egyptian god Anubis standing

Signs Anubis Is Reaching Out And Calling You

Last Updated: March 8, 2024

We have a deep love for the Egyptians at, especially when it comes to their deities and their reverence for death. But why was death so important, and who really was in charge with it all? And what if you’ve been seeing certain symbols, like a stray dog running by with a bone, or a feeling of a quiet guardian in your space, and feel that maybe this is the God of death, secrets, justice and mummification… Anubis?

Let’s discuss the signs Anubis is reaching out to you, and how to connect with him if you wish to do so.

Table of Contents

Who is Anubis?

In Egyptian mythology, Anubis, also known as Inpu/Anpu, was one of the most important deities. He was often depicted as a black jackal-headed man or entirely in the form of a black jackal. His role was to guide souls to the afterlife and oversee the process of mummification. His role may have stemmed from the fact that jackals were often seen near cemeteries, scavenging on corpses. This led to their association with death and afterlife.

Anubis was also the protector of tombs, cemeteries, and embalming. He was considered a just and fair deity, protective of those he cared for, with a strong sense of justice and order.

His role as Lord of the Dead predated Osiris, and when Osiris worship developed further, Anubis was often seen as his helper and protege. Necropolis priests (Heqa-netjer-Inpu) wore masks of Anubis during mummification rituals, and he was also associated with the weighing of the heart ceremony in the underworld.

According to the Book of the Dead, The Weighing of the Heart ceremony was when a deceased soul (aka Sah, the spiritual body) met with Anubis, taken to a site in the Duat where he would weigh the Sah’s heart (Ib) against the feather of truth from Ma’at on the scales of justice. Thoth would write down the outcome, and if it was favourable then your Sah would be allowed to enter the afterlife. If it wasn’t looking good for you, your Ib would be fed to Ammut, the crocodile-lion-hippopotamus deity known as Devourer of the Dead.

The Ancient Egyptians had a deep love for the afterlife and truly believed everything in this plane of existence was to prepare us for our next existence, so to speak. This belief system was layered and complex, with many deities playing vital roles in the journey through the afterlife. But Anubis’s role as silent companion, guide and the deity to perform the role of the weighing of your heart showcases his quiet compassion and yet his devoted attention to the importance of the sacred realms and rituals. This is one of the reasons he is such an important player in the Egyptian pantheon.

Anubis Origins

There aren’t many stories as to Anubis’s origins – in short, he’s very old. He has a fair amount to do with aiding Isis collect body pieces of Osiris, Anubis making Osiris the very first mummified person, but where does he actually come from? This is something only he can confirm himself.

While some aspects of Anubis’s origins are directly supported by ancient texts like the Pyramid Texts, others involve interpretations, syncretism, and regional variations in Egyptian mythology. The fluid nature of oral storytelling allows for these multiple perspectives and adaptations over centuries. Here’s a selection of origins, and a space for you to see more of his aspects.

  • Anubis (Anpu) was the spawn of Ra and Hesat (early Hathor as a physical white cow manifestation that was worshipped), according to the oldest texts The Pyramid Texts (25th Century).
  • He was potentially combined with Duamutef and the other three sons of Horus – Anubis beats Seth into submission when, disguised as a leopard, he tried to harm Osiris again when Anubis was keeping vigil (the leopard spots are burn marks from Anubis) and this is another tale of the sons of Horus, as well as why Anubis asks of his priests to wear leopard prints.
  • Mostly known as the son of Nepthys and Osiris from Plutarch, where Nepthys had tricked Osiris into believing she was her twin sister (his consort Isis), and Seth being furious discovering his partner had laid with someone else – his own brother, who he was already jealous of and loathed, led to Seth’s rampage against his brother in a Late Period text eventually murdering him. Nepthys, scared for confirmation of her adultery and Seth’s discovery of her new pregnancy, led to Anubis being abandoned by his birth mother, who was discovered and then fostered by Isis, Nepthys’s sister. Isis and Anubis developed a special relationship, and it was through Anubis’s help she was able to restore Osiris’s khet and sah.
  • Hermanubis (Hermes and Anubis combined), role combined with that of Charon and St Christopher, who was also down as a cynocephali person. He engaged in the investigation of truth and guided souls of the dead. Plutarch had associated this placement as a epithet of Anubis in his psychopomp role, however Porphyry of Tyre has Hermanubis as half-greek, as through all the partying and cult celebrations, it’s as likely that Hermanubis came to be just like Cleopatra did in later generations. Something of note is that cynocephali people were also known to be found mostly in the Berber region of modern day Libya. The Berbers were the earliest recorded inhabitants of Cyrenaica, and the Berbers had other famous animalistic folks also associated with the Greek stories – the Gorgons.
  • He was descended from Wepwawet who shared a cult center with Anubis in Lycopolis in Asyut. Wepwawet was called “Ra” in the pyramid texts, and as the “opener of the ways” it is liked that he “opened up the sky”. Wepwawet was born of Wadjet, a snake goddess, which is a likeness for Nepthys/Isis and Anubis, all having similar animalistic associations, and in some versions Wadjet was the nurse to Horus when Isis and Horus were in hiding – therefore Anubis would have had a relationship with her in some capacity too.

