
10+ Dream Interpretation Tarot Spreads

Last Updated: April 12, 2024

Dream interpretation is a powerful tool for self-discovery and understanding the messages our subconscious mind is trying to communicate with us. Using tarot spreads specifically designed for dream interpretation can greatly enhance our ability to decipher these messages, gain insight into our innermost thoughts and emotions, and ultimately guide us towards self-awareness and growth.

Let’s explore 10+ dream interpretation tarot spreads that can help you dive deeper into the meaning of your dreams, and gain some valuable insights. These spreads are not meant to replace professional therapy or medical advice, but rather serve as a tool for personal reflection and exploration.

Table of Contents

Why Use Tarot To Interpret Your Dreams?

Tarot is a powerful divination tool that has been used for centuries to gain insights and guidance into various aspects of our lives. The intricate imagery and symbolism in tarot cards can tap into our subconscious mind, making it an ideal tool for dream interpretation.

Using tarot spreads specifically designed for dream interpretation allows us to connect with the symbols and archetypes found in our dreams and gain a deeper understanding of their significance. This can help us unravel complex emotions, patterns, or hidden desires that we may not be aware of in our waking life.

Before Reading The Cards: Dream Recall Tips

Before diving into the spreads, it’s important to set your intention for the reading and create a sacred space for yourself. You can do this by lighting candles, burning incense, and sitting peacefully in a quiet space to aid dream recall. Here are a few tips to help you remember your dreams more vividly:

  • Keep a dream journal by your bed and write down any dreams or fragments you remember as soon as you wake up.
  • Set the intention before going to sleep that you will remember your dreams.
  • Practice relaxation techniques such as meditation or deep breathing before bedtime to calm the mind and promote better dream recall.
  • Avoid alcohol and heavy meals before bedtime, as they can disrupt sleep patterns and impact dream recall.
  • Be patient with yourself and don’t get discouraged if you don’t remember your dreams right away. With practice, dream recall does become easier.

Card layout and questions to ask

To begin, shuffle your deck and draw a card for each position as shown in the layout below

Finally, take some time to reflect on the questions that each card position represents and what message the tarot cards in that position might be trying to tell you.

If you’re just starting to learn tarot, or if you’re still getting to know your deck, you may find my in-depth articles on the meanings of every tarot card helpful.

Tarot Spread 1: The Simple Dream Reflection Spread

  • What does it mean – A one card pull to show what your dream is trying to tell you. Use the imagery, symbolism, and meanings of the card to reflect on your dream and gain insight into its message. You may pull the Empress for this, and that would suggest that relaxation is key to getting fruitful outcomes for your work.
  • What should I do about it – A second card to provide guidance on how to address the message of your dream. This may be a call for self-care, creativity, or nurturing yourself and your ideas. This may show up as the High Priestess, sharing you should lead by inner voice and intuition moving forward.
  • How can I move on – A final card that offers advice on how to move forward and let go of any negative or lingering emotions from the dream. This could be a reminder to trust your intuition, forgive yourself or others involved in the dream, or take action towards manifesting your dreams. It could show as the Seven of Pentacles, which would indicate a need to reassess your efforts and make necessary changes for long-term success.

Tarot Spread 2: The Shadow Self Spread

  • What is my shadow trying to show me – Pull a card to showcase a theme or situation you may have been overlooking, and may show up as The Hermit, indicating themes of solitude and study.
  • What is blocking me – A second card to reveal the underlying fear or issue that is preventing you from addressing your shadow. This could be like the Eight of Pentacles, which would signify self-doubt and perfectionism as potential blocks.
  • How can I integrate my shadow – A third card to offer guidance on how to integrate your shadow into your life. This may involve facing fears, letting go of old patterns and beliefs, or seeking support from others. The Hanged Man could represent a need for surrendering control and gaining a new perspective.
  • How can I overcome blocks – A final card that provides advice on how to overcome any blocks or obstacles preventing you from integrating your shadow. This may involve seeking support from loved ones, practicing self-forgiveness, or taking small steps towards growth.

Tarot Spread 3: Shy Symbolism Spread

  • Symbolism I’d missed – This card reveals a symbol or detail in your dream that you may have overlooked but holds significant meaning.
  • Symbolism I understood – A second card to showcase a symbol or message in your dream that you were already aware of and its significance.
  • What does this symbolism mean for my waking life – This card offers guidance on how the symbols in your dream can relate to your current situations, which may show up like the Four of Pentacles and suggest a need to let go of control and embrace change in your waking life.
  • What are my dreams trying to tell me – A final card to sum up the overall message of your dream and provide insight into its significance in your life. This may look like Judgement, and it would indicate a call to let go of past mistakes and welcome new beginnings.

