Yule Tarot Spread: 8+ Spreads For Celebrations, Balance, Protection and More
Last Updated: January 29, 2024
Have you read the piece about Yule yet? It has a ton of ideas for celebration; decorations, spells and so much more steeped in gorgeous global history. As I mentioned in our recent article on Autumn Equinox, the modern calendar has been set by various cultures since its inception. Today many of us follow a solar year for celebrations, but there is a huge part of our energetic self that thrives under the lunar calendar, and we forget to look back and incorporate those old energies into our practice.
Yule is such an important celebration of life, of community, and the year we have had. I want to celebrate these with you, and something you can do at home solitary as well. Incorporate these tarot spreads into your Yule celebration to gain insight, guidance, and manifestation during this magickal time of year. Happy Yule, witches! 🌲
Yule Card Signifier
If you are looking for a tarot card to represent Yule energy, then I would suggest using Temperance or The Star. Both of these cards embody the themes of balance, hope, and renewal that are associated with Yule.
To use either of these cards as a signifier in your Yule tarot spreads, simply place it at the center of your spread or on top of your deck before shuffling and drawing your cards. Let its energy infuse into your reading and guide your space, but if you intuitively feel that a different card would work best for you, then absolutely use that.
This is your practice, and your situation could be variously different to mine, and so you may prefer to use The Devil (for themes of gluttony/restriction or even temptation), The Chariot because you plan to drive to visit lots of people for fun, festivities and enjoy a road trip, or even The Emperor (this is my card for signifying me as an Aries).
What I’m trying to say is use what feels right, and meaningful, and consider how it resonates with that you want to ask. Yule is a powerful time for transformation and growth, so trust your intuition and let the cards guide you on your journey.
Card layouts and questions to ask
To begin, shuffle your deck and draw a card for each position as shown in the layout below
Finally, take some time to reflect on the questions that each card position represents and what message the tarot cards in that position might be trying to tell you.
If you’re just starting to learn tarot, or if you’re still getting to know your deck, you may find my in-depth articles on the meanings of every tarot card helpful.
Yule Tarot Spreads
Incorporating tarot into your Yule celebrations can add an extra layer of magic to the holiday. Here are some Yule tarot spreads you can try:
The “Gather Around” Tarot Spread
This spread focuses on connecting with loved ones during Yule. It includes four cards: You, Others, Gathering, and Outcome. What these cards will show you is how to better connect with others, and what outcome may come from this connection. This can be done as a group reading or as an individual spread.
Seasonal Blessings Tarot Spread
This spread focuses on gratitude and blessings during Yule. It includes six cards: Blessing One (What blessing from this year should I focus on?), Blessing Two (What blessing from this year should I be grateful for?), Blessing Three (What blessing do I need to acknowledge during Yule?), Spread Overview, Action Step One, and Action Step Two.
Guidance for the New Year Tarot Spread
This spread focuses on receiving guidance for the upcoming year. It includes five cards: Past, Present, Future, Guidance One (What do I need to focus on in the new year?), and Guidance Two (What do I need to let go of in the new year?).
Winter Bulb Tarot Spread
This spread focuses on manifesting desires during the winter season. It includes five cards: Bulb (What desire or goal should I focus on planting? Love, Finances, Intuition etc), Soil (What do I need to nurture this desire or goal?), Water (How can I best support this growth?), Sunlight (What will help this desire or goal come into fruition?), and Fruition (The outcome/result).
Yule Colours Tarot Spread
This spread focuses on the colours associated with Yule, and their correspondences in terms of action to try out this season as seasonal inspiration for your celebrations. It includes five cards: Red (Passion and Energy), Gold (Abundance and Prosperity), Green (Growth and Renewal), White (Purity and Spirituality), and Silver (Intuition and Magick).
Yule Wassail Tarot Spread
This spread focuses on the traditional Yule drink, Wassail. It includes five cards: Apple (What abundance can I celebrate during Yule?), Spice (How can I add more warmth and joy to my celebrations?), Orange (What blessings should I share with others?), Blessing (What blessings will be shared with me during this season?), and Unity (How can I foster a sense of togetherness during Yule?).
Yule Wreath Tarot Spread
This spread focuses on the traditional Yule decoration, the Wreath. It includes five cards: Holly (What challenges will I face during this season?), Ivy (How can I overcome these challenges?), Berries (What rewards can I expect for my efforts?), Pinecones (What lessons can I learn during this time?), and Bow (The overall theme or message for this season).
Yule Tree Tarot Spread
This spread focuses on the traditional Yule symbol, the Tree. It includes five cards: Roots (What foundations do I need to strengthen for the new year?), Trunk (What strengths do I already possess that will aid me in the new year?), Branches (What opportunities or paths should I explore in the new year?), Leaves (What guidance can I receive from my ancestors for the new year?), and Star (What is my ultimate goal or purpose for the new year?).
Try this Yule Tree tarot reading now for free
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What to do after this tarot reading
Always remember to take the time to listen and be still so that you can get their answers with clarity.
After you’ve finished a tarot reading, there are a few things you can do in order to reflect on the experience and integrate the insights you gained. Here are some suggestions:
Use a tarot journal to record your findings
Jotting down your thoughts in a tarot journal after reading can be helpful in a few ways. First, it can help you remember the details of your reading later on, such as how you felt at the moment and perhaps your first impressions of what a card meant.
Second, it can provide a space for you to process the information you’ve received and explore what it means for you. Third, it can be a way to keep track of your progress over time as you revisit your journal entries and reflect on your journey.
Take a picture of the cards
If you want to remember the position of the cards and what they meant in relation to your questions, take a picture of the spread. This will help you look back on the reading later and review the insights you received. Sometimes, clarity is better acquired after you’ve stepped back from the situation for a little while and had some time to process it.
Some people create Instagram accounts or Pinterest accounts specifically for this, and if you use any of our spreads please tag us @backyardbanshee if you feel comfortable!
Take some time to meditate and reflect
Immediately after a tarot reading, it’s important to take some time to sit with the insights you’ve received. This can be done through proper meditation, visualisation, or simply taking some time to reflect on the reading.
It can be helpful to think about what the messages from the cards mean for your life and how you can apply the advice that was given to you. That time can also be used to replenish your energy level and cleanse your tarot deck.
Get a second opinion from a close friend
If you have close friends who also happen to be tarot practitioners, it can be helpful to get their take on your reading. They may be able to offer additional insights or perspectives that you hadn’t considered before. This is also a good way to get feedback on your own interpretation of the cards.
Ensure to ask permission before just blindly sending your cards across in a message and saying “what does this mean to you?” as your friends may not have the energy or have a boundary with this sort of thing – manners cost nothing, and this is especially to note if they are a professional tarot reader who normally gets paid to interpret readings.
Do the same reading a few weeks later
This is a great way to check in on your progress and see how far you’ve come. It can also be helpful in understanding the cyclical nature of our lives and how our current situation is likely to change over time.
At the end of the day, tarot readings are meant to be a helpful tool, not a replacement for your own intuition. The best way to use tarot is to combine the insights you receive with your own understanding of the situation. Trust your gut and follow your heart—the answers you’re looking for will come.
It is my hope that these tarot spreads on my website help you with clarity and articulate whatever is going on. Let me know what you think of this tarot spread in the comments below and if you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me.
More tarot spreads for you to try ✨
This page is part of our collection of free tarot spread layouts. If you enjoyed the read, then you’ll love the following articles.