egyptian god Anubis

Anubis Epithets and Other Names For Anubis

Anubis name is meaning “to putrify” “to decay”

  • Anpu, Inpw, Inpu, Bel Anapa, Baal Anubis, Anupum
  • “Grave guardian”
  • “Master of scales”
  • “Lord of Rokkeret”
  • “Opener of the ways”
  • “He on his mountain”
  • “First of the Westerners”
  • Tepy-Dju-ef, “Guardian and Protector”.
  • Khenty-Amentiu, “Lord of the Dead”.
  • Neb-Ta-Djeser, “Lord of Sacred Land”
  • Hery-Sesheta, “Master of Secrets”.

Anubis Correspondences

This list is not conclusive and if you find yourself with a personal interpretation then I would go with that, as it’ll be the most potent for your practice, but here’s a non-exhaustive list of correspondences for Anpu:

  • gemstones (black jet, onyx, obsidian, hematite, smokey quartz, moonstone, labradorite, malachite)
  • keys, puzzles, bandages, bones, weighing scales, Roosters (white and saffron/sienna), leopards, jackals, canines, the desert and rocky hills or mountains
  • black roses, blue lotus, clove cigarettes, lillies, vanilla, frankincense, myrrh, salt, cinnamon, blackberries, black coffee

The colour black is associated with Anubis due to the death and decay elements, but also a protective force. The colour white is usually associated with purity in Western cultures, but not in ancient Egypt. White was for the colours of the afterlife and death due to how dry and barren the desert landscape can be. This is why you’ll also see Anubis sometimes wearing white or in his leopard skins.

Anubis Astrology & Anubis Asteroid

In Egyptian Astrology, certain deities rule over certain time periods – and Anubis is one of them. If you are born between May 8–27 and June 29 – July 13, then you are considered hard-working, creative and curious. During these dates you may find yourself with lots of periods of introspection, and maybe seek solitude as a way to seek your passions. You get along best with folks under Bastet and Isis in Egyptian Astrology, and you naturally suit colors like sienna or purple.

Whilst you have a ton of compassion, your profound personality may make you feel fatalistic towards humanity at times, and this is what feeds you needing a break. Getting to the top of mountains, figuratively and literally, may give you the vantage point and clarity you personally need and desire.

In terms of Asteroid Astrology, Anubis 1912 is slightly multifaceted according to our astrology community. Not only does he show our relationship with death (such as how we manage grief, how we accompany others on their grief journeys, what a soul journey hints at for us in comparison to certain aspects like Neptune, Our Moon, 8th House, 12th House, etc) it also shows us how we work with chaos and dark energy, and especially alongside the search for truth, fairness and what is just in our lives.

If you have Anubis retrograde in your natal chart, or in a current transit, there may be a feeling of internalised frustration. Anubis never sets out to be “the greatest” or “the most favoured” – he literally wants to ensure the work is done well, and thoroughly. An internalised version of this can take you to martyrdom and to having explosive outbursts that are out of your character; but you’ll be prepared for the takedown here, and whilst you may “win” due to diligence, do you really win if you’re losing your composure?

anubis on mountain

Death and Dreams; Subconscious Symbolism Of Anubis He May Send You

If you see Anubis in your dreams, he may be sending you a message that you need to face your fears, especially around themes of death and grief and your soul’s journey, and confront them head on. He is there to guide you through the process of transformation and change, urging you to let go of old habits and embrace new opportunities.

Anubis also represents the balance between life and death, light and darkness, which is important to keep in mind as you navigate through any major life changes. He reminds us that there is always a natural cycle of things, and death is a necessary part of it.

His association with the underworld and guide of souls also suggests that he may be bringing messages from your subconscious. Pay attention to any symbols or themes that appear in your dreams when Anubis makes an appearance, as they may hold deeper meanings and insights into your inner psyche. Trust in his guidance and allow him to lead you towards your own personal transformation. So, it is important to not brush off dreams or symbols related to Anubis, but instead pay attention and reflect on their meanings.

