of your career.

A look into the meaning of each Sword card

Ace of Swords

  • When drawn in the upright position, the Ace of Swords is associated with new beginnings, ideas, and clarity.
  • When pulled in the reversed position, the Ace of Swords represents a lack of clarity, being stuck, and brain fog.
  • Numerology: 1
  • Element: Air
  • Planetary correspondence: Venus
  • Astrological sign: Libra, December 22nd to March 20th
  • Yes or No card? Yes

Two of Swords

  • When drawn in the upright position, the Two of Swords is associated with crossroads, stalemate, hard decisions, facing fears, and denial.
  • When pulled in the reversed position, the Two of Swords represents confusion, indecision, feeling overloaded with information, and delays.
  • Numerology: 2
  • Element: Air
  • Planetary correspondence: Venus
  • Astrological sign: Libra, Moon in Libra, September 23rd – October 2nd
  • Yes or No card? Maybe

Three of Swords

  • When drawn in the upright position, the Three of Swords is associated with sadness, breaking up, parting ways, broken hearts, and depression.
  • When pulled in the reversed position, the Three of Swords represents overcoming a situation, new perspectives, stabilisation of emotions, inner strength, healing, optimism, and forgiveness.
  • Numerology: 3
  • Element: Air
  • Planetary correspondence: Venus
  • Astrological sign: Libra, Saturn in Libra, October 3rd – October 12th
  • Yes or No card? No

Four of Swords

  • When drawn in the upright position, the Four of Swords is associated with resting, healing, practising self-care, and renewal.
  • When pulled in the reversed position, the Four of Swords represents burnout, stress, and restlessness.
  • Numerology: 4
  • Element: Air
  • Planetary correspondence: Venus and Saturn
  • Astrological sign: Libra and astrological timing is October 13th to October 22nd
  • Yes or No card? No

Five of Swords

  • When drawn in the upright position, the Five of Swords is associated with defeat, argument, conflict, and violence.
  • When pulled in the reversed position, the Five of Swords represents despair, resentment, and compromise.
  • Numerology: 5
  • Element: Air
  • Planetary correspondence: Uranus, Saturn, Venus
  • Astrological sign: Aquarius, Venus in Aquarius – astronomical timing January 20th to 29th
  • Yes or No card? No

Six of Swords

  • When drawn in the upright position, the Six of Swords is associated with transition, healing, letting go, moving on, relief, guidance, and calmer times.
  • When pulled in the reversed position, the Six of Swords represents baggage, feeling stuck, holding onto the past, slow healing, and instability.
  • Numerology: 6
  • Element: Air
  • Planetary correspondence: Pluto, Saturn, Uranus
  • Astrological sign: Aquarius, Mercury in Aquarius, Jan 31st – Feb 8th
  • Yes or No card? Yes

Seven of Swords

  • When drawn in the upright position, the Seven of Swords is associated with unpredictable, fraud, relocation, betrayal, theft, deceit, escaping, strategy, manipulation.
  • When pulled in the reversed position, the Seven of Swords represents responsibility, mystery, loneliness, confession, indecision, laziness, ignoring warnings, and getting outsmarted.
  • Numerology: 7
  • Element: Air
  • Planetary correspondence: Uranus, Saturn
  • Astrological sign: Aquarius, Moon in Aquarius, Feb 9th – 18th
  • Yes or No card? No

Eight of Swords

  • When drawn in the upright position, the Eight of Swords is associated with isolation, punishment, anxiety, no clarity, confusion, worry, loss, helplessness, limitations, and disorder.
  • When pulled in the reversed position, the Eight of Swords represents new perspectives, freedom, relief, facing fears, the end of isolation, being open to new things, and opening your eyes.
  • Numerology: 8
  • Element: Air
  • Planetary correspondence: Mercury, Jupiter
  • Astrological sign: Gemini, Jupiter in Gemini May 21st – 30th
  • Yes or No card? No

