Signs Demeter Is Reaching Out And Calling You

Last Updated: September 10, 2023

Demeter is a mother goddess, associated with the fertility of the land including agriculture and harvesting crops, so this is the side of her we will be exploring today. Having never been married, her role as a mother is not challenged by the role of a wife, and therefore she can embody the ultimate mother figure, although that’s not to say she doesn’t ever have consorts.

This maternal archetype is highlighted extensively within Greek literature, especially in the Hymn to Demeter which tells of the abduction of her daughter, Persephone. In this Homeric poem, Demeter is also given responsibility for the changing of the seasons when her grief suspends all life from growing on Earth. 

Although Demeter can be seen as a loving mother in some circles, in other places she has been made out to be a controlling and vindictive mother. In most of her famous stories, she is involved in some sort of hunt – either for her daughter, or running for herself away from her brother Poseidon as a mare. I think it all depends on the version of the myths you find, and the relationship you might already have with the maternal archetype. If you’re interested in re-examining or developing it further, there are some signs you can look out for to figure out if Demeter wants to work with you.

Table of Contents

A Mother’s Queendom: Signs Demeter Is In Your Life

1. Maternal & Nurturing Relationships As A Focus.

This can present itself to people in many different ways, but in all ways your mother will be on your mind. Whether it’s reminiscing about the good times or questioning the bad, being suddenly engulfed in feelings and thoughts about the relationship you’ve had with your mother can be a sign that Demeter is around. You will also find yourself drawn to taking care of your other relationships in life, supporting other family, or wanting to be a source of comfort and guidance for your closest friends if Demeter is trying to work with you.

2. Interest in Agriculture

If you’re passionately interested in cultivating crops, raising livestock, or tending to gardens then Demeter is probably very close to you. Being suddenly drawn to the homesteading life is a clear indication that Demeter is sending a sign but you don’t have to drop everything you’re doing to start a farm. Just take it as a sign to pay closer attention to what Demeter might be trying to say. Usually it’s a message to slow down and appreciate what you have in the moment.

There are also a lot of lessons to learn in gardening that can teach you patience, understanding, and resilience, which are all things I associate with Demeter as a mother Goddess.

3. Craving Wheat or Corn

As a goddess associated with crops and fertility, she was worshipped by being given the first harvest of the seasons. There are alot of fruits and vegetables that are only available “in season” and if you find yourself with intense cravings for something that is newly in season, this is a sign that Demeter is wanting your attention, or perhaps an offering. I also find that she is around when I personally want bread or corn because those are two things I don’t typically eat or enjoy eating.

4. Having an Emotional Interest or Connection to her Mythos

Feeling inspired or connected to her mythology is another indication that Demeter is trying to work with you. If you’re not able to stop yourself from finding out as much as you can about the Goddess then you should take it as a clear sign she is with you. There are many times when I can see the story of Persephone from Persephone’s perspective, but the times that I find myself focusing on Demeter’s experience are the times I know she is around me.

5. Feeling Drawn To The Eleusinian Mysteries And Sacred Ritual Practice 

There were many secret religious and agricultural rituals of Eleusis which honored Demeter and Persephone. These rituals were constructed around the myth of Hades and his abduction of Persephone as well as the journey Demeter took to get her daughter back. Being drawn to learning about and performing rituals for Demeter is an indication that she is serious about her work with you and could mean that she wants you to be serious about it too.

persephone and demeter

A Cornucopia of Symbols: Symbols That Demeter Sends You

These are just a few ways that Demeter can present herself to someone who is just starting out on their own spiritual journey. Whether it is in modern media, or dream symbolism, or items that appear for you completely unexpectedly (or if you’ve specifically requested a sign from Demeter). Another way she can send signs is through symbols that are associated with her, which may also appear in every day places like logos or on menus, in song lyrics or junk sales. Below is a list with a brief description of some of her symbols.

  1. Wheat and Barley

Demeter is often depicted carrying sheaves of Wheat or Barley which represent the crops she resides over as Goddess of Agriculture and Fertility.

  1. Torch

This is a symbol that is associated with the search for Persephone and the changing of the seasons.

  1. Crown of Grain

Demeter can be seen depicted wearing a crown of grain, which highlights her importance of the crops she is responsible for.