Some symbols may be:

  • deserts
  • walking down or away from a mountain towards an uncertain journey end
  • jackal heads or half-jackal, half-human figures
  • mummification tools, bandage-type materials, and jars of salts and incense
  • the color black or gold
  • scales of justice
  • ancient Egyptian temples or ruins
  • a funeral procession
  • guides and ancestors lining up “waiting”
  • purification rituals
  • cemetaries or graveyards

Events & Synchronicities Pointing To Signs Anubis is Calling You

Experiencing events and synchronicities that may suggest Anubis’s presence or calling in real life can vary greatly depending on your individual beliefs, your culture and your interpretations. However, here are some examples of events and synchronicities that might help you perceive as signs of Anubis’s presence:

  1. Encountering jackal or dog-like creatures: In Egyptian mythology, Anubis is often depicted as a jackal-headed or dog-headed deity. Seeing jackals, dogs, wolves or dog-like creatures in unusual or meaningful contexts may be interpreted as a sign of Anubis’s presence or influence. This would be especially of note if it’s unlikely for you to have jackals in the area.
  2. Dreams and visions: Dreams or visions featuring Anubis or symbols associated with him, such as jackals, funerary objects, or ancient Egyptian imagery, may be perceived as direct communications from Anubis. These dreams may feel particularly vivid or impactful, leaving a lasting impression on you.
  3. Visiting places associated with death or the afterlife: Anubis is closely associated with death, the afterlife, and funerary practices in Egyptian mythology. Visiting places such as cemeteries, funeral homes, or ancient Egyptian sites may evoke a sense of connection to Anubis and his realm.
  4. Encountering funerary symbolism: Coming across symbols associated with death and funerary practices, such as mummification tools, burial artifacts, or ancient Egyptian artwork depicting Anubis, may be interpreted as signs of Anubis’s presence.
  5. Feeling repeatedly drawn to Egyptian mythology or rituals, or it’s reoccurrence in your daily life: Individuals who feel a strong attraction or resonance with Egyptian mythology, rituals, or symbols, particularly those associated with death and the afterlife, may be this a sign of Anubis’s calling.
  6. Experiencing synchronicities related to death or transformation: Synchronicities, or meaningful coincidences, that seem to point toward themes of death, transformation, or spiritual growth may be seen as signs of Anubis’s presence. These synchronicities could manifest in various ways, such as encountering relevant literature, meeting people with shared interests, or experiencing personal transformations.
  7. Feeling a sense of guidance or protection during challenging times: Folks who repeatedly feel a sense of guidance, protection, or comfort during times of grief, loss, or personal transformation may attribute these feelings to Anubis’s presence. They may perceive Anubis as a guardian or guide helping them navigate through difficult experiences.

It’s important to note that interpretations of events and synchronicities as signs of Anubis’s presence are subjective and deeply personal. Different individuals may perceive and interpret these signs in unique ways based on their beliefs, experiences, and cultural backgrounds.

Feather Soft; Physical Signs Anubis Is Reaching Out To You

In addition to events and synchronicities, Anubis may also reach out to you through physical signs and tangible ways. These could manifest in various ways, such as:

  • Feathers: Feathers have long been associated with spirituality and divine messages. If you come across ostrich or black feathers while thinking about or encountering symbols associated with Anubis, it could be seen as a confirmation sign of his presence.
  • Animal encounters: Like feathers, animals can also be seen as messengers or guides from the spiritual realm. Seeing animals that are associated with Anubis, such as jackals, dogs, or other creatures with similar qualities, could be interpreted as a sign of his calling. If you just happen to be by a graveyard where an actual jackal grazes past your legs, it’s a big nod.
  • Leopard print flags: Leopards getting their spots were due to Anubis, so seeing a version of “Imiut fetish” in real life could be a nod towards you being on the right path in interpretation and of a physical encounter.
  • Physical sensations and emotions: As a deity closely linked to death, Anubis may evoke strong emotions or physical sensations when he is reaching out to you. You may feel a surge of energy, tingling in your body, or even a sense of calm and comfort during difficult times.
  • Sense of guidance: As an underworld deity and guide of souls, Anubis may also provide guidance through subtle feelings or intuitions. If you feel an inner sense of direction or purpose, especially during challenging times, it could be a sign of Anubis’s presence.
  • Sense of quietness: If you feel things suddenly go quiet around you, but not in a way that makes you feel vulnerable, it may be that Anubis is nearby and watching.
  • Sense of pressure: If you’ve ever felt a weighted blanket bring you moments of calm, you’ll understand the pressure I’m referring to. If you experience pressure around areas of your body that are usually tense, it could be a sign of Anubis’s presence. You may also feel a sense of weight on your chest or shoulders. This could be his way of showing that he is here, that he supports you and gives you strength.
  • Anubis return: All this imagery and you check your astrology to see where the Asteroid is, or the time periods covered by Anubis, and it may be the confirmation that he is there.

