Book Reviews

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It’s time for honest witchcraft reviews, regardless of aesthetics or how famous someone may be in our community. This is a space for what we like and what we don’t like, providing you with a genuine read review so that you can make up your mind too!

Reclaim Your Dark Goddess by Flavia Kate Peters review

A book centered on a dark night of the soul, it’s journey, and unusual goddess archetype explorations. Read more about it here!

The Witch's Apothecary Front Cover

If you love to celebrate not only nature, but the turning of the wheel with all the witches’ holidays… this beautiful book is for you. Read the full review here!

oracle card companion review

The “Oracle Card Companion” is out in the UK for October 2023, read this in-depth review to guidance towards building on your intuitive skills using oracle cards.

poison prescriptions front cover

“Poison Prescriptions” offers a chance to look into the darker world of herbal magick, to find friends amongst the mystical flora, and help you find magick ritual in the greenery near you

The Jungian archetypes meeting Greek mythological characters make this in-depth exploration of your personal underworld a way to integrate your shadow aspects with love, with reverence and with the guidance needed to make heroic and fundamental changes.