  1. Harvesting Tools

The sickle, the plow, and other agricultural tools are all closely connected to Demeter’s roles and responsibilities.

  1. Cornucopia

This is also called the “horn of plenty” and represents an abundance of crops

Petition to Demeter

If you’re interested in working with Demeter but you aren’t receiving active signs that she is around, it’s okay to approach her with authentic interest. You can also try to petition her for some help if and when you need it, whether you have a working relationship with her or not. Here is an example of a petition written to Demeter regarding a custodial difference between separated partners:

“Hear me Demeter, Goddess of Agriculture and Fertility, Mother of Persephone.

I call on she who is referred to as Thesmorphoros and Kourotrophos, the law bringer and nurturer of children.

Resilient is the Goddess who scorched the earth until her daughter was found, and powerful is she who fought for her daughter’s right to be free.

If it so interests you to help in the case of my children’s custody, and if I have ever worshipped you proudly, poured libation in your name, or given sweet bread as an offering to you, listen to my call.

Assist me with the custody of my children by helping us find or reach an agreement that is best for everyone involved.

If the results of this case are in my favor, I will celebrate by teaching my kids how to start their own garden and dedicate it to you.”

Names Whispering To You: Demeter’s Epithets

When calling onto a deity, it’s important to understand their epithets. For example, if you need help with a custody battle, calling onto Demeter’s epithet, Lousia (meaning to wash), wouldn’t be as helpful as calling on her epithets that have to do with children and law.

Below is a list of some of Demeter’s epithets.

  1. Sito: This epithet means “grain” or “wheat” and emphasizes Demeter’s role as the goddess of agriculture and crops.
  1. Thesmophoros: Meaning “law-bringer” or “bearer of customs,” this epithet is associated with Demeter’s role in overseeing the Thesmophoria, a festival dedicated to her and Persephone.
  1. Eleusinia: This epithet relates to Demeter’s connection to the city of Eleusis, where the famous Eleusinian Mysteries were held in her honor.
  1. Kourotrophos: Meaning “nurturer of children,” this epithet emphasizes Demeter’s motherly and nurturing qualities.
  1. Thesmia: Derived from the term “thesmos,” meaning “law” or “custom,” this epithet refers to Demeter’s role in establishing agricultural customs and laws.
  1. Khloe: Translating to “green shoots” or “tender shoot,” this epithet signifies Demeter’s role in the growth and renewal of plants.
  1. Chtho’nia: May mean Goddess of the Earth, Protectress of the Fields.
  1. Lousia: Derived from the word “loutron,” meaning “washing,” this epithet is associated with the ritual purification that was part of the Eleusinian Mysteries.
  1. Anesidora: Meaning “she who sends up gifts from the Earth,” this epithet highlights Demeter’s role as a provider of blessings and abundance.
  1. Mater: While not a unique epithet to Demeter, “Mater” translates to “mother.” It emphasizes her motherly role and relationship with Persephone.
  1. Theriomorphos: This epithet means “with the form of a wild beast” and is associated with Demeter’s search for her daughter, during which she took on the appearance of a lioness.
  1. Melaina: Translating to “black” or “dark,” this epithet could refer to Demeter’s grief and sorrow during Persephone’s absence.

(For a full list of epithets and where to find them in literature, check out

Demeter is known to work with people who are devoted to their maternal instincts and passionate about nurturing life. The people who have the hardest time connecting to Demeter tend to be people with deep maternal wounds, however those are the people who benefit the most from her presence. If you’re feeling a connection to the Goddess Demeter and you’ve stumbled upon this article by mere coincidence or accident, take it as the ultimate sign that it’s time to start working with her. See for yourself everything she has to teach and show you about life.

Shadow Revealed; Who Demeter Really Is To Her People

In ancient Greece, Demeter held a revered place in the hearts and lives of the people. She was not just a goddess of agriculture but also a symbol of the cyclical nature of life and death. Her worship was deeply intertwined with the agricultural cycles and the changing of seasons, reflecting the Greeks’ strong connection to the land and the importance of a bountiful harvest.