Tarot Spread 4: Ignoring Any Repetition Dream Tarot Spread

  • Why do I keep having this dream – Pull a card that shines light on the recurring dream and its significance in your life. This may look like The Tower and suggest a need to break old patterns or beliefs.
  • What message does it hold – A second card that reveals the deeper meaning and lessons behind the repetitive dream. This could be The Star, indicating a call to trust your intuition and follow your dreams.
  • How can I break free from this cycle – A third card that provides guidance on how to overcome the repetitive dream and its messages. This may involve letting go of fear, seeking support, or taking action towards your goals. The Nine of Cups could represent a need for self-love and acceptance in breaking free from old patterns.
  • What blessings will come from breaking free – A card that showcases the positive outcomes and blessings that will come from addressing and breaking the cycle of the repetitive dream. This may involve personal growth, self-awareness, or new opportunities. The World could represent a sense of completion and fulfillment in overcoming this recurring dream.
  • How can I incorporate it into my life – A card that offers advice on how to integrate the lessons and messages you’ve been receiving – practical advice may follow.
  • Best steps for moving forward – A final card that offers guidance on the best steps to take moving forward and breaking free from the cycle of this dream. This may involve setting intentions, seeking support or taking small actions towards your goals. The Six of Swords could signify a journey towards healing and progress in overcoming this recurring dream.

Tarot Spread 5: Growth and Evolution Dreams Tarot Spread

  • What lessons am I meant to learn from this dream – Pull a card to reveal the lessons and wisdom that your dream is trying to impart on you. This may look like The Hierophant, indicating a call to seek guidance and knowledge from a mentor or spiritual teacher.
  • Where am I being called to grow – A second card that showcases the areas of your life where you need to focus on growth and evolution. This could be The Tower, indicating a need to break old patterns and beliefs, and start from a new foundation.
  • What can I do to support my growth – A third card that offers guidance on how you can support your personal growth and evolution. This may involve stepping out of your comfort zone, seeking new experiences, or letting go of fear. The Two of Wands could indicate a need for planning and taking action towards where you eventually wanna go
  • How can I grow and evolve from it – A fourth card that offers insight into how you can use the lessons and experiences from your dream to grow and evolve as a person. This may involve reflecting on past mistakes, practicing self-love and forgiveness, or seeking support from others. The Sun could represent a sense of joy and fulfillment in embracing personal growth and evolution.
  • What changes should I make in my life – A fifth card that reveals any necessary changes or shifts that you need to make in your life to support your growth and evolution. This may involve letting go of toxic relationships, setting boundaries, or pursuing new opportunities. The Eight of Cups could signify a call to walk away from something that no longer serves you and welcome in change.

Tarot Spread 6: Bringing It Forward Dream Symbolism Tarot Spread

  • What aspects of my subconscious are influencing my dreams – Pull a card to reveal any underlying influences in your subconscious that may be affecting your dreams. This could be The Moon, indicating fears and illusions that are creating confusion and uncertainty.
  • How can I use this knowledge to improve my waking life – A second card that offers guidance on how you can take what you’ve learned from your dream and apply it to your everyday life. This may involve facing your fears, seeking clarity, or taking action towards your goals. The Ace of Swords could represent a need for clear communication and decision-making in improving your waking life.
  • How can I bring them to light – A third card that offers insight into how you can bring the messages and symbols from your dream to the surface and better understand their meaning. This may involve journaling, meditation, or seeking professional help. The Ace of Swords could represent a call to tune into your intuition and uncover hidden truths.
  • What steps can I take towards self-discovery and healing – A fourth card that provides guidance on how to use the messages and symbols from your dream for self-discovery and healing. This may involve seeking therapy, practicing self-care, or facing your fears. The Ten of Cups could represent a sense of emotional fulfillment and happiness through this journey.

Tarot Spread 7: Resolve And Release Tarot Spread

  • What unresolved issues or emotions are manifesting in my dreams – This first card will show what unresolved issues or emotions from your waking life are manifesting in your dreams. This may look like the Five of Cups, indicating feelings of regret and loss that need to be addressed.
  • How can I address and release them – A second card that offers guidance on how you can address and release these unresolved issues or emotions. This may involve forgiveness, seeking closure, or practicing self-compassion. The Death card could represent a transformation during times of turmoil or personal endings.
  • What positive outcomes can come from facing these issues – A third card that reveals the positive growth that can come from facing these unresolved issues. This may involve inner peace, personal growth, or improved relationships. The Empress could represent a sense of abundance and nurturing through this process.
  • What steps do I need to take towards resolution – A fourth card that provides specific guidance on the necessary steps you need to take towards resolving these issues. This may involve seeking help from loved ones, setting boundaries, or practicing self-reflection. The Six of Cups could represent a call to reconnect with your inner child and heal past wounds.

