"Oracle of Pluto" Deck Review
Last Updated: October 17, 2023
The “Oracle of Pluto” deck by Graveyard Roses’ own Aubrey Houdeshell and illustrated by Rose Ides offers a unique deck perspective – an ode to the deity of transformation, whilst engaging in the now meeting your shadow where it is. That’s right – this isn’t a fortune foreshadowing deck, but an intuitive exploration of your own personal underworld. I bloody love it!

What's In The Box?
Guidebook: 80+ pages of card meanings, card spreads and further reflections on what it means to pull this card for your own shadow.
Artwork: Neon tones of pinks, purples, greens and blues, and hands before lights casting shadow archetype shapes on the back of the card.
Total Cards: 55 cards
Inclusivity: Cards like Porcupine mention other cultural influences of importance note like the Aparaho.
Environmental Impact: TBC; Printed & Bound in China (No charitable mentions) with unnecessary shrink wrap.
Unique Deck Points: What I love here is how this deck is centred in the “now”, and what energies are currently impacting and influencing your life. It’s not really a “what will my winter look like?” card pull deck. As well as this, the archetypes are easier to grasp in this deck versus others like The Wild Unknown Archetype which (whilst amazing) can be confrontational and elusive in understanding when reading for other people.

Downside of the Deck
The guidebook is a flick-through-til-you-find-it scenario. It would be nice to page number it just to speed up a process. I do think the shrink wrap it comes in gives it a cheaper feel too?
Yet the artwork and the wording itself is not surface level or cheaply created – you can see how much love went into this work.

My Favourite Card
Puppet Master. I love a Cerberus moment, but to have it showcased with the purpose of id, ego and superego for each dog head, is a gorgeous nod between underworld themes archetypically and psychologically. For sure, it’s super helpful to understand where my emotions and desires are coming from in the moment.
I’ve pulled this card a few times for readings now and I always find myself reflecting on how different aspects of my personality are influencing my actions or decisions. It’s definitely been a tool for personal growth and self-awareness.
Why I Love This Deck
I always have time for psychodynamic theory, archetypes and the Shadow. But this is a really well-developed, accessible deck which speaks psychologically as much as it does spiritually. You can use cards for shadow work in various ways; from using the cards to explore your deepest fears and desires, to considering what role the shadow plays in each card of a traditional tarot deck. I am so grateful to have grabbed this deck online when I did! It’s working out perfectly for my personal Samhain celebrations.
I feel that those who would love this deck are those into their shadow work and those with Scorpio heavily placed in their astrological chart to be honest – it’s intense in a way that holds power and encouragement, and I really love the themes of it. I do genuinely recommend this deck.
If you’re interested in learning more about the “Oracle of Pluto” oracle deck, you can do so here. Any click-throughs may lead to the affiliate programme awarding us compensation which helps compensate the writers on the website, pays towards the web hosting and all the other boring behind-the-scenes bits.
Thank you for reading my super honest review! Until next time xox

I have been passionate about reading divination for more than 15 years. This gives me a unique perspective when it comes to creating fun, supportive and creative tarot spreads. I hope they help you find the clarity and insight you are looking for.
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