One of the most significant aspects of Demeter’s worship was the Eleusinian Mysteries, a secret religious and agricultural ritual held annually in the city of Eleusis. These mysteries were dedicated to Demeter and her daughter Persephone and played a crucial role in ancient Greek religious life.

The Eleusinian Mysteries were a series of rites and ceremonies that were shrouded in secrecy. Initiates, who had undergone a period of preparation and purification, would gather in Eleusis to participate in these sacred rituals. The central theme of the mysteries revolved around the myth of Persephone’s abduction by Hades and Demeter’s relentless search for her.

The Eleusinian Mysteries were more than mere religious events; they were seen as a rite of passage and a profound spiritual experience. Initiates believed that participation in the mysteries ensured a blessed afterlife and a closer connection to the divine. The rituals included fasting, processions, and the consumption of a special drink, likely containing a hallucinogenic substance, which was believed to reveal hidden truths and provide enlightenment.

The Eleusinian Mysteries conveyed a profound message about the cycles of life, death, and rebirth. Demeter’s grief over her daughter’s abduction and her eventual reunion with Persephone symbolized the changing seasons, with Persephone representing the rebirth of life in spring and her descent into the underworld signifying the onset of winter.

These mysteries also highlighted Demeter’s role as a nurturing mother goddess. The rituals emphasized the importance of nurturing and sustaining life, both in the form of crops and the human spirit. This aspect of Demeter’s worship emphasized her caring and protective qualities, reinforcing the bond between the goddess and her worshippers.

The Eleusinian Mysteries continued for centuries and were considered one of the most important religious events in ancient Greece. Even today, the full details of these mysteries remain shrouded in mystery, as participants were sworn to secrecy.

Demeter’s worship in ancient Greece was not merely a matter of agricultural reverence but a profound spiritual connection to the cycles of life. The Eleusinian Mysteries were a testament to the enduring significance of Demeter as a mother goddess, and a symbol of life’s eternal renewal.

Additional Resources For Understanding Demeter

If you’re interested in delving deeper into the mythology and worship of Demeter, here are some books and resources that I recommend:

  • “Demeter and Persephone: Lessons from a Myth”: This book explores the Demeter and Persephone myth in-depth, providing historical context and examining its psychological and spiritual significance.
  • “The Homeric Hymn to Demeter: Translation, Commentary, and Interpretive Essays”: This collection offers a detailed analysis of the Homeric Hymn to Demeter, which is a central source for understanding Demeter’s mythology.
  • “The Goddesses and Gods of Old Europe: Myths and Cult Images”: While not solely focused on Demeter, this book provides insights into the broader context of ancient goddess worship, including aspects that relate to Demeter.
  • “Demeter’s Mysteries”: This book explores the Eleusinian Mysteries in-depth, shedding light on their history, rituals, and spiritual significance.
  • “The Gods of Olympus: A History”: This book provides a comprehensive overview of various Greek gods and goddesses, including Demeter, in the context of ancient Greek religion and culture.
  • Online Resources: Websites like and offer extensive information about Demeter, her myths, symbols, and epithets. These websites can be valuable for research and exploration.
  • Academic Journals: Consider looking for articles about Demeter in academic journals related to classical studies, mythology, and ancient history. JSTOR and academic libraries can be excellent sources for such articles.
  • Local Museums and Exhibits: If you have the opportunity, visit museums with Greek antiquities or special exhibits related to Greek mythology. These can provide a tangible connection to Demeter’s worship and artifacts from ancient Greece.

Approach your reading with an open and curious mind, and you’ll gain a deeper understanding of Demeter and her significance in Greek mythology and culture. Enjoy your exploration of the different fascets of this maternal Demeter aspect, and what it can mean for you and your practice.

signs demeter is calling you

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Written by Meta Mystic's Paige

Paige is a developing psychic medium and the owner of a small online business called MetaMystics. She currently offers spiritual guidance, tarot readings, lessons, and deity identifications. Her main deity guide is Apollon, and she works with Aphrodite, Ares, and Hekate. Paige prefers to just worship Artemis for now and believes they will be working together privately in the future, but for now, her focus is primarily on her work with Apollo. Together they are writing books and inspiring the world. And here are a few book recommendations she has given to learn about the deities she works with.

Could other Deities be trying to reach out too?⚡️

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