Tarot Spread 8: Nightmare Interpretation Tarot Spread

  • What fears or anxieties are being brought to my attention through my dreams – This first card will reveal the underlying fears or anxieties that are being highlighted in your nightmares. This may look like The Devil, indicating inner demons and negative patterns that need to be confronted.
  • How can I confront and overcome them – A second card that offers guidance on how you can confront and overcome these fears. This may involve seeking therapy, practicing self-care, or facing your fears head-on. The Tower could represent a necessary upheaval or breaking down of old patterns to overcome these fears.
  • What can I learn from my nightmares – A third card that offers insight into the lessons and wisdom that can be gained from your nightmares. This may involve looking within, seeking guidance, or practicing forgiveness. The Star could represent inner strength and hope in the face of fear and adversity.
  • What steps should I take towards finding peace and balance – A final card that reveals how you can apply the lessons from your nightmares to improve your overall well-being. This may involve setting boundaries, practicing self-love, or seeking support from loved ones. This probably looks like the Hierophant who, faced with nightmares, would seek guidance from a higher power or spiritual practice to find peace and balance. Overall, the Nightmare Interpretation Tarot Spread aims to bring awareness and understanding to the fears and anxieties that may be affecting your subconscious mind, and provide guidance on how to confront, overcome, and learn from them for personal growth and healing.

Tarot Spread 9: Hidden Pursuits Tarot Spread

  • What hidden desires or passions are being revealed in my dreams – This first card will uncover the hidden desires or passions that may be surfacing in your dreams. This could look like the Queen of Cups, indicating a desire for emotional fulfillment and creative expression.
  • How can I embrace and pursue them – A second card that offers guidance on how you can fully embrace and pursue these hidden desires or passions. This may involve taking risks, following your intuition, or seeking support from loved ones. The Magician could represent a call to take action and use your skills and resources to manifest these desires.
  • What positive changes can come from following my heart’s true desires – A third card that reveals the potential positive outcomes of pursuing these hidden desires or passions. This may involve personal growth, fulfillment, and a sense of purpose. The World could represent achieving ultimate success and inner harmony through following your heart’s true desires.

Tarot Spread 10: Higher Power Manifested Tarot Spread

  • What messages or guidance am I receiving from my higher self or the universe through my dreams – This card will reveal the messages or guidance that your higher self or the universe is sending you through your dreams. This may look like The High Priestess, indicating a call to listen to your intuition and tap into your inner wisdom.
  • How can I interpret and act upon this guidance – A second card that offers insight into how you can apply this guidance in your waking life. This may involve trusting your instincts, seeking spiritual practices, or practicing self-reflection. The Hierophant could represent a call to seek guidance from a higher power or spiritual practice.
  • What steps should I take towards aligning my goals – A third card that provides guidance on how to align your goals and actions with the messages received from your higher self or the universe. This may involve setting intentions, taking inspired action, or seeking support from others. The Ace of Wands could represent a new beginning and creative potential in alignment with these messages.
  • What blessings and abundance can be manifested through following this guidance – What we want from the cards here is a hint of what is coming, and this may look like the Eight of Pentacles, indicating hard work and dedication towards achieving your goals.
  • How can I continue to harness the power of my dreams for personal growth and manifestation – This final card would support you with practical advice and guidance on how you can continue to use your dreams as a tool for manifesting your goals and aligning with your higher self. This could involve journaling, setting intentions, or practicing gratitude. The Sun could represent a sense of clarity and alignment with your true purpose through this process.

Tarot Spread 11: Inner Self Reflection Tarot Spread

  • What are my inner fears and doubts – This first card will reveal the underlying fears and doubts that may be holding you back from personal growth and self-reflection. This could look like The Moon, indicating unresolved emotions and insecurities.
  • How can I address and overcome them – A second card that offers guidance on how you can confront and overcome these inner fears and doubts. This may involve facing your shadow side, seeking support from loved ones, or practicing self-compassion. The Death card could represent a necessary transformation and release of these fears and doubts for personal growth.
  • What aspects of myself should I reflect on – A third card that highlights the areas of your life and personality that may benefit from introspection and self-reflection. This could involve relationships, career, or personal beliefs, and may show up like the Seven of Swords, indicating a need for honesty and introspection.
  • How can I overcome them – A fourth card that provides guidance on how you can overcome any negative patterns or behaviors that may be hindering your personal growth. This may involve setting boundaries, seeking therapy or counseling, or practicing forgiveness. The Chariot could represent taking control and moving forward with determination towards positive change.
  • What strengths do I possess – A fifth and final card that reveals your inner strengths and qualities that can support you in overcoming these inner fears and doubts. This could look like the Queen of Swords, indicating strong communication skills and rational thinking that can help you navigate through challenges.

All of these tarot spreads are to help you decipher not only your dreams, but the subconscious within you that is trying to communicate ideas, insights and lessons. Take the time to reflect on these spreads and allow them to guide you towards personal growth, healing, and self-awareness. Your dreams are a powerful tool for understanding yourself, and tapping into your inner wisdom. Use these spreads as a starting point for exploring the depths of your mind and unlocking its infinite potential. Trust in the messages and guidance that come through, and until next time xox

Try this Dream Interpretation tarot reading below - free online tarot reading

Backyard Banshee Tarot Deck Back Card
The Strength card

Custom illustration

Backyard Banshee Tarot Deck Back Card
Temperance card

Custom illustration

Backyard Banshee Tarot Deck Back Card
The Wheel of Fortune card

Custom illustration

Backyard Banshee Tarot Deck Back Card
The World card

Custom illustration

Shuffle the cards

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