Nine of Swords

  • When drawn in the upright position, the Nine of Swords is associated with guilt, obsessive thoughts, concern, sadness, mistakes, fears, worries, shame, and failure.
  • When pulled in the reversed position, the Nine of Swords represents admitting mistakes, facing fears, betraying partners, mystery, balance, and bravery.
  • Numerology: 9
  • Element: Air
  • Planetary correspondence: Mars
  • Astrological sign: Gemini
  • Yes or No card? No

Ten of Swords

  • When drawn in the upright position, the Ten of Swords is associated with sacrifice, trauma, betrayal, separation, mental breakdown, negative thinking, bitchiness, sorrow, and pain.
  • When pulled in the reversed position, the Ten of Swords represents recovery, opportunity, resilience, surviving a disaster, and fears coming true.
  • Numerology: 10
  • Element: Air
  • Planetary correspondence: Uranus
  • Astrological sign: Gemini, Sun in Gemini, June 11th to June 20th
  • Yes or No card? No

Page of Swords

  • When drawn in the upright position, the Page of Swords is associated with eagerness, curiosity, initiative, fast news and gossip.
  • When pulled in the reversed position, the Page of Swords represents avoidant, impatience, inexperience, and lack of planning.
  • Numerology: 11
  • Element: Air
  • Planetary correspondence: Venus
  • Astrological sign: Libra, Gemini, December 22nd to March 20th
  • Yes or No card? Yes

Knight of Swords

  • When drawn in the upright position, the Knight of Swords is associated with determination, aggression, quick changes, action, and rebelliousness
  • When pulled in the reversed position, the Knight of Swords represents impulsiveness, frustration, unpredictability, cowardice and following.
  • Numerology: 12
  • Element: Air
  • Planetary correspondence: Pluto
  • Astrological sign: Gemini and Aquarius, May 11th to June 10th
  • Yes or No card? Yes

Queen of Swords

  • When drawn in the upright position, the Queen of Swords is associated with communication, independence, experience, wisdom, intelligence, cleverness, strategy, and wit.
  • When pulled in the reversed position, the Queen of Swords represents coldness, impulsiveness, lack of empathy, poor communication, cruelty, emotion, widow, absenteeism, and manipulation.
  • Numerology: 13
  • Element: Air
  • Planetary correspondence: Uranus
  • Astrological sign(s): Aquarius, Libra, Gemini
  • Yes or No card? Maybe

King of Swords

  • When drawn in the upright position, the King of Swords is associated with logic, morality, justice, structure, and rationale.
  • When pulled in the reversed position, the King of Swords represents oppression, irrationality, corruption, abuse of power
  • Numerology: 14
  • Element: Air
  • Planetary correspondence: Mercury
  • Astrological sign: Gemini
  • Yes or No card? Yes


Where would we be without our use of logic, our intellect, and ability to effectively communicate with the world around us? It’d be pretty rough if we couldn’t! A world full of misunderstanding, conflict, and unnecessary consequences to things that could have been avoided. And that is exactly why the Swords are an important addition to the tarot’s minor arcana. 

The Swords help us navigate situations with a clear mind, they help us make the next correct step on our journey with the ability to tap into our learned lessons to judge what to do next, and how to appropriately deal with those around us, to make sure there is as much harmony as we can individually bring. 

We must be able to see into our minds to function, the Swords help us see if we’re out of balance, to see if we’re overthinking, or if we’re not listening to our minds enough and giving in to our emotions all too frequently – which is perhaps resulting in poor choices! 

The inner workings of the mind can be a scary one to face, but there’s no need to shy away from handling the Swords and getting to know each card individually. The Swords can bring you clarity on how best to move forward, on how best to help yourself, and whilst our minds can be hard to work with (especially if we aren’t feeling the best), know that these cards will only be here to help you, not harm you.  


Written by Amy Gent

Outside the weird and wonderful world of my craft, I like to cosplay and fully dive into the fantasy genre across all forms, from books to video games and everything in between.

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