As with events and synchronicities, the interpretation of these physical signs is subjective and unique to each individual. It’s essential to pay attention to your own intuition and feelings when encountering these signs, as they may hold personal meaning for you. It’s generally important to keep an open mind and listen to your inner intuition when interpreting any signs as a diviner.

anubis reflecting

Calm and Collected; Traits Anubis Displays & Favours In His Devotees

Anubis, the ancient Egyptian god of the afterlife and guardian of souls, embodies a multifaceted essence that resonates with individuals seeking transformation and guidance. While interpretations of his preferences may vary, the following traits are commonly associated with Anubis:

  • Wisdom and Guidance: Anubis favors individuals who seek wisdom and guidance on their spiritual journey. His role as a guide of souls underscores the importance of seeking inner knowledge and understanding.
  • Resilience and Endurance: As a deity associated with death and rebirth, Anubis values resilience and endurance in the face of life’s trials. His Anubeion devotees often demonstrate a steadfast determination to overcome obstacles and embrace personal transformation, and you see this in the tales of their priesthoods.
  • Compassion and Empathy: Despite his association with death, Anubis embodies a compassionate and empathetic nature towards the souls under his care. He favors individuals who show compassion towards others and demonstrate empathy for the struggles of fellow beings.
  • Balance and Harmony: Anubis symbolizes the balance between life and death, light and darkness. His devotees strive to maintain inner balance and harmony, embracing both the light and shadow aspects of their nature.
  • Protection and Guidance: Anubis is a protector of souls and a guide through the afterlife. His devotees often feel his protective presence and guidance in times of uncertainty or transition, trusting in his wisdom to navigate through life’s challenges.
  • Connection to Ritual and Ceremony: Anubis is deeply intertwined with ancient Egyptian funerary rituals and ceremonies. His devotees may feel drawn to practices that honor the cycle of life and death, such as meditation, ritualistic offerings, or ancestral veneration.
  • Truth and Justice: He is also associated with the weighing of the heart ceremony, where he determines if a soul is worthy to enter the afterlife. Anubis favors individuals who seek truth and justice in their actions and strive to live with integrity and honesty.
  • Devotion to Personal Transformation: Anubis favors individuals who are dedicated to their own spiritual growth and evolution. His devotees embrace the transformative power of death and rebirth, seeking to shed old patterns and embrace new beginnings.

In terms of the type of Anubeion’s he generally works with, he is often associated with those who are undergoing significant personal transformations or seeking guidance on their spiritual journey. His presence may also be welcomed by individuals who are drawn to rituals and ceremonies that honor the cycle of life and death.

Personal experiences and interpretations of Anubis’s energy can vary, but it’s essential to approach him with reverence, sincerity, and a genuine desire for spiritual growth. Building a relationship with Anubis involves embracing the traits he values and engaging with themes of resilience, compassion, and personal transformation in a way that aligns with his essence. Remember, he is a steadfast guide on your journey, offering his wisdom and protection as you navigate the mysteries of life and death.

Anubis Offerings & Petition To Anubis

When calling in Anubis, after feeling sure that he is the entity you want to work with, remember that while he is a powerful and patient guide, Anubis has no qualms about reminding you of your own harsh truths. This can be good or bad; so also look into working with him through tarot cards for more specific readings for direct conversations or through visions, dreams and meditations.

When preparing an offering for Anubis, think about what appeals to his nature and preferences. Some offerings could include:

  • Incense (cedarwood, frankincense, myrrh)
  • Food (meat, bread, honey)
  • Alcohol (wine or beer)
  • Stones and crystals (jet, obsidian, hematite)

It was known that there were thousands upon thousands of mummified dogs left as offerings for Anubis but this is something you needn’t do now – you can simply utilise a plush, or create your own dog poppet stuffed with his correspondences, and use that as an offering instead. I imagine that hand stitched and hand wrapped would be a bonus.

Be sure to set up your offering in a dedicated space or altar for Anubis, along with any items or symbols that hold personal significance to you. Light candles, and meditate on your intentions while offering gratitude to Anubis for his guidance and protection. If you wanted to say a prayer to Anubis there are many listed in the sources below, as well as you could petition for his attention:

“Anubis, guardian of souls and guide through the mysteries of life and death,

I call upon you with reverence and sincerity.

Please hear my petition for (insert intention/goal).

May your wisdom and protection guide me on my journey towards personal transformation.

Thank you for your presence and blessings, Anubis.”

Always approach him with honest respect and an abundance of genuine gratitude.

Anubis is a complex deity who holds great power and significance in ancient Egyptian mythology. He represents the honest balance between life and death, light and darkness, and guides souls through transformation and change.



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