"Aboriginal Healing Oracle" Deck Review
Last Updated: September 6, 2023
The “Aboriginal Healing Oracle” deck by Mel Brown will be released on March 5th 2024. This healing deck is divided into three sections, or smaller decks if you like, under the themes of Aboriginal Ancestors, Bush Medicine and Animal Totems.
This deck is primarily used for three card spreads to identify what’s holding you back, what is currently happening in your life, and what will encourage you to confidently move forward, but you could definitely use it as a card-a-day reading if you just wanted to find ways to tap into your own Aboriginal ancestry journey.
Mel has provided a tool to connect with the three main focuses for this healing deck; ancestral wisdom, plant spirits and animal totems. All three of these combined provide what feels like elementary principles and principal elementals for this type of magick in folx lifes.

What's In The Box?
- Guidebook: Yes, a short 70-page guidebook to understand the themes and symbolism of each Aboriginal item of importance, as well as explore (with permission) the concept of Dadirri.
- Artwork: Mel has painted in earthy tones that resonate in a way that instantly feels grounding and calming. This is similar artwork to other decks that Mel has created in the past too.
- Total Cards: 36 cards
- Inclusivity: Showcasing healing elements of Aboriginal ancestry, this deck doesn’t identify set genders or sexualities etc. as it’s purely objects and their correspondences.
- Environmental Impact: TBC; Printed & Bound in China. (No charitable mentions) HOWEVER the deck does come with a free digital app, to encourage further practice.
- Unique Deck Points: I like that this deck is basically past, present, future spread-focused as a reading style. The 3 mini decks really lend themselves to this. It also has an interesting focus on the power of observation and Dadirri, which is nice to learn about in a healing deck like this. I really like how much I learned through this deck, which I possibly wouldn’t have been able to otherwise, which is awesome – I love to challenge my own perspectives (which I talk a bit more about below for one of the cards!)

Downside of the Deck
It’s quite short in terms of 12 of each item, and as a white woman not from Australia who doesn’t have Aboriginal ancestry, I feel like I definitely shouldn’t use this deck for professional readings or for healing guidance to clients.
I would say that I would use it personally with my partner, especially as he’s very Earth-heavy in his astro-make up, and so he really appreciates the environment around us and all those who came before us.
We aren’t scared of niche, however, and I love to support folks on their ancestral journeys, so I would definitely recommend this to those who have this make-up in their DNA.

My Favourite Card
“Kangaroo” really stood out for me in terms of artwork, as I’ve always been afraid of Kangaroos, they absolutely do not mess about. But to learn that they’re deeply intuitive animals, and exploring their amazing parenting and protective abilities, it was really interesting to learn more about them.
When I pulled myself the three-card spread, I actually got the first and last card of the deck, which was really cool! I also got “Bogong Moth” for the “present” position, and this card was about standing up and being seen – there is nothing to be afraid of.
It’s important to have our say, and to step up to do so, as others find my presence calming. It also reassured me that there is no actual danger to me, just my own fears right now.
Why I Love This Deck
When I started to flick through this deck I instantly felt calm and in tune with myself. For me, this is the main purpose of any deck – to provide a connection that can’t be found elsewhere. I like how Mel has used a variety of items from across Australian Aboriginal culture, from animal totems, bush medicine and Aboriginal ancestors. It’s really interesting to learn about each item’s symbolism and ties to healing practices, and to meet it with respect.
I feel that those who would love this deck are those who are invested in their own Aboriginal ancestry journey, for sure, but those that are in tune with nature elements across multiple cultures too. Being out in the world, identifying flora and animals, listening to the tales and stories from our own community elders – it makes for a beautiful connection back to ourselves and our own ancestry.
Overall, this deck is a lovely way to connect with your Aboriginal Ancestry journey in a balanced and respectful way that isn’t overwhelming in terms of having to “know everything”. I deffo recommend
If you’re interested in learning more about the “Aboriginal Healing Oracle” deck, you can do so here. Any click-throughs may lead to the affiliate programme awarding us compensation which helps compensate the writers on the website, pays towards the web hosting and all the other boring behind-the-scenes bits.
Thank you for reading my super honest review! Until next time xox

I have been passionate about reading divination for more than 15 years. This gives me a unique perspective when it comes to creating fun, supportive and creative tarot spreads. I hope they help you find the clarity and insight you are